house life

Chapter 345 Can

The night when Xu Shaozhang was at home was a sweet and burdensome night for Shu Ling.

In the morning, she looked at the refreshed Xu Shaozhang and waved to him. After Xu Shaozhang came over, Shu Ling grabbed his hand and bit him directly.

Xu Shaozhang let her bite him in a good mood, and Shu Ling didn't use much force anyway.

Shu Ling let go of her mouth and saw that there was only a slight tooth mark on his hand, and she felt relieved.

Shu Ling looked up and saw the smile in Xu Shaozhang's eyes. She held her forehead with her hands: "You go to bed later than me. I don't think you got enough sleep. Why did you wake up so early?"

Xu Shaozhang smoothed Shu Ling's hair and asked, "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

"I won't sleep anymore." Shu Ling glared at him angrily.

When Xu Shaozhang was at home, if she got up too late, she thought that most of the people in the family would know what they did last night.

Shu Ling got up and went into the inner room. Xu Shaozhang made the bed and arranged the things in the room neatly.

Shu Ling came out of the inner room and saw the bed that had been made, and quickly asked: "Did you take care of the bed yourself?"

"Well, you said you don't really like having your bed made for you."

"It's not that I don't like others to do my work for me, I just feel that sometimes, I don't like people to come and go in my room at will."

Xu Shaozhang understood what Shu Ling meant, and he expressed the same idea.

The couple went to the yard of Xu Daoyuan and his wife, and saw Xu Daoyuan at the gate of the yard. Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling stopped to greet him.

Xu Daoyuan nodded towards Xu Shaozhang and his wife. He heard Mr. Lu say several times that he had good taste and that the eldest daughter-in-law was really prosperous. After she got married, Xu Yu was happy every day.

Xu Daoyuan had breakfast at home. Mrs. Lu's face was full of joy. Seeing that Shu Ling took good care of Xu Shaozhang's meal, she felt even more happy.

After breakfast, Xu Yu approached Shu Ling and muttered: "Sister-in-law, have you had enough breakfast?"

Shu Ling smiled and said, "I'm full. Are you only six percent full?"

Xu Yu sighed: "Sister-in-law, I was able to eat enough, but I saw that you were taking care of my elder brother, so I ate less good food."

Shu Ling looked at Xu Yu and had nothing to say. Xu Shaozhang glanced at Xu Yu and said to Xu Daoyuan and his wife, "Father, mother, I am preparing to take the big exam this time."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became serious. Shu Ling looked back and forth at the expressions on the faces of Xu Daoyuan and his wife. Xu Shaozhang only informed Shu Ling of the big news when Xu Shaozhang went out in the morning.

Just be happy with Shu Ling's reaction at that time.

Seeing that Shu Ling had no objection, Xu Shaozhang discussed his thoughts with Shu Ling in detail. He believed that he was married and he wanted to start a family and support his own small family.

Xu Daoyuan looked at Shu Ling and saw that there was no surprise on her face. He said to Mr. Lu, "Okay, if he wants to take the test, let's take it."

Mrs. Lu looked at Xu Shaozhang for a while and sighed: "Zhang'er, it's a good thing that you study hard, but you also have to take care of your own health."

Xu Shaozhang smiled and nodded: "Mom, my health is very good."

"Okay. I have already asked someone to buy an old hen, and I will cook it for you in a while to replenish your body."

Shu Ling lowered her head and quietly exchanged glances with Xu Yu. Xu Yu and Shu Ling whispered that Lu felt that the most lovable thing in the world was a long-lasting old hen.

Xu Daoyuan and Mr. Lu left Xu Shaozhang and his wife to talk, while Xu Shaojie and Xu Yu, brother and sister, hurried out of the room.

In the room, Xu Daoyuan suggested to Xu Shaozhang: "Since you are preparing for this big exam, you should not come back too diligently in the past few months."

Lu secretly glared at Xu Daoyuan. As a father-in-law, it was always inappropriate for him to say such things in front of his daughter-in-law.Xu Daoyuan glanced at Shu Ling at this time and felt that he had made a mistake.

He said to Shu Ling very lovingly: "From Zhang'er's family, if you want Zhang'er, you can also send meals to the school."

Shu Ling just smiled shyly: "I follow the arrangements of my father and mother."

She was curious about Xu Shaozhang's school environment, and she was very happy to have the opportunity to deliver food.

Xu Shaozhang said quickly: "Father, I will arrange the time to go home.

In the past two months, I don’t need to be too nervous about preparing homework. I will come back when the holidays come.

If the school does not grant a holiday, I will not go home like everyone else. "

Shu Ling remembered that when Shu Xianming was studying, he would never come home for several months.

Now what Xu Shaozhang meant was that they could go home more often.

Mrs. Lu thought that Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling were newly married, so she said to Xu Daoyuan: "Zhang'er is already married. Maybe this year and next year, we can have grandchildren.

Just let him arrange his own affairs. With the master watching from the side, he won't dare to go astray. "

Xu Shaozhang and Shu Ling left the yard of Xu Daoyuan and his wife, and Xu Shaozhang suggested that he accompany Shu Ling for a walk around the house.

Shu Ling saw that he was very interested and followed him with a smile and approval.

The couple walked forward to the corner, and Shu Ling quietly said to Xu Shaozhang, "Will I delay your study?"

"No. When we take exams, we also need a good body.

It will also be good for my body if I take a walk with you. "

On these matters, Shu Ling is convinced by scholars.

Shu Ling thought about Shu Xianming's study, and she talked to Xu Shaozhang.

After hearing this, Xu Shaozhang sighed and said: "I have heard people say before that the fourth brother is a very capable scholar.

When others study, the whole family supports them, and the fourth brother’s study can also support the family’s livelihood. "

Shu Ling sighed and told Xu Shaozhang about his family's situation: "My uncle's two brothers stopped studying early. After they earned money, they gave it directly to the public school.

My aunt is the rarest kind person I have ever met. She treats us nieces and nephews as her own children.

My fourth brother is the best at reading, and he is also the most considerate of his family.

Even though he had a hard life outside, he never said a word to his family.

He talks about happy things to his family. His biggest request for us sisters is that we must read and write, at least know and write some common words. "

Xu Shaozhang suddenly understood Shu Ling's feelings for his brothers. He said to Shu Ling: "I want to learn from my brothers and care more about my younger brothers and sisters in the future."

After Shu Ling looked at him several times, she suggested: "You can pay more attention to Brother Jie. He is a boy and he encounters puzzling things at this age.

To the person you treat as an older brother, you should enlighten him a lot. "

"You don't have to worry about Brother Jie. He seems to have a good temper at home, but not just anyone can bully him outside."

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