
Chapter 101 The End of Eternity

"Why do you think the librarian left his wife alone in the basement?"

In addition to the possibility that she is an experimental product, it is more likely that she is kept here to kill everyone who wants to get involved in the equation.

"...So it's human beings who do all of this." What kind of shadow people are derivatives of "human beings".

The physical strength of the three people is almost at the limit, and the basement really doesn't look like there is an exit. They are locked together with a strange shadow and the so-called God's equation, and there seems to be only one way left for them .

Holding the candle, Zhang Zheng stood up a little out of righteous indignation: "Okay, let's burn it now."

Harmful things must not be kept.

Zhao Ying stared blankly at the characters on a wall: "Who do you think wrote these equations?"

This equation is so weird, who made it?Librarians are people who find it, not inventors.

Don't you think the person who wrote this equation is more terrifying?

And, the end of eternity.

This sentence that made one's hair stand on end looking at it, why did it appear here again?What exactly does this line represent, Zhao Ying is committing a common mistake among researchers at the moment, and wants to find out everything.

Gao Wenwu said solemnly: "If we have a chance to go out, maybe we have time to figure it out. But right now, we have no choice."

It doesn't matter who wrote it.Either die with this place, after all, they won't be able to hold on anymore.

While I still have some strength, let's just... burn it. (Destroy it all)

Zhang Zheng said: "Old Gao, I just realized now that you really have changed a bit in your bones..."

Normally he is silent, but when he opens his mouth, he wants to be completely wiped out.

Gao Wenwu unbuttoned the protective suit and took off the helmet with both hands.At that moment, breathing is sweet.

"Dr. Wei saw the fire outside, so he should understand that the matter is irreversible." Wei Yuan could only give up and wait for the return journey alone.

This kind of separation has become commonplace since the erosion of the last days.

Zhang Zheng felt strange, and looked at his hands: "We only have these few candles, it's a bit difficult to burn it, right?" Is it necessary to light some kindling.

Don't look back, the wall is not burning, the fire goes out first.

Zhao Ying glanced at Gao Wenwu. She actually understood why Gao Wenwu had to destroy this wall. In other words, everyone is not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will become like that...

The three of them looked at "Black Shadow" almost with fear.

Death is not the most feared thing in this world.

Sometimes choosing death is the fastest way to escape.

"Perhaps we can use clothes." Gao Wenwu said slowly.

After taking off their protective clothing, they all wore clothes, and cotton clothes are obviously very good combustion-supporting materials.Light the clothes first with a candle, and it will surely ignite a large enough fire.

At this time, Zhao Ying's eyes suddenly saw in the shadow... It seemed that a finger had been stretched out.

!! ?
Jiang Shan's whole body was completely wrapped in the black silk thread of the shadow, forming a "black sphere" in the middle of the room, and she could neither see her nor hear her voice.

But at this time!Inside the black ball, a human finger poked out tenaciously, pointing straight in one direction.

"Ashan!?" Zhao Ying lost her voice.

Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu, who were thinking about how to burn the wall, were shocked.

Turning their heads, they also saw the finger.

Those thin fingers were obviously Jiang Shan's, and they swayed up and down as if to show his identity.

Zhang Zheng: "...!"

Gao Wenwu: "...?"

Zhao Ying followed the direction of Jiang Shan's finger, and there was only - the ocean ball when they fell.

From doubt, to as if awakened.

"No, if they lived in this basement for so long and transported so many ocean balls, there must be places like vents and transport passages."

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Before they subconsciously thought that the vent must be connected to the library above, but what if it needs to be transported?
Zhao Ying rushed over immediately, she reached out and grabbed a handful of ocean balls, and carefully looked at the markings on them.

A letter T is engraved on the sphere of each ocean ball.

This is the letter logo of Sundog, the largest toy production company in Beijing and Hong Kong, and these ocean balls look very new, and the production date should be this year.The vent may be small, but there must be a real channel to transport large pieces of ocean balls.

Zhao Ying thought of something and turned around suddenly: "We haven't searched all the places, at least we haven't searched under this ocean ball."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Jiang Shan's fingers shaking up and down desperately.

They all thought that they had searched every inch of the corner, but this is called darkness under the lamp. No one thought that right under their noses, it was right where they fell.

The three of them looked at each other, then rushed straight up, and together they began to pull the ocean balls. Countless balls were dug out by them and rolled to the ground. Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng also took off their bloated helmets, breathing heavily and crazily picking up the balls .

I have never played ocean ball since I grew up, so this wave is really enough.

Suddenly Zhao Ying felt that there was wind on her face, and immediately, her hands couldn't help shaking.

"Dig, keep digging!"

The three people whose physical strength was at the limit broke out again, and the ocean balls were continuously poured into the basement. Originally thought that the ocean balls were only used to drop buffers, they dug deeper and deeper, and it was obvious that there was something inside.

At this time, the three of them almost felt the breeze coming from the bottom.

Zhang Zhengyou took a deep breath, without the heavy helmet, his five senses became much more sensitive, "Why do I seem to hear Old Wei's voice?"

The faces of the three people were covered with sweat, and Zhao Ying was in the mood to mock him now: "You won't have auditory hallucinations when you are about to die, right?"

Zhang Zheng said, "No, it's really Old Wei..." He put his ear down and listened.

"Don't play tricks, dig quickly."

Zhao Ying's hands are a little out of strength now, and the uncontrollable shaking is getting worse and worse, so she can only grit her teeth and continue.

They can feel that the bottom of the ocean ball is becoming empty, and even the remaining ocean balls are converging towards a central point.Everyone understands that this represents the key to digging to the end.

Suddenly, several people felt that the ground seemed to be shaking. They thought it was an illusion, but suddenly Zhao Ying's wrist joints shook violently, and she withdrew her hand instantly when it touched it.

"What's going on? An earthquake?" Zhang Zheng was confused.

They were already underground, why did the ground shake?

Suddenly, more violent vibrations came from under their hands. The waves became stronger and stronger, and only a thin layer of ocean balls were dug up and bounced high!
"Not good!" Gao Wenwu changed color and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

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