
Chapter 112 The Expendables

The four flashlights lit up all at once, dispelling a bit of the surrounding darkness. Zhang Zheng held up the flashlight and felt the cold wind rushing through his teeth: "So we don't know what's here at all, let alone what we're looking for, just because here is that place. The 'Origin' indicated in this photo..."

Whether it is possible to find the real clues to the erosion of this world in this place of origin.Find the truth of everything.

They are the dead men of old, worse than that.

They should really change the name of the team and just call it The Expendables-Rush to the Death Squad, that's good.

Jiang Shan smelled a fishy smell, mixed with blood and carrion: "When the humans evacuated, did the fish here move?"

The largest aquarium in Beijing and Hong Kong, the slogan also says, brings together more than 500 kinds of rare fish in the world to create the largest ocean paradise.

No one answered her, and the answer was already obvious, when humans were running for their lives in panic, what did the lives of these fishes mean?

Inexplicably, Zhao Ying felt a bad feeling in her heart.

It was Wei Yuan who said, "Don't waste your time, everyone, start searching immediately."

No matter what time it is, Wei Yuan is always so calm, or in other words, unreasonable.

But such a reaction can, on the contrary, give people a sense of reassurance in such a depressing and cramped environment.

Gao Wenwu put the grenade directly into the chest pocket of the protective suit, and Jiang Shan blindly guessed that there was more than one lethal weapon in his pocket.

How dare you.And Lei side by side.

If the gun goes off, it's not just for fun... This protective suit shouldn't be able to stop the explosives.

"The ticket hall should be in front..." Zhao Ying took the lead and walked forward.

The others finally started to move forward, seeing their surroundings clearly by the light of the flashlight.At this time, the last ray of sunlight behind him disappeared, and he didn't need to look back to know that the "door" they entered had been blocked by seaweed again.

Zhang Zheng's Adam's apple rolled.

At this moment, Zhao Ying stepped on something, and there was a sound above her head: "Quack, quack, welcome to the Starry Sky Aquarium... la la la!"

Zhang Zheng looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on and bounced far away in an instant: "What, what sound!?"

Originally, his nerves were tense, but this sudden voice was like a magic sound that crushed Zhang Zheng's weak nerves.

Of course the others were also startled, especially Zhao Ying, who quickly shone the flashlight upwards.

There seemed to be some kind of device above, and a red dot on it was jumping and flickering. After watching it for a while, Zhao Ying's brain first reacted and said: "It should be the induction welcome device of the aquarium..."

It's just that I didn't expect that after so long, this device still has electricity to use? !

Could it be that the power system of the aquarium hasn't collapsed yet?No, the surroundings are pitch black, and it doesn't look like there is electricity at all. There is a high probability that this welcome device uses batteries.

"Welcome to the Starry Sky Aquarium! I wish you a happy day in the Aquarium!"

This is the electronic welcome speech that Zhao Ying has heard many times, but when people are in a state of shock, their memory is actually emptied.

Zhao Ying couldn't help saying something to Zhang Zheng: "Zhang Zheng, can you not be so timid?!"

It wasn't a big deal at first, but he almost had a heart attack after being frightened by his shouting.

Zhang Zheng's face was like gold paper, but he still said in his mouth: "Who do you say is timid? It's obviously because of this radio broadcast!"

Wei Yuan frowned: "Okay, keep going." Just now, he was startled when he entered the door, and how to search later.

Gao Wenwu said, "I'll follow at the end of the team."

He backed up, which would somewhat reassure others.

Just like in the library before, Gao Wenwu will always be the one in charge of protection.

Wei Yuan didn't object, Gao Wenwu turned around and stood at the end of the line.In front of him was Jiang Shan, and Zhang Zheng leaned beside Jiang Shan vaguely.

Five people, four flashlights.

Because Jiang Shan didn't hold anything in her hands, wearing protective clothing was already her limit, and taking any more things would be a burden.

Besides, her eyes are brighter than any flashlight.

Jiang Shan looked around, this aquarium is really big, it's just such a luxurious ticket hall, but the further you go in, the heavier the fishy smell will be.

This can be regarded as a punishment for the sharpness of the five senses, and Jiang Shan endured the smell of death more than others.

This smell of subconscious fear for any creature.

A sign reads:

Adult pass 580.

Children half price. (Note: The ticket price does not include the dolphin show)

Jiang Shan kept staring at the sign, his eyes were empty, and he seemed to be in a daze.

"Ashan," Zhao Ying asked cautiously, "Your complexion is not very good all the time, are you feeling unwell?"

Zhao Ying noticed that Jiang Shan had always had a sleepy expression.And it seems to be in a state of fugue.

Jiang Shan seemed to come back to her senses: "Ah? No... Yesterday's novel didn't end well, I thought it would be a happy ending." She sighed.

Zhao Ying: "..."

Zhang Zheng snorted.He knew how to think about this girl with a normal mind, otherwise you would lose.

Zhao Ying never expected that Jiang Shan's frown was because he was still thinking about the novel, and his face trembled, "The end, the end?"

Jiang Shan is also a little sad, she is a layman, she really likes reunion.Also, how can humans lose.It shouldn't be.

Zhao Ying didn't say anything, and she just acted as a guide. "The Starry Sky Aquarium is divided into five areas, from shallow sea fish to deep sea fish. The first area should be flounder and grouper."

At this time, the passageway was pitch-black, and there was really no one selling tickets.

Shallow sea fish are marine fish that mainly inhabit shallow water layers within 200m.It is also the best known.

Then start searching from this first area?I always feel at ease when I get in touch with the most familiar first.

Wei Yuan was about to speak, but Jiang Shan said, "Don't go there."

Wei Yuan looked at her slowly.

Zhang Zheng leaned over at this moment: "Does your novel tell you not to go there?"

Jiang Shan ignored him, her eyes were fixed on the passage, there was nothing there, only corpses, many corpses.

Looking at Jiang Shan's expression, Wei Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, and did not move for a while, while Gao Wenwu waited for Wei Yuan to speak.

Jiang Shan obviously does not have the ability to give orders, but Zhao Ying tentatively said: "All areas in the Oceanarium are connected, and the general tour route is from the first area to the fifth area directly, but if you want to bypass the visit, you can also go to the fifth area." Not impossible."

Wei Yuan turned the wheelchair slowly and said, "Let's go along the usual path. Our task is to search, so it's best to search as detailed as possible."

Shanshan, a fan of novels

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