
Chapter 138 is dead both vertically and horizontally

Jiang Shan suddenly let out a heavy breath, she pulled down the zipper of the protective clothing little by little, and unbuttoned the buckle with a gray face.

It seems to have given up.

At that moment, a light flashed across Zhao Ying's eyes.

In the dark, only Jiang Shan can see. "It turns out that you are really not Zhao Ying." Disappointment flashed across Jiang Shan's face for a moment.

Zhao Ying froze, and for a moment seemed a little overwhelmed and squeezed out a smile: "Ashan, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Shan didn't stop her action of unbuttoning the protective clothing, and she stared at Zhao Ying: "You always hoped that I would take off the protective clothing." Whether it was a hint in the speech or a persuasive temptation.

Zhao Ying's expression seemed to have finally changed slightly. At this time, Jiang Shan had decisively thrown aside the cumbersome protective clothing, as if she had finally shaken off a big burden.She breathed a long sigh of relief.

In the air, she could feel something rushing into her nostrils and squeezing into her lungs.

It feels like taking a big breath of poisonous gas, but you can't stop.

Seeing that Jiang Shan finally took off the protective clothing, the expression on Zhao Ying's face finally stopped pretending, "When did you find out?"

Jiang Shan was busy taking deep breaths, trying to adjust her body to the air here.So I ignored "Zhao Ying".

"Zhao Ying" seemed to show a cautious and thoughtful expression: "I shouldn't have revealed any flaws."

There is indeed no obvious flaw, this time it is obviously much smarter, no matter how it behaves or speaks, it is very similar to Zhao Ying's character.

Even though Jiang Shan deliberately tested it a few times, he was still not sure if it was the real Zhao Ying.

After all, the real Zhao Ying might also say those words.

"I just discovered it." Jiang Shan was honest, "The moment I started to take off my protective clothing."

At that moment, "Zhao Ying" finally couldn't help it, and there was a little strangeness in her eyes.

"Zhao Ying" really couldn't figure it out this time, she looked at Jiang Shan and asked with great interest: "Then why did you take it off?"

"Because it's very simple, if I don't take it off, I'm really going to suffocate to death." Jiang Shan said.

It's death anyway, there's nothing wrong with dying comfortably.

After figuring it out, Jiang Shan sighed. The increasingly boring surroundings should have been set up in advance. "Zhao Ying" guided her step by step. I don't know what traps are arranged around here?Although the air was stuffy when they came in, it was far from unbearable.

"Zhao Ying" looked at Jiang Shan, all the expressions belonging to Zhao Ying had disappeared, and her face was like a blank and numb wax figure: "Anyway, it seems that you do have a good brain. "

Jiang Shan sounds really weird, brain?
"Where is Zhao Ying?" Jiang Shan's eyes turned cold for a moment, "Let her out."

I really didn't expect that it would be possible to occupy other people's bodies in a way similar to "seize the house".These creatures here have completely exceeded their expectations.

"Zhao Ying" grinned slightly, but that smile looked extremely weird without the cooperation of other facial features: "You have no protection now, do you still care about others?"

At this time, Jiang Shan slowly recalled: "You want to 'kill' me?"

"Zhao Ying" said, "I'm curious what will happen to you next."

People who die from erosion are miserable, perhaps the cruelest way to die in the world.

There is nothing more terrifying than watching yourself turn into ashes.

Moreover, "the better the brain, the more hopeless they are when they die."

Jiang Shan's heart moved at this moment, what do you mean?She felt as if she had heard something crucial.

"Why is the better the brain, the more desperate the dead?" Jiang Shan asked curiously.

I always feel that there are still many things they don't understand about this so-called "erosion".

"Zhao Ying" stared at Jiang Shan's face, there was no despair, no fear, not even panic on this face, what's going on, isn't this girl afraid of death?

Even if there are human beings who are not afraid of death, they will be afraid of being eroded.

Human beings are so strange, not afraid of death, but afraid of some invisible things.

Afraid of death without a complete body, afraid of all unknown fears.

Seeing that the person on the other side didn't reply, Jiang Shan couldn't help asking again: "Say, what does 'brain' have to do with erosion?"

"Zhao Ying": "..."

What's the matter with this man?Why so strange?
Jiang Shan felt the "sight" from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet bit by bit, and something "something" was scanning her through Zhao Ying's eyes.

"You... why haven't you responded yet?"

The air has long been filled with corrosive substances, as if a person was exposed to a room full of poisonous gas, it is impossible to last even a minute.

But it has been 3 minutes since she took off the protective clothing, and Jiang Shan not only didn't respond, but also asked her questions tirelessly.

Jiang Shan looked at the blank face of "Zhao Ying". If those creatures also had expressions, the current expressions might be called "shocked".She couldn't help slowly raising her hands, which were soaked in sweat and were still wet.

However, under the erosion, Jiang Shan seemed to see a few pieces of black fly ash floating on her fingertips.

Jiang Shan flicked it lightly. She has done this action many times skillfully, and she flicked those "ashes".

Zhao Ying's body on the opposite side seemed to tremble violently. "What? It's impossible...impossible..."

Looking at the fingertips, Jiang Shan felt a little relieved at the moment. To be honest, she also had no idea. It was really helpless to take off the protective clothing just now, and she was not sure what the consequences would be after taking it off.

But at the moment, everything seems to be under control.

Jiang Shan put down his hands, and faced "Zhao Ying" again expressionless: "I'll say it again, where is Zhao Ying, let her out."

This creature occupies Zhao Ying's body. I don't know if it will cause harm to Zhao Ying. Now Jiang Shan just wants to drive this thing out.

"Zhao Ying" seemed to be stunned for a long time without speaking or moving, as if she had really turned into a petrified wax figure and stood there.Jiang Shan guessed that the "creature" inside was thinking?
Finally Zhao Ying spoke, but her voice seemed to be reverberated and became extremely strange: "What're you? No wonder the world in your head is different from others, and you can't see anything..."

You are the "what thing", Jiang Shan endured it forcefully, it said that its brain world is different from others?
Jiang Shan suddenly realized something.You can find the problem with a little careful attention. Everyone else is trapped in the illusion and shed their skin, including Wei Yuan. Because they seem to know everything about everyone.

Even Zhao Ying's father, Gao Wenwu's comrade-in-arms.

Only Jiang Shan's illusion seemed to have a lot of loopholes, and it only started after their team entered the aquarium, and everyone's temperament changed drastically, which was simply the scene of a large-scale disaster.

Jiang Shan suddenly felt that the fog in front of him was lifted, but in an instant, a bigger fog appeared again.

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