house life

Chapter 81

"Oh, your Xiaoqing is also a good person."

The old lady of the Liu family had to sigh, remembering that Shu Xiaoqing hadn't come back for several years.

"During the Chinese New Year this year, your Xiaoqing should go back to her mother's house, right?"

"My Da Tie told her that there are not so many taboos in our family. She believed in the customs of my uncle. During the Chinese New Year, she would not easily go to other people's houses, let alone return to her mother's house.

When her youngest son gets married, she will probably be able to return to her mother's house for two or three days.

After this daughter is married, she is like a paper kite placed too high in the sky. The string is too long and cannot be pulled back for a while.

Just pull it back, her heart is already in the sky, as long as she feels at ease, she can let her go. "

"You listen to Ling'er reading every day, and you have become a scholar. What paper kite or something.

To put it bluntly, your husband Xiaoqing's family respects rules, and she can't go back to her mother's house to live for a while because she can't help herself. "

"Yes, that's what it means, but if I say it so bluntly, you will misunderstand that I am not satisfied with her husband's family."

Brother Shu Datie would visit Shu Xiaoqing's family every year, and they would help out if there was any problem, but there was nothing wrong with them. During the four seasons of the year, their brothers Ji Ji would send some special gifts.

When Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu came back from Zhu's house, they happened to hear the two old ladies mentioning about Shu Xiaoqing.

"Grandmother, is Xiaoqing my aunt? Why haven't I seen her? Doesn't she miss her grandfather and grandmother?"

Shu Ling asked Yang Shi directly, and Liu Niuniu also looked at the old lady of the Liu family curiously.

Yang Shi was thinking about how to bring up Shu Xiaoqing's matter with Shu Ling, she frowned and said: "I can't leave my father and mother, at most I won't see my father for one day, two days, I will miss My father's."

Liu Niuniu lowered her head, she didn't think of her parents, she only thought of her grandmother.

Yang smiled and said, "Ling'er, a child like you can't call your aunt's name casually.

When you were very young, she came to see you at home.

Your little girl is already married, have you ever seen your mother go back to her mother's house every day? "

Shu Ling blushed as she thought about it, then she remembered Zhu Yun's words, smiled and said to the two women: "Sister Yun said that tomorrow you can get the paper film.

We'll check it out early tomorrow morning, and we'll see the paper soon.Hee hee, that's great. "

The Yang family exchanged glances with the old lady of the Liu family. There is no such simple thing in this world.

The next day, Shu Datie accompanied Shu Ling to Zhu's house. Shu Ling called Liu Niuniu naturally, and Mrs. Liu said with a smile: "Linger, Niuniu and her grandmother have gone down the mountain."

When Shu Ling was waiting for Liu Niuniu, Shu Datie had already walked in front. She heard Liu's response and replied with a smile: "Liu Auntie, tell Liu Niuniu that I will go to Xunyun to play first." went."

After listening to Shu Ling's words, Mrs. Liu shook his head and said to Mrs. Liu, "Tell Mother, don't go to other people's houses to play so early in the future."

Boss Liu responded casually. He heard Mrs. Liu talk about what the Zhu family was doing, but he was just worried that his woman was not strict with her mouth, so he didn't say anything to her.

When Shu Date and Shu Ling went, the backyard of the Zhu family was already busy, and some shouting voices could be heard: "Hurry up, move quickly, it's done."

Shu Ling saw Zhu Yun for the first time, and hurried over, seeing that she was watching the family members doing their work, she followed her silently.

Shu Date slowed down his pace, and saw Zhu Dashan and his son inserting a flat bamboo curtain into the pulp at a slight angle, scooping up a layer of pulp, and quickly filtered the water.

In the yard, there is already something that looks like a paper film to filter out water. Zhu Mingli is carefully peeling off the paper film and laying it flat on a flat wooden board.

Shu Date followed with a happy face, and congratulated Zhu Mingli in a low voice: "Mingli, it's done."

Zhu Mingli looked at him with red eyes: "I never thought that she could really do this."

After Shu Date looked around for a while, he also picked up the empty flat bamboo curtain and inserted it into the pulp at a slight angle. He naturally failed the first time, but he was very steady and succeeded the second time. up.

Zhu Dashan looked at him thoughtfully: "Your hand is steady, are you free today?"

"Uncle Dashan, I have time today. You just tell me to do things."

Out of curiosity, Shu Ling followed Shu Date to do things, she succeeded the first time, and looked at Zhu Yun very happily: "Sister Yun, it's not difficult."

Zhu Yun nodded, tears flashed in her eyes, it was too difficult for her, and half of the work was finally done.

Zhu Dashan and his son just turned to peel off the paper film at this moment, so uncle and nephew Shu Datie were busy taking shape.

When the old lady of the Liu family came with Liu Niuniu, the people in the backyard of the Zhu family were stacking the paper membranes one by one, pressing the wooden boards tightly, and placing heavy stones on top to press out the moisture contained in the paper membranes.

The old lady of the Liu family was overjoyed after seeing it: "This is the papermaking success, congratulations, girl Yun is really smart."

"Grandmother Liu, I haven't finished it yet. There are still two things to do."

In the morning of this day, the old lady of the Liu family took Liu Niuniu home early, but Shu Datie's uncle and nephew never came home.

Yang came here once, and when she saw the closed courtyard door of Zhu's house, she stopped knocking on the door.

She turned around and went home and said to Zhou Damei's sister-in-law: "Don't wait, the Zhu family will definitely have a meal for the two of them."

In the afternoon, the old lady of the Liu family said to Yang Shi with an excited expression on her face: "I really didn't expect it, it's really done."

"It's done, why don't my Datie and Ling'er go home?"

"Yun girl said, there are still two fine skills, Zhu Dashan kept ours, he said that Datie's hand is steady, he can help with things.

I thought that Liu Niuniu and I couldn't help, so I came back early.

I came to your house to wait for news, and I also want to take a look at the newly made paper. "

Yang's joy followed, if this happened, the two of them would also be happy.

She hurriedly greeted Zhou Damei: "Prepare some more gifts tomorrow morning and send them to Zhu's family to congratulate her."

Zhou Damei immediately became happy, looked at the old lady of the Liu family and said with a smile, "Auntie, has that been done?"

"Hahaha, when we came out, it was almost the same. I think it will be done."

In the evening, Shu Date and Shu Ling returned home with joy on their faces.

Seeing them coming back, the Shu family rushed forward to meet them: "It's done?"

Shu Datie smiled and took out two pieces of paper and handed them to the old man of the Shu family, and then said to his family with a smile: "It's done. It's really not easy. After more than half a year of hard work, it's finally done."

The old man of the Shu family touched the paper in his hand, and said excitedly: "Okay, good job, can you go to congratulate the Zhu family tomorrow."

"Father, what Uncle Dashan means, don't publicize this matter for the time being."

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