house life

Chapter 340 Line

The sky was getting brighter, and Shu Ling could already hear Xu Shaozhang's loud reading voice.

After she woke up and freshened up, she quickly cleaned up the things in the room and walked around the room again.

Xu Yu told her yesterday that there was a servant woman in each yard, but under normal circumstances, she would not let the servant woman enter the room to tidy up things.

After hearing what Xu Yu said, Shu Ling admired her very much and said, "You are so capable. Even if you have servants at home, you would rather do things by yourself."

Xu Yu said shyly: "My mother told me that once a person develops a habit of laziness, it will be difficult to change it in the future."

Shu Ling agreed with her mother-in-law's words. She smiled and said, "I don't have any servants in my family. Everything is done as a family."

Shu Ling saw Xu Yu's admiring eyes and immediately understood her misunderstanding.

She explained to Xu Yu: "My parents' parents are very capable, and our sisters don't have to do much work in our parents' family."

Xu Yu was very curious about Shu Ling's life in her natal family. People in the clan had told her in front of her earlier that Xu Shaozhang had married Shu Ling and that in the future he would have to supplement some of his family members.

Xu Yu naturally felt uncomfortable after hearing this, thinking that her brother had been greatly wronged in the marriage.

She told Mrs. Lu, "Mom and grandfather are gone. They all say that my brother's marriage is not good. Our family can break off the marriage for my brother!"

After hearing Xu Yu's words, Mrs. Lu reprimanded Xu Yu loudly: "You listen to people talking nonsense outside, don't you believe the eyes of our elders?"

Mrs. Lu refused to listen to Xu Yu's explanation and directly ordered Xu Yu to be locked up at home for half a year.

Whether Xu Yu cried or made trouble with her, she never showed any signs of weakness.

Lu and Xu Daoyuan explained: "Her ears are too soft, she believes everything others say.

If she continues like this, she will easily suffer a big loss when she gets married in the future.

If a family like the Shu family really wanted to use their daughter to get married, they would not get married to our family. "

Xu Daoyuan agreed with Lu's decision, but advised Lu to find a chance to talk to Xu Yu about these worldly principles.

Xu Yu was very angry at first, but after hearing what Lu said about what happened, she was still angry.

"Mom, they have never met my sister-in-law, and they don't know her character. Why would they say bad things about my sister-in-law's family in front of me?"

Mr. Lu smiled bitterly and said, "Of course, everyone has his own reasons.

Some of it is because our family didn't agree to meet their relatives, and some of it is because we are jealous of our family's good luck.

The Shu family is a good family, and our marriage was a matter of careful consideration.

Moreover, your brother is very satisfied with the beautiful girl of the Shu family. He has approved of her. You should not talk nonsense in front of your brother in the future or make him unhappy. "

When Xu Shaozhang knew that Xu Yu wanted to interfere with his marriage after hearing a few gossips from others, he sighed and said to Mrs. Lu, "Mom, Yu'er still needs to study and be sensible."

After Xu Yu knew that he was wrong, he took the initiative to talk to Xu Shaozhang.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it's my fault for misunderstanding other people's gossip.

I won't do the same wrong thing again.

My mother said that my sister-in-law is a wonderful person and I will get along well with her in the future. "

Xu Shaozhang believed Xu Yu's words and specially gave her two books, asking her to study hard. He would check her study progress at any time.

Xu Yu took the book with a face full of reluctance and asked curiously: "Brother, will you give books to my sister-in-law in the future?

Will she check the progress of her reading from time to time? "

"She doesn't need to. I heard from her fourth brother that when she was younger than you, she had already read the book in your hand." Xu Yu felt that the book in her hand was several taels heavier, and she grimaced. He said to Xu Shaozhang: "Brother, I won't embarrass you. I will read the book seriously."

Xu Yu said this and did this. She read very slowly, but at least she was reading seriously.

On the day that Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling got married, she saw a box full of books in Shu Ling's dowry, and she felt a little weak at the moment.

Xu Yu looked for an opportunity to ask Shu Ling: "Sister-in-law, have you read all the books in your dowry?"


Xu Yu felt relieved when she heard Shu Ling's answer, but then she heard Shu Ling continue: "I have read most of them, and a small part of them are new books that my fourth brother gave me.

I will spend some time reading slowly. If you have a book you want to read, I can also lend it to you for some time. "

Xu Yu shook her head vigorously, and Shu Ling looked at her nervously, worried that she would break her own little neck.

"No, I'm not asking my sister-in-law to borrow books to read. I'm busy with many things right now and don't have time to read."

Shu Ling saw the shadow of Shu Jing in her body, and she felt that Xu Yu was a little closer.

Shu Ling thought of Xu Yu's words, and a smile flashed between her eyebrows. Xu Shaozhang came in from the outside and saw the smile in her eyes, and he laughed too.

"Ling'er, what good things have you thought of?"

Shu Ling said Xu Yu's words, and Xu Shaozhang said with a smile: "She, I can only force her to read some books now."

"You are a good brother." Shu Ling looked at Xu Shaozhang with admiration.

The couple walked outside the yard. Xu Shaozhang pointed to a tree on the roadside, smiled and said to Shu Ling: "When I was young, I liked to climb this tree to read."

Shu Ling reached out and touched the rough tree body and asked curiously: "How old is it?"

Xu Shaozhang was stunned for a while, then thought carefully and replied: "It shouldn't be old, it just grows faster."

Shu Ling looked up at the young leaves on the tree and said to Xu Shaozhang: "I miss my ancestors of the old banyan tree."

Xu Shaozhang looked at her: "I will accompany you back to see the old banyan tree ancestors today.

I took three days' wedding leave. I'm going to a university tomorrow.

If there is anything you want, I can go shopping with you in a few days after the school is on holiday. "

Shu Ling looked at Xu Shaozhang and smiled: "I don't have anything I want now. When I have something I want in the future, I will tell you."

Shu Ling knew in her heart that Xu Shaozhang was the hope of the Xu family, and she must not be a hindrance.

They walked forward, and Xu Shaojie's brother and sister were waiting on the roadside. After Xu Shaozhang saw his brothers and sisters, he smiled and said to Shu Ling: "If I'm not at home, Yu'er can accompany you."

Shu Ling looked at him with a smile: "When you are not at home, I don't need anyone to accompany you. I have many books to read.

I still have some unfinished embroidery work. "

Shu Ling expressed that she didn't need anyone to accompany her, and when Xu Yu came over to hold her arm, she felt that it would be nice for Xu Yu to chat with her when he was free.

Xu Yu was very happy and said to Shu Ling: "Sister-in-law, I heard that the old banyan tree ancestors in your town are very effective.

Sister-in-law, can I go with you next time you go back to your parents’ home? "

"Okay, as long as your father and mother give you permission, I am willing to take you to meet the ancestors of the old banyan tree."

Xu Yu became happy and said to Xu Shaozhang very happily: "Brother, next time my sister-in-law returns to her parents' home, I want to accompany her. Can you help me say a good word to my parents?"

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