
Chapter 119 Violent Kindness

Although the misunderstanding seemed to be resolved, everyone's faces were still lifeless, and there was no hope at all.

"Let me lead the way." Wei Yuan said suddenly. "Give me the flashlight."

For the time being, Wei Yuan's words could still be heard by several people. Zhao Ying froze for a moment, but still handed over the flashlight.

Holding a flashlight, Wei Yuan said to Jiang Shan, "Go to the left."

Jiang Shan understood what Wei Yuan meant, and the best way to speed up the search process is to speed up the search process while the situation is still under control.

Jiang Shan pushed Wei Yuan in big strides, taking three steps at a time. The wheels rolled on the glass floor and almost flew away.

Although Wei Yuan has never visited the aquarium, as long as it is the road he walked before, he can completely remember it.

Only Zhao Ying said in a trembling voice: "Number one, the third district is here."

The indicator numbers for the first three districts were above their heads, Jiang Shan also saw it, and she thought in her heart, it's very good, persistence means victory, and victory is just ahead.

Suddenly, a beam of light came out from behind, and Jiang Shan suddenly turned around, and it turned out that Zhang Zheng turned on the flashlight.

The light of the flashlight clearly found the ugly expression on his face: "It's too fucking dark, I can't take it anymore."

As the light increased, the fish corpses outside the surrounding glass walls visibly began to surround them with the naked eye.

Zhao Ying screamed: "Zhang Zheng, why are you crazy!?"

Zhang Zheng actually shone the flashlight directly on Zhao Ying's face: "Didn't you just say that I am a coward, I see who is a coward."

Zhao Ying trembled all over, her lips turned purple and said, "You..."

Gao Wenwu's voice came a little coldly: "Stop arguing to the side, don't delay our schedule."

Zhang Zheng shook the flashlight: "Who wants to argue with her, if she hadn't led us to the wrong path, how could we have turned back."

This is obviously picking things up.

But Zhang Zheng himself didn't seem to realize it and continued: "What's so scary about fish corpses? What can they do to us if they turn into corpses? I'm not even afraid of human corpses..."

Jiang Shan's hand holding Wei Yuan's wheelchair became tighter and tighter, and finally she couldn't help but said to Wei Yuan: "Hey, if you don't mind, I'll do it."

Wei Yuan: "...whatever you want."

Jiang Shan let go of Wei Yuan's wheelchair, turned around and walked back, she squeezed her fist expressionlessly as she walked.

Zhang Zheng raised the flashlight to shine on Jiang Shan, and his tone of beating continued: "What's the matter, what do you want?"

Jiang Shan had already reached him, raised his right hand, and punched him in the neck.The neck part of the protective clothing is soft, which is the most convenient for beating.

"Do you know what I want now?" Jiang Shan said gently, but another punch was not gentle. "I haven't learned how to control my strength yet."

Zhang Zheng uttered a strange cry at the first time, but he didn't even hum at the second time.

Jiang Shan snatched his flashlight and turned off the switch with a snap.

"Aren't you afraid of fish corpses? Are you afraid of fists? Who will turn on the flashlight for me again?" Jiang Shan deliberately glanced at Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying, "Just stay and eat boiled fish... corpses."

Wei Yuan said nothing, and the brows seemed to be slightly raised.

Jiang Shan also wanted to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys, to deter Gao Wenwu, who hadn't started acting as a monster, and Zhao Ying, who was relatively timid. After all, if she was asked to hit Zhao Ying, she really couldn't do it.Zhang Zheng had no choice but to feel wronged.

Zhang Zheng was beaten into a coma when he saw it. No matter how unconscious his mind was, the pain was always real.

Jiang Shan returned to Wei Yuan's side with Zhang Zheng's flashlight, and threw it directly on Wei Yuan's lap.Unexpectedly, when Jiang Shan got angry, the violence index was immediately full. If anyone is abnormal, the most abnormal one here is herself.Could she still be afraid.

"I'm glad you can do it." Wei Yuan said.

Violence is simply the best way to go when words don't work anymore.Wei Yuan couldn't do it himself, so he was very happy to see Jiang be good at using this method.

Jiang Shan teased. "I thought you loved your team members very much." Unexpectedly.

Wei Yuan said: "Take care of them and stop them."

Nip the hurt in the bud.

Jiang Shan looked at her with admiration... Doesn't this mean that he hit you because he loves you, beating is pain, scolding is love.devil.

In any case, Jiang Shan's fist did bring a lot of peace and peace, and the three people behind were all gagged, their breathing became quieter, and Zhao Ying almost walked away side by side with Zhang Zheng.

Gao Wenwu's eyes were gloomy, staring at Jiang Shan's back without moving.

Jiang Shan felt a line of sight behind her, and she remained calm. To be honest, both Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were easy to deal with, but Gao Wenwu was the one she was most afraid of.

If Gao Wenwu also went crazy, she was really uncertain whether she could catch him.

Mainly because there is a thunder in Gao Wenwu's clothes...

Jiang Shan tried to calm down, the back of her neck was numb, she tried her best to whisper to Wei Yuan, "How many weapons did you bring in this time?"

Wei Yuan paused, he realized the most severe side almost immediately.

After a while, "Other than the grenade, Lao Gao also has a revolver." Wei Yuan's voice was rarely fluctuating.

Jiang Shan slapped in his heart, it's over, the most frightening one is indeed Gao Wenwu.

Wei Yuan squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair, frowning: "This time I made a mistake."

It was originally intended to increase the safety of everyone, but unexpectedly, such a situation would appear.

Gao Wenwu had always been walking at the back for everyone (behind the back), but suddenly Jiang Shan felt a very oppressive footstep approaching behind him.

Gao Wenwu's voice came in a deep voice: "Let me push Dr. Wei. You take a rest."

Jiang Shan: "..." Is it too fast, can you give me some reaction time.

In just a few seconds, Gao Wenwu had already arrived beside the two of them.

Would it make Gao Wenwu suspicious if he refused straight away?Jiang Shan was a little overwhelmed.

Wei Yuan looked up at Gao Wenwu at this moment, there was nothing unusual on Gao Wenwu's face, and his expression was normal.

But the more this happened, the more there was a feeling of silent terror. The key point was that Wei Yuan obviously didn't need others to push him. Didn't Gao Wenwu think that Jiang Shan's sudden and abnormal push Wei Yuan seemed suspicious?

Wei Yuan said softly, "Then I will trouble you, Lao Gao."

Jiang Shan didn't expect Wei Yuan to agree directly, and was suddenly surprised.

Gao Wenwu stretched out his hand, Jiang Shan subconsciously took a step back and gave it to Gao Wenwu.

When Gao Wenwu took over the wheelchair, Wei Yuan gave Jiang Shan a look, and Jiang Shan understood it somehow.

Gao Wenwen pushed Wei Yuan, so he had no chance to reach out to touch the "killing tool" on his chest.

Jiang Shan was aware of this, but he didn't feel at ease at all. It turns out that the feeling of mutual fear and secret suspicion is so uncomfortable. Everyone around you may be an enemy.

She really missed the feeling of total trust in the library when everyone was pulling together and giving their backs to their companions.

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