
Chapter 142 Eat Your Brain

Chapter 142 Eat Your Brain

Gao Wenwu walked forward along the opened passage. I don't know if it was an illusion. He felt that the surroundings seemed less stuffy, so he was indeed walking a new path now.

Gradually, Gao Wenwu also seemed to hear the sound of water.

"Old Gao! Hurry up! They want to eat, eat our brains!"

The headset, which had been extremely silent all along, made people almost forget its existence, and suddenly rang like thunder on the ground.

Gao Wenwu's body stiffened almost suddenly, and he turned his head immediately, but the surroundings were dark, and even if he wanted to go, he couldn't go anywhere.

Zhang Zheng's terrified voice only had time to pass through, and all the signals were cut off as if they were forcefully cut off.


Zhang Zheng looked at Wei Yuan nervously: "Old Wei, do you think this signal has been sent out?"

Their communication signals are limited by distance, and the aquarium has a huge space, and communication can only be maintained within a certain range. This is why it is said that this device is useless, and they never thought of using it.

Wei Yuan didn't speak, but he also knew that it wouldn't affect anything if the news didn't get out. The creatures here have already calculated to this point, so how could they let them go out easily.

Just now Zhang Zheng tried to contact Lao Gao and Zhao Ying out of his own cleverness, but the "person" in the fish tank didn't move at all, and didn't even say anything unnecessary.

Zhang Zheng yelled into the headset for a long time, and then took out the walkie-talkie. The walkie-talkie was not sealed inside the protective clothing, and the watch case seemed to have been flooded.

Zhang Zheng pressed the switch resolutely, and remembered that Wei Yuan said Zhao Ying had a problem just now, so he was taken aback for a moment: "I said, old Wei, why didn't you give Jiang Shan the walkie-talkie, didn't you see that there was a problem?"

Wei Yuan hadn't spoken yet. Under the circumstances at that time, it was the same for anyone. If it was given to Jiang Shan, it would be taken by Zhao Ying. After all, it was impossible for him to tell Zhao Ying that there was something wrong on the spot.

The human voice in the fish tank rang again, "The average IQ difference of humans as a species is also really interesting."

No other species of intelligence on earth has such a big difference between high and low levels of intelligence.

Zhang Zheng adjusted the walkie-talkie, and suddenly turned his head, wait a minute, what do you mean by that?

"Zhao Ying" threw the walkie-talkie that Wei Yuan gave before leaving to the ground, as casually as throwing garbage, and had no intention of contacting those people from the beginning.I've been acting like this for so long, and finally I don't have to act anymore.

"At first, I really didn't want to do this, but since you sent it up, in human terms, this is your life."

Jiang Shan saw that "Zhao Ying" started to walk towards her, hey, is this about to do something or something?
"You can't go anywhere, you are mine." "Zhao Ying" stared at Jiang Shan and said.

This creature was holding Zhao Ying's face, which really made Jiang Shan feel a little guilty, Jiang Shan took a step back.

Yes, these creatures know how to separate them and defeat them one by one. Their brains are no worse than humans.

Afterwards, she sharply saw under the feet of "Zhao Ying", there seemed to be a twist of silk thread growing out. Jiang Shan thought that those things were seaweeds that had accidentally stepped on and stuck to the soles of her feet.

But at this moment, those things suddenly rose up like hair strands.

Jiang Shan's heart sank suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

"Zhao Ying" on the opposite side raised her hands.

Although Jiang Shan was alerted, the development of the matter was beyond her expectation. Not only the feet, but also the hands of "Zhao Ying" also grew black seaweed in an instant!

The soaring seaweed instantly attacked her like a vine!
Jiang Shan's subconscious reaction could only be to turn around and run, and she suddenly figured it out like an explosion in her mind. The real Zhao Ying has been trapped in the illusion and has not woken up. Has it never disappeared?

The moment the seaweed that sprang out from the palm of his hand was about to touch Jiang Shanhou's vest, Jiang Shan quickly pulled away like a nimble little rabbit.

Looking at Jiang Shan's vigorous and swift movements, it seemed that "Zhao Ying" hesitated and paused. Why is this human being so fast?

Just as "Zhao Ying" was stunned, Jiang Shan turned into a fork and disappeared.No matter what is in Zhao Ying's body at the moment, it is still Zhao Ying's body that it is manipulating, and logically it is impossible to catch up with Jiang Shan.

But "Zhao Ying"'s eyes turned cold, and while chasing, boundless seaweed began to ooze from all sides of her body.

"As long as the entire aquarium is covered with seaweed, where else can you go?" said a faint voice.

Jiang Shan didn't know the way, so after she first ran out, her pace couldn't help but slow down. She opened her eyes wide and looked around. Jiang Shan also realized that running like this was not the way to go. Walked into a dead end.

And why does she have to escape every time, making her seem like a fugitive.Jiang Shan was a little upset.

The stench around him was even more smoky. It was comfortable without the protective clothing, but the smell was really unbearable.

She found that the seaweed on the surrounding glass walls and the floor had begun to grow again, like ghosts and ghosts. This made her feel like she was going astray as she ran. How could it be a nightmare that came true?
Sure enough, Zhao Ying's voice followed up quickly: "Don't run away, why do human beings always struggle meaninglessly."

How can this be called a meaningless struggle?Aren't there a lot of things like turning bad luck into good luck in a desperate situation?

Jiang Shan still stopped and turned around.

Immediately, her eyes widened again, and she saw that "Zhao Ying" in front of her had turned into a...seaweed ball?Seaweed eggs?Except for the two exposed legs that are still walking, almost the whole body is covered with seaweed.

Just like how they looked in the illusion before.

Jiang Shan took a slow breath, there was still a way behind her, but she didn't plan to run away.

After all, there is no end to playing chase and hide games, if you don't figure out how to find Wei Yuan and the others to meet up, it's meaningless to run to the horizon.

"Zhao Ying, wake up, grab your own body back quickly." Jiang Shan thought for a while and felt that it was very important and urgent to wake up Zhao Ying.

Countless strands of seaweed rushed towards Jiang Shan, just like Sadako's hair morphed. Jiang Shan's feet and hands were entangled first.

Jiang Shan tried to pull it hard, but it was as firm as a wire and remained motionless.

The sphere on the opposite side slowly moved towards her.

Absolutely, [-]D immersive ghost experience.

"Zhao Ying!"

Jiang Shan yelled again, Zhao Ying had helped her many times, and now she couldn't let Zhao Ying continue in this state.

Jiang Shan stared at the "sphere", and she found that after the limbs were bound, the seaweed seemed to stop moving.

So just trying to tie her down?
Jiang Shan became more and more curious about the purpose of these creatures, why didn't he just kill her?Obviously the physical attacks of these seaweeds are also very strong.

Suddenly, Jiang Shan saw one or two strands of seaweed crawling toward her face...then they straightened instantly, like two needles, and went around her temples on both sides.

? !
Jiang Shan felt two very thin things pierced her temples, and the pain caused her pupils to dilate instantly.

"I'm going to... eat your brain..." I don't know if it's because of being covered in seaweed, the voice is distorted, this voice is not like Zhao Ying at all.

Jiang Shan could clearly feel that two spikes were constantly piercing into the depths of her brain, stirring crazily, and her whole body was pulled up by two seaweeds like a marionette.

Jiang Shan's eyeballs were congested, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be twitching in extreme pain. The fog in her eyes seemed to be dissipating. She gradually understood at this moment, "It turns out that... after a long time of trouble, you actually want to Want someone's brain? But there is a tumor in my brain..."

(End of this chapter)

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