house life

Chapter 72

Chapter 72
Wang Zhi took the opportunity to whisper to Shu Xianfang: "We've all heard a thing or two about this girl Zhu Yun.

Other families will vaguely prevent the girls in the family from interacting with her more. Our parents seem to have never objected to Linger's association with her. "

"It's not that I didn't worry about it. When the old grandmother of the Zhu family was here, our family didn't like Linger and the girl of the Zhu family to hang out more.

After the old grandmother of the Zhu family passed away, the girls of the Zhu family acted more prudently.

My grandmother said that there was no one in the Zhu family who had really evil intentions. Since the two girls have friendly exchanges, the grown-ups should not worry about it. "

Shu Xianfang is now liking Wang Zhi more and more. He used to get married with Lin's parents and daughters, and he always felt that there was a thick film between them when getting along with Lin's parents and daughters.

At that time, he was young and thought that this was a normal way of getting along with men and women. After a long time in the future, he might not feel this way.

Until he saw the way Lin's parents and daughter were talking together with that man, he suddenly understood that this was the difference between sentient and ruthless.

After he divorced the Lin family, everyone thought he would be sad, but in fact he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He hoped to get along comfortably with the people around him instead of being polite to each other.

When his family arranged for him to see Wang Zhi, he made a decision. If Wang Zhi and Lin's parents were the same kind of people and tried to offend others, he would not repeat the same mistakes.

But Wang Zhi's generosity and tact, especially when she spoke, always had a three-point smile, which also made Shu Xianfang have a three-point affection for Wang Zhi.

People really have to go through some things before they know what kind of partner they need.

After Shu Xianfang married Wang Zhi, as he got to know her better, he felt more and more lucky that he could live with such a kind and sensible woman for the rest of his life.

He was very frank with Wang Zhi. He said that because of Shu Ling's young age, the family loved her a lot, but they would not indulge her in many ways.

Now that Wang Zhi has integrated into the life of the Shu family, she has some feelings: "The elders in the family are very good at teaching children, and Ling'er is the most loved by the family, and she is not a petty person."

Shu Xianfang laughed when he heard her words: "Her personality is a bit like my third uncle, she is generous and responsible in her dealings with others."

Wang Zhi had been told by his family members that he must get along well with Shu Ling in addition to being filial to the elders while living in the Shu family.

She originally thought that Shu Ling was more self-willed at home, but she turned out to be equally considerate at home, and it really was her nature.

Compared with Wang Zhi's happy life, the lives of Lin's parents and daughters are miserable.

She thought that she would marry the right person and live a happy life from then on, but when they got engaged, the two families got involved in some miscellaneous matters.

The two finally got married, and the elders who treated her kindly in the past have become much more disciplined, and the man is not as considerate as before.The sisters-in-law always showed some disdain for her inside and outside the words.

She was not in a good mood, and when she stepped out of the yard, she had to put on a happy smile, face her mother's concerned eyes, and smiled and said to her: "Mother, you and father want brothers and sisters Do more things, you guys rest for a while."

Since Lin Niang's daughter got married, the burden in her heart has been put down at once, thinking that her daughter will marry into a neighbor's house, so naturally she can go back to her mother's house to help with some housework in her free time.

As a result, the daughter only entered the house on the day when she returned home. After that, she never took the initiative to enter the door of her mother's house.

Lin Niang wanted to have a private conversation with her eldest daughter, but was warned privately by Lin's father: "If you want the eldest girl to be dismissed and go home, you can just go to the eldest daughter and talk about some family affairs.

If the big girl is married, don't our family need to live?

If you really don't want to do things at home, I'll hire someone from outside to do it. "

Naturally, Lin Niang would not let a man invite someone to help at home. When she was busy, she hoped that her eldest daughter would see her hard work and come back to help with housework.

She looked forward to it for a long time, and finally understood that the eldest daughter was married, and it was different from before.

Lin's parents wanted to go back to her mother's house to help with some things, but her man reminded: "If you don't want to be busy at home from morning to night, then don't enter your mother's house at will."

The parents of the Lin family naturally didn't dare to think about it. Even when she saw the tired look on her mother's face, she said distressedly: "Mother, there are too many things to do at home. Don't rush to do them all at once."

Seeing that she did not take care of her mother's family so much, Lin's parents and her husband's family felt relieved.

The sisters-in-law said bitterly in private: "I thought that she, a filial daughter, could postpone the marriage for the sake of her parents, but now that she is married, her heart will be at her mother's house.

It turns out that after she gets married, she is no different from us, she has to take care of her own man as well. "

Both the Shu family and the Lin family believed that the two families had nothing to do with each other anymore, and it would be best if no one paid any attention to the living conditions of their two families.

It's just that Father Lin took over a job very quickly. According to the guest's introduction, the Shu family told them in front of them a few years ago that Father Lin's work was meticulous and practical.

The guest didn't know about the changes in Lin Shu's family, so he asked Father Lin very curiously: "Has your eldest daughter been married to the Shu family for several years? How many grandchildren do you have now?"

Father Lin had a shameful expression on his face: "Our two families have already divorced, and the two children are married, and they are living a good life now."

The guest said with a bit of embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I haven't been at home for a few years, and now I'm back. I wanted to buy something for the house, so I didn't ask for more information, and said inappropriate things in front of you."

Father Lin knew vaguely in his heart that he would never receive business from the Shu family again.

The guest had some kind of friendship with Shu Santie, after he came back, he met Shu Santie soon, and the two were happy to meet again.

Shu Santie said to him: "Brother Qiao, you're back this time, won't you go out again in the future?"

"No more. Uncle San Tie, my family has arranged a marriage for me. I will come back to get married this time, and I won't run around again in the future.

Uncle San Tie, let me tell you something. I didn't know that your family divorced the Lin family. The family needed some things. I went to the Lin family to order two things. "

Shu Santie said very grandly: "Our two families have divorced, but Carpenter Lin's craftsmanship is not bad."

"I don't feel very comfortable in my heart. Thanks to the help of Uncle Santie, I didn't have any major incidents back then."

Shu Santie looked at him with a smile: "You fell down in front of me as a child, I just mentioned you in passing, you really don't have to remember it for so many years.

Every time your parents see me, they are also very polite. "

"Uncle San Tie, the carriage was about to drive in front of me at that time. If you hadn't mentioned me, I wouldn't have survived. My parents said it was a life-saving grace.

You always say that you don't take care of the little things that you do easily, but our family still has to think about you. "

(End of this chapter)

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