house life

Chapter 67

Shu Xianming took a chance and said to Shu Santie: "Father, Linger is very smart, can you go to the book shop and buy her a copybook?"

Shu Santie looked up at him: "You support Ling'er in reading and writing, don't you think she is doing useless work?"

"Father, reading and writing is never useless. No matter whether she can use it in the future, at least Ling'er will be a sensible person because she knows more."

Shu Santie looked at him: "She is the youngest, your mother and I will inevitably be more tolerant to her, since you are willing to support her in reading and writing, you should take care of her more."

"Father, now that you and mother are here, I don't need to take care of Linger. I am her elder brother, so I will study hard and naturally protect her."

Shu Xianming told Shu Santie that the copybooks Shu Ling wanted to use were different from the ones he usually used, and women must be more graceful and generous when writing.

Therefore, Shu Santie handed over the buying of copybooks to Shu Xianming: "Ming'er, please find a copybook for her. Linger can use it, and all your sisters can use it."

Shu Xianming took over the matter of buying copybooks, he said to Shu Santie: "Father, if you are not in a hurry, I will search carefully and buy a copybook suitable for my sisters."

"Don't worry." Shu Santie thought that Shu Ling, who likes to read, is really too young to practice writing first.

As for the law books that Shu Ling wanted to read, Shu Xianming quickly thought of a way: "Ling'er, bookstores generally don't sell law books, but our school has them. I'll find a way to copy a copy for you, okay?"

"Okay, I will copy two copies, one for Sister Yun and one for Liu Niuniu."

Shu Ling was overjoyed. When she and Yang Shi went to play under the old banyan tree, she told Zhu Yun the good news. After hearing this, she smiled and praised: "Linger, your brother treats you very well. Hou, don't urge your brother to ask for books."

"I don't rush, anyway, my brothers will always do what they promised me.

Two years ago, my third brother promised to make me a small bench, but I forgot about it myself. This time, my third brother gave me a nice little bench. "

Zhu Yun didn't have much interest in Shu Ling's new gift. In Shu Ling's heart, as long as her brothers and sisters gave her things, they were the best things.

"Sister Yun, do you want to see my little bench?"

Zhu Yun immediately shook his head and said: "I don't need it for a while, and when you have a chance in the future, you can show me your little bench again."

"Okay. I showed Liu Niuniu my little bench, and she was very envious."

Shu Ling completely forgot that Liu Niuniu said that her little bench was a bit weird, not round or square, as if it was randomly polished out of wood.

The old lady of the Liu family asked Yang in a low voice: "Your Linger really thinks that bench looks good?"

Yang said with a smile: "She likes the bench her third brother gave her very much, it is now placed under the eaves, and she has to sit on it for a while every day.

In fact, that bench has been seen for a long time, and it is also a very interesting thing. No wonder her third brother took great effort to bring it back and give it to her. "

"That's right, the third grandson of your family remembers Linger as a younger sister. No matter what he gave, the elders will feel that he has put his mind to it."

Shu Xianzhong thought about learning carpentry to make benches, but his father asked Father Lin to look at Shu Xianzhong. Father Lin was very sincere and said to Shu Ertie: "Your son is a bit clever, he can learn some other skills. .”

Shu Ertie said to his son: "This road is impassable. Your uncle said last time that you can read a lot. You should learn from your uncle."

The sons of Shu Xianzhong's uncle's family were not willing to learn how to be an accountant from him, and he was unwilling to teach others the experience he had accumulated through hard work for most of his life.

It just so happened that Shu Xianzhong was willing to learn from him, and said that in the future, if his uncle's family was interested in learning how to do accounting, he would definitely teach him everything he knew.

Uncle Mo's family is kind and kind, and he has a bit of face in front of the Dong family. After hearing what he said about taking apprentices and seeing Shu Xianzhong, the Dong family was naturally happy to add a free man to the shop.

After Shu Xianzhong entered the shop, he was clever, and he was willing to settle down to learn from Uncle Mo's family. The shop owner felt that the Shu family's children were really good-natured, and after a few months, they were willing to give him a monthly salary as an apprentice.

For Shu Xianzhong, it was a surprise, but for the Shu family, it was an encouragement, showing that Shu Xianzhong still has some talent in accounting.

After Shu Xian had money in his hands, he naturally remembered the wish he had made to his younger siblings.

Brother Shu Xianming wanted books, and sister Shu Can wanted novel embroidered books. These are things that can be achieved if you fight for them.

Only Shu Ling wanted a bench made by himself, which made Shu Xianzhong very embarrassed and had to ask his uncle for help.

After hearing this, Uncle Mo said with a smile: "There are sculptors on the street. They will go up the mountain to pick up some tree roots and bring them back. Some unused ones will be piled up at the door. You can go and have a look and buy a tree root that is suitable for sitting on." .”

So Shu Xianzhong went to the carving shop, and went to see the craftsman at work every day. Originally, the craftsman was somewhat wary of him, but later I heard that he wanted to find a suitable bench for his little cousin.

The craftsman was happy after hearing this, and pointed to a pile of tree roots outside the door: "Do you think the tree roots on the left can be used as a bench?"

Shu Xianzhong took a special look at it, and thought it was okay to make a bench, so he stretched out his hands to move it, but the tree roots still couldn't be moved even though he was sweating.

He turned to the craftsman and said, "My little sister has nothing to do with it."

The craftsman looked at him with some distaste: "You are at an age where you can gain strength, and you need to eat a few more bowls of rice every day.

Take another look at the tree root in the middle on the right. If you can move it, you can buy it for a penny or two, and it can be used as a bench if you polish it carefully. "

Shu Xianzhong moved the relatively small tree root in the middle on the right. When he tried to move it, the tree root was lifted up by him.

He immediately became happy, and said to the craftsman: "I want this, how much is it, I will give it to you."

"For your uncle's sake, just give me two coins. Don't talk about the price outside."

Shu Xianzhong nodded repeatedly, and after giving two coins to the craftsman, he thought about it and asked the craftsman, "Should I ask the carpenter to make the roots of the tree square?"

The craftsman patted him on the shoulder casually: "If you do such a thing, I will return the money to you, and you can go directly to the carpenter's shop next door to buy a bench for your little sister."

"Master, if I polish the tree roots so smooth, it won't look like a bench?"

"Being able to sit is a bench."

As a result, Shu Ling received a special bench. Shu Ling liked it very much, and happily said to Shu Xianzhong: "Third brother, I like it so much. I just like this special bench. It is something that no one else has. Only I have it alone."

On this day, Shu Xianfang and his wife went to Wang's house, and the other brothers of Shu's family went out together. Zhu Yun finally came to Shu's house to see Shu Ling's bench.

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