
116 Order of Death

The five-member team began to move forward again. This time everyone felt that they were already carrying a mountain, and it was hard not to feel heavy.

As the only person holding a flashlight, Zhao Ying walked side by side with Wei Yuan at the front, and Gao Wenwu was still behind, only to hear Zhang Zheng said with trembling teeth: "Well, whether it is a psychological effect or something, I really It seems that there are fewer fish around us..."

But there is nothing to be happy about, because it means that Jiang Shan's bizarre statement may be true.

The dead fish can still follow them because of the light source. Once this explanation is established, it is much scarier than walking in the dark with their flashlights off.

Others didn't dare to really stare at the glass for a moment. This aquarium gave them a more depressing feeling than the barren hills and libraries before.

Jiang Shan kept staring at the passage ahead, she didn't tell the truth, or she didn't tell the whole thing.She told them to turn off the flashlight because of the darkness.

She wants darkness.

Jiang Shan closed her eyes for a few seconds, she was feeling the illusion and reality, if that thing was in her mind, then no matter whether she opened her eyes or not, it was the same.

In the absolute darkness, Jiang Shan's fingertips trembled slightly, his fish eyes turned sideways, and the smell of decaying grass.

The hard and cold glass was still under her feet, without that sticky feeling, but she had the feeling that she was walking inside the corpse of an animal.

This feeling is hard to describe, this aquarium is dead.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhao Ying said with some difficulty: "This is the junction...we have reached the second district."

It felt like they had passed such a long time, but they had only passed through the first district.It's just impossible to cheer up.

"Did anyone find any clues?" Wei Yuan asked as if it was a routine.

No one paid attention to him and found a hammer.

Zhao Ying bit the bullet and continued to explore the way forward. There was not much difference between the second area and the first area. They were still surrounded by endless fish corpses, but Zhao Ying still found something that frightened her: "Look at these glass , Does the erosion seem to have deepened?"

All the glass walls in the first district have basically not changed much, and the "black ash" is only limited to floating in the water.

As for the glass in the second area, it seems that a layer of "black ash" visible to the naked eye has been attached to the inner layer.

Especially when Wei Yuan's wheelchair ran over it, it made a crisp sound like ice cracks.

Hearing it made people's heart hang in their throats.

"If the glass under our feet is cracked, wouldn't we just fall and be drowned?" Zhang Zheng said again.There was no way his calf was really shaking.

Gao Wenwu said, "It's not like you can't swim, so what are you afraid of?"

Is this a matter of swimming? ?
Zhang Zheng's scalp is numb. There are so many carrion and fish corpses in the water, they really fell down, just imagining that scene will scare him to death, okay?

Jiang Shan couldn't help asking: "Can you all know how to swim?" She is a landlubber.

Zhao Ying glanced at Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng, "Well, the recruitment assessment in the office requires swimming skills, so we have all taken lessons."

Jiang Shan was surprised, "Your scientific research institute still requires people to be able to swim?" Has the recruitment been so busy these years?

After all, she has no diploma and only applied for a job as a dishwasher and a cleaner. She has never done it, and no one wants to do it.

Zhao Ying couldn't help smiling: "Because our research department often conducts underwater experiments, swimming is a compulsory skill for safety."

Seeing Jiang Shan's silence, Zhao Ying thought of something and quickly added: "Well, after all, it was the previous regulation, and it's not needed now, it's not needed anymore."

Doesn't this mean that Jiang Shan is not qualified to join their team.

Jiang Shan responded, "Oh..."

So everyone is really not afraid of water.But the surrounding seawater, full of corpses and erosion, is another matter.

Jiang Shan reacted, so in this team, apart from Wei Yuan, a disabled person, she was the only landlubber.

Isn't she the most dangerous?There is a speechless feeling of eating melons and eating my own head.

"If one day the glass, or the entire aquarium is eroded, what will happen to these fish?" Could it be that they would appear directly on the open road? The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Zhang Zheng said: "According to the law of erosion that Lao Wei said, organic matter precedes inorganic matter. Before the aquarium disappears, these fish have already disappeared."

The water is already full of black dust, and the erosion has long spread throughout the aquarium.

"Not necessarily," Gao Wenwu said slowly, "The older the one, the more it can slow down this erosion. The year the aquarium was built is far inferior to some ancient creatures in the ocean, right?"

For example, in the fifth district, there are so-called immortal "lighthouse jellyfish".

Zhang Zheng had nothing to say. He had only a half-knowledge of this knowledge, so it was normal that he couldn't keep up with the conversation.

"But apart from the reason of erosion," Jiang Shan's voice came, "organic organisms are easier to kill."

The fragile flesh of organic organisms is so easily pierced and rotted.It's like those little fish that have been eaten and have no bones left.

Her voice was soft, but it seemed to blow a chill in everyone's ears. Not all deaths are the end of life, and being strangled directly is often a more violent and cruel ending.

This point is more in line with Wei Yuan's order of death - organic matter precedes inorganic matter.

Zhang Zheng obviously lacked confidence and said: "You are a young girl, why are you talking about killing and dying, and your thoughts are so dark?"

Jiang Shan stopped talking, she was just telling the truth.

Wei Yuan in front always holds that photo in his hand, after all, it is the only clue: "Can anyone see where it is in this photo?"

The only clue is this, the so-called clever woman can't cook without rice.

Everyone has done a round of research before, and the only way to identify animals behind the glass wall is blocked by the exposure of the lens or some other reason.I thought that there would be new breakthroughs in the aquarium, but we haven't reached that point yet, and everyone has been hit hard.

Mentioning this Zhang Zheng is really a little irritable: "This person's photography skills are so bad, you can see a woolen thread."

In that broken photo, the only thing that can be seen is the glass wall, which is the same as those around them, but the most important thing that can be distinguished in which area is the marine life, but it is completely blocked by some strange phantoms.

No matter how many people turn on the electronic eyes, it is impossible to see it.

"No, his photography skills are very good." Wei Yuan squeezed the photo, and suddenly said slowly, "Those phantoms and fog are not the problem of taking pictures. It should be said that these are what he took."

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