house life

Chapter 88

Zhou Damei and Gao Xiaorui looked at each other, Zhou Damei asked: "I heard that among their brothers, only the youngest is not married?"

Wang Po nodded. She knew that the Shu family would inquire about the Liu family's situation in private: "There is a gap in age between him and his brothers. All four of his brothers already have children."

Zhou Damei looked at Gao Xiaorui: "This marriage is good, there are more brothers in the family, and when something happens, they can help each other and support each other to live.

But there are four sisters-in-law, not all sisters-in-law are good tempered, if this happens, Can'er will have to live her life carefully after she gets married. "

Gao Xiaorui understood the meaning of Zhou Damei's words, so she specifically asked Wang Po: "Are the four sisters-in-law of the Liu family easy to get along with?"

"In these years, there has been no bad news about them outside."

Gao Xiaorui listened to Wang Po's words, looked at Zhou Damei, and saw her nodded silently.

So he smiled and said: "Our family is not in a hurry about this marriage. We will give an answer when their family comes again next time."

Wang Po knew that half of the matter had been completed, and the other half depended on whether the man and the woman were really destined.

Two days later, when the matchmaker from the Liu family came back, the members of the Shu family went to inform Wang Po, and it was more appropriate for the two of them to discuss some matters.

The two matchmakers met in a friendly manner, and quickly communicated with both sides about the schedule for the meeting.

Shu Can heard from Gao Xiaorui that she was asked to take a day off in the future, and she and Zhou Damei accompanied her to the city to go shopping, her face turned red all of a sudden.

Seeing her blushing face, Gao Xiaorui thought about it and told her about the situation of the Liu family.

"A very capable mother-in-law will naturally not like a cowardly and incompetent daughter-in-law. I'm not worried about your temperament.

The four sister-in-laws are all decided by the mother-in-law after seeing them.

Two days later, she will naturally show up to meet people.

When you meet the Liu family child, you should also talk a few words, and take a look at him to see if he is a good-tempered person. "

"Mother, I don't know how to judge people." Shu Can told Gao Xiaorui very frankly.

After thinking about it, Gao Xiaorui said, "Let me discuss with your father, should we bring Ling'er into the city?"

"Mother, Ling'er is young, and she doesn't know how to look at people."

"She doesn't know how to look at people, but she has never suffered a disadvantage when playing with people since she was a child."

"Mom, she is with Zhu Yun, are you really not worried that she will suffer?"

"What am I worried about? Worrying about her learning from Zhu Yun?"

At night, Gao Xiaorui and Shu Santie discussed this matter, Shu Santie frowned and said: "She is still an ignorant child, who can she see clearly?"

"I didn't want to take her to see people, I just wanted her to be more knowledgeable.

She is not as good as her sisters in embroidery, but she must be smarter than her sisters in dealing with people, right? "

"She is only a young person, you think too much about her.

All right, it's just a sight-seeing anyway, you tell Can'er, if she doesn't have a match, don't force yourself. "

"The Liu family is not a well-off family, so naturally I won't embarrass my daughter."

Shu Ling soon found out that she could go to the city, so she went down and asked Zhu Yun, "Sister Yun, I'm going to the city tomorrow, will you go to the city?"

Zhu Yun looked at her and smiled: "Who are you going to the city with?"

"My uncle, my mother, my second sister, and me, the four of us are going to the city. Hahaha."

Shu Ling is really happy to go to the city, as long as she goes to the city, her family will always buy her something delicious.

Zhu Yun suddenly understood: "Ling'er, I won't go to the city tomorrow. Even after you go to the city, you still have to follow the arrangements of your aunt and your mother. Don't make random demands on your own."

Shu Ling frowned: "I still want to go to the book shop, I have never been to a book shop in the city."

"If you want to have the next chance to enter the city, just listen to the arrangements of the adults."

"Well, I'm the most obedient child, so I naturally listen to the adults."

It's just that she didn't have the previous interest, and said to Zhu Yun: "It's so boring to go to the city like this. I follow the adults, and I don't know what good choices are there for the same color of fabrics. I need one shop after another. to see?"

Zhu Yun originally thought that when Shu Ling and Liu Niuniu grew up, they would at least know how to do business, but now hearing what Shu Ling said, she turned out to be impatient with business.

"The elders are people who know how to live, so naturally they need to calculate the price from one store to another.

Ling'er, when you grow up in the future, you will have to be so fussy so that you can have extra money in your hands. "

"Sister Yun, you are not such a fussy person. You tell the people in the town about the paper making."

Zhu Yun glanced at her: "It's not that I don't care about it, what I learned from books, after reading the books, as long as you put your heart into it, everyone will follow suit.

People in the same town, every family's life is better, and there will be a lot less gossip in our town. "

Seeing Shu Ling's admiring eyes, Zhu Yun thought to herself not to lead her into the ditch.

She explained in a low voice: "Linger, I am on good terms with you, let me tell you the truth.

If only my family can make paper, money will move people's hearts, and it will easily lead to disaster.Do you get me? "

"I understand, I have you and everyone, so there is no one to fight.

Just like my Fifth Sister, obviously my parents don't love me very much, but when my father touches my head, she will be jealous for a long time. "

Zhu Yun nodded, Shu Ling's explanation was also smooth, and she also heard from the elders about Shu Jing's true temperament.

After Zhu Yun told the papermaking method, the people in the town praised her for her generosity. After her uncle's family came to ask, Zhu Yun also told the papermaking process very frankly.

The Zhao family's aunt said to Zhao Yu, "Why is Yun girl a person who can't save money?"

"Her father told me that this kind of money cannot be saved, and Yun'er is a wise person."

"Uncle is also a generous person. Every household in your town is making paper. Is there anyone who has succeeded in making paper?"

"It will take some time to soak the rotten bamboo strips, and no one has heard of it so far.

Anyway, Yun'er explained everything clearly, and she also made it clear that such a thing needs to be tried a few more times. If it fails, it doesn't matter much. Next time, do it carefully. "

"Will they come to ask Yun girl to give advice?"

When Zhao's aunt inquired about the news, Zhao Yu said with a smile: "It's her first time doing it, and the men in the family will do it later, so she can't see anything."

Why did the Zhu family ask Zhu Yun to go to other people's houses to give advice, and their men have already done it by hand. If someone came to ask, they can help to take a look.

The Zhao family's aunt dismissed some thoughts. When Zhu Yun was weak, Zhao Yu mentioned the matter of getting closer. The Zhao family was naturally not happy.

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