
104 Burial

Jiang Shan was lying on the ground, motionless, Zhao Ying rushed up: "Ashan!"

Jiang Shan's eyes were closed, and she didn't respond to the cry. Zhao Ying held her head up, tried her breath, and felt that her breathing was stable, so she let go of her hanging heart.

"Scared me to death..." Zhao Ying's tears were about to roll in her eyes.

Wei Yuan strenuously walked over with two branches, and looked down at Jiang Shan's situation. Being able to survive in such a situation, Jiang Shan had created the second miracle.

"You put Jiang Shan on my back, and I will carry her."

Zhao Ying was shocked: "Ah? This..."

Can Wei Yuan be able to memorize Jiang Shan?
It wasn't until she put Jiang Shan on Wei Yuan's back that Zhao Ying put away her skeptical eyes.

Jiang Shan's hands drooped in front of Wei Yuan's neck, but at least Zhao Ying was behind to support him, and the cooperation of the two would not let Jiang Shan fall down.

"Let's go out first." Wei Yuan walked towards the big pit with Jiang Shan on his back.

Zhao Ying followed closely behind, and only after helping Wei Yuan and Jiang Shan advance carefully into the tunnel, she jumped down.

There was a dark corridor in front of him, and the air was full of dust. Fortunately, Zhao Ying put on the helmet again, and Wei Yuan handed her the ultraviolet flashlight at the same time.

Wei Yuan walked slowly with Jiang Shan on his back, but at the moment safety is the first priority, Zhao Ying supported Jiang Shan and felt that Jiang Shan's body was so stretched and soft for the first time.

Most of the time they saw Jiang Shan was tense and vigilant like a night cat. At this time, she was unconscious and lying on Wei Yuan's back defenselessly. Now if she wanted to hurt her, it would be easy. .

But Zhao Ying didn't have a stronger desire to protect than now. She held one of Jiang Shan's hands and supported her back with the other.

The two walked for more than 20 minutes before feeling a refreshing wind in front of them. When they raised their heads, they could vaguely see the starry sky at the entrance of the cave.

Wei Yuan looked back at Zhao Ying and said, "You go up first, and then put Ah Shan up."

Zhao Ying understood, and immediately climbed up to the entrance of the cave with hands and feet, and turned around before she could catch her breath. Wei Yuan leaned against the cave wall, supporting Jiang Shan's arm with one hand, and Zhao Ying stretched out her hand, holding Jiang Shan tightly. good wrist.

"Zhao Ying! Old Wei!" Zhang Zheng's figure rushed over in a hurry.

Soon the two of them pulled Jiang Shan out together. Zhao Ying was both happy and surprised: "Why didn't you stay in the car? Help Gao Wenwu treat the wound?"

Zhang Zheng took off all the protective clothing, and felt that he had escaped, "Old Gao said he can handle it himself, so he drove me out to meet you."

Zhao Ying's eyes sparkled. For the first time, she felt that "teammate" was such a reassuring existence.

Zhang Zheng hurriedly lay down on the edge of the pit and reached out to grab Wei Yuan: "Old Wei, give me your hand!"

Wei Yuan had to work harder, he dropped the branch and could hardly stand still, his hands clinging tightly to the cave wall.

Seeing this, Zhang Zheng hung half of his body down, and then tightly grasped Wei Yuan's shoulders.Wei Yuan's body and clothes were covered with mud, and the clothes on his elbows and knees were even torn. You can probably understand how he got down the pit by himself just now, if you think about it a little.

After being dragged up, Wei Yuan lost his strength a bit, and he couldn't stand up again without support, and fell to the ground.

"I'll send this girl back first, and I'll push your wheelchair over right away, you wait." Zhang Zheng hugged Jiang Shan horizontally, turned around and rushed towards the car.

Zhao Ying had never seen Dr. Wei in such a mess before. She reached out to help him, but Wei Yuan said, "You should go back too. I'm fine."

Zhao Ying was stunned, the surroundings were pitch black, she left and let Wei Yuan lie on the ground alone?
"Zhang Zheng should be back soon..." Zhao Ying didn't know what to say.She could only use the flashlight to look around, Wei Yuan said: "We are still in the library, to be precise, in the expanded area."

It was only then that Zhao Ying was a little surprised to see that in front of and behind them, there were two semi-arc-shaped buildings, which seemed to "enclose" them, like the arched buildings of old Rome.

The entrance to the basement is actually behind the library. "After discovering the existence of the basement, that person should have done so consciously." When the expansion is used, the entrance of the basement cave is perfectly hidden.

Although Zhao Ying didn't know much about the layout of the building, the two semi-curved walls at the front and back seemed familiar to her.

"Cave Hotel?"

Zhao Ying shook her hand holding the flashlight.

This inexplicably looks like the aerial photo of the cave hotel you have seen?
"The time of the last expansion of the library is very close to the beginning of the erosion event..."

Zhao Ying's back was covered with dense sweat, all kinds of things, it's really frightening to think about it carefully.

Just when she was staring at the building in front of her in a daze, boom boom boom boom!Two loud bangs, thought it was thunder.

She turned around suddenly: "What sound?!"

Soon Zhao Ying discovered that the source of the sound was the big pit in front of her. Suddenly, there were huge explosions in the pit, followed by the violent roar of falling stones, which almost scared Zhao Ying.I saw countless dust rising from the hole...

Zhao Ying rushed to the edge of the pit, and saw that the inside was slowly covered with gravel.This tunnel was blocked in just a few seconds.

Hearing the last vibration, the ground under his feet seemed to tremble a few times.

Collapsed? ! "How could this be?" Zhao Ying couldn't believe it.

Wei Yuan was choked by the dust and coughed violently again: "Maybe, ahem, it might be a secondary detonation..."

What he took out was an old grenade that had been stored in the laboratory for many years. It was inherently dangerous, and it was normal for a second detonation to occur.It should be fortunate that they all withdrew from the passage, otherwise they would have been buried alive.

Zhao Ying always felt that all this was too coincidental. If the basement was buried, wouldn't the weird equation still disappear?

Zhang Zhengdu, who was pushing the wheelchair, heard the violent sound, and rushed towards him as if his butt was on fire.

It wasn't until seeing that Wei Yuan and Zhao Ying stayed where they were, that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened just now, is it over yet?"

Seeing the filled hole, Zhang Zheng didn't react at all. A broken hole doesn't matter if it lives or dies, and their survival is the business.

The two worked together to help Wei Yuan onto the wheelchair, and then fled quickly.

The car they drove was still parked where the main entrance of the library used to be. The doors were all open at this time. Gao Wenwu's legs and arms were bandaged with gauze, and he sat on the passenger seat and waited for them. After getting into the car, all Everyone has the sweat of the rest of their lives mixed with the expressions on their faces.

Jiang Shan lay quietly on the back seat, like a sleeping doll, and Zhao Ying carefully rested her head on her lap.

"Let's leave like this?" Gao Wenwu couldn't help looking at the dark library outside the car window, "Those two 'shadow men' inside..."

On the other side, Zhang Zheng sat down in the driver's seat, wiped the dust and sweat off his face, "Let them be locked up with this tomb!" While speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal and ran away. , Run away quickly.

The new copy will start connecting soon, thank you for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

As for adding more, because my state has always been relatively salty, I didn't make any rules for adding more, because I was afraid that I would not be able to reach it...including the votes, and I have always been random.

But recently, I feel that I should force myself to try it. I am really anxious and messed up, so I plan to copy an update rule from other authors on the premise of ensuring daily updates (emmm)

Tentative rules: One chapter will be added for every 10000 book coins, 5 chapters will be added for a single tip of 6 book coins, 10 chapters will be added for a single tip of 12 book coins (that is, one leader), and a single tip will be added If the leader is a multiple, the number of additions will be doubled according to the multiple. (Although I know that few readers will reward [-] book coins, and it is even less likely that there will be a leader, but write it first and then talk about it hhhhh)

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