
Chapter 154 Escape from the Dead

"Old Wei can do it! You must have practiced marksmanship!" Zhang Zheng jumped up from the ground excitedly as he narrowly escaped death.

Gao Wenwu said, "Don't let your guard down."

How could it be so easy to get out of danger, at most it was just a lucky escape.

Gao Wenwu still kept lying on the ground without moving. In addition to the sound of glass shattering, the sound of huge water rushing towards him seemed to cover up other sounds.

How about the people in the fish tank?

"Old Gao, take us out." Wei Yuan's voice fell.

Although water temporarily alleviates the danger of high-temperature steam, it does not guarantee that it will be safe for a while.

When he saw that Gao Wenwu was brought here, Wei Yuan was extremely grateful.Because he knew that even Gao Wenwu, who was all black, could lead them back the same way.

At least they can get out of here.

Gao Wenwu understood: "Follow me."

I still remember the direction where Gao Wenwu appeared here, just behind the fish tank. If they want to leave, they have to approach the fish tank.

And this is contrary to the subconscious mind not to approach the fish tank.

This is called focusing on the blind spots of the mind.

"Where's that person!?" Gao Wenwu stared at the ground with wide eyes in surprise, shards of glass, countless streams of water, including those slippery seaweeds all fell to the ground.

But in the mess, that human being disappeared.

That person was bound with seaweed all over his limbs, and he looked like a puppet. He should be the one who should have fallen to the ground after the glass jar shattered.

Only then did Gao Wenwu realize why he felt something was wrong with the voice just now.

There was no sound of the human being falling to the ground.There should be more movement when the human body falls to the ground.

Wei Yuan didn't seem very surprised, he just glanced at it and said, "Leave this alone, let's go."

Gao Wenwu closed his eyes, the steam and astigmatism here made their eyeballs extremely hot, and their eyes were a little photosensitivity sequelae, it would be better to close their eyes like this to focus more.

"This way."

Gao Wenwu groped in the dark, relying on his previous memory, every step he took, the distance was controlled to an extremely standard, so when he came, he was completely controlled by counting his steps, including the time at each corner Almost 0 millimeters of error.

"But it's a pity that the place I came from is not the real exit." It's just a place similar to the exit hall.

But now anywhere is better than staying here.

"To be honest, I really want to drink a sip of water right now." Zhang Zheng said everyone's aspirations.

Most people have never experienced the feeling of being really thirsty to the extreme, and it can really drive people crazy.

Especially in the ears, the sound of water can be heard all the time.This is even more terrifying torture.

Someone once said that most of the boats lost in the sea died of drinking sea water, because the thirstier they are, the more they drink, and the more they drink, the thirstier they become.

Human willpower is more vulnerable than cotton in front of water.

Gao Wenwu reminded again: "Speak less and conserve your energy."

When Zhang Zheng is afraid, he will become more talkative, which is the most detrimental to his survival.

Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu have strictly abided by the principle of non-essential and no energy consumption since they entered the aquarium, but no matter what, the human body has its limits.

And the limit has already been reached.

Gao Wenwu really brought Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng to the service hall where he stayed before, and it has become as dark as all the places. When Gao Wenwu was here before, there was a mysterious "light", and now the surroundings are dark , but Gao Wenwu is sure that this is the place where he answered those stupid questions and answers before.

"Old Gao, what are you looking for?"

It depends on where Gao Wenwu started to rummage as soon as he arrived here.

Soon Gao Wenwu appeared holding a bright object.

When seeing that screen, both Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng's eyes froze involuntarily.

cell phone? !
"Old Gao, you, you, you found a mobile phone!" Obviously, it has only been a few months, but seeing the mobile phone feels like seeing a relative with tears in his eyes.

Now, quite by chance, the phone is an invaluable lighting tool.

Gao Wenwu came in front of the two with his mobile phone. Before that, he only briefly described his own experience, and did not mention the two videos he saw on this mobile phone.

After all, it wasn't until he saw the human in the fish tank with his own eyes that he realized the absurdity.

"You watch this video."

Gao Wenwu clicked on the photo album and played the video of filling the fish tank.

Undoubtedly, after seeing the content of this video, Wei Yuan was also stunned.

It is precisely because this video was shot and saved in the mobile phone in advance that the origin of this mobile phone is even more strange.

Why is there such a jarring phone?
Wei Yuan took the mobile phone from Gao Wenwu's hand, and checked the mobile phone over and over several times.

The appearance of this mobile phone shows no obvious signs of erosion, especially the functions can still be used normally, all of which are so incompatible with the surrounding environment.

How did you do it?
Wei Yuan touched the edge of the phone case. There was a layer of transparent film on the outer layer of the phone. The hardness and thickness of the film was obviously the waterproof tempered film that everyone loves to stick.Other than that the phone is very clean.Except for the fingerprints that were obviously used by Gao Wenwu just now, the back case of this phone and all the places are clean and there seems to be no dust.

But there seems to be some matte-grained touch to the surface.

Wei Yuan put the phone under his nose, through the protective clothing, it was actually hard for him to make out anything.

But after a while, his eyes still moved, and he knew why the phone was preserved so well. "The phone was...should have been submerged in seawater for storage."

"Immersed in sea water?" Zhang Zheng could never remember to say a few words less.

Wei Yuan holds the phone: "The oldest thing here is sea water." It's not any kind of creature, but water.

The initial shape of the earth, the formation of land is the result of the joint action of the earth's inner crustal movement and the outer water cycle.In the beginning, the earth was a vast ocean.

Gao Wenwu was silent for a while: "So this is the reason why the erosion of the aquarium seems not so serious?"

Because there is the oldest sea water.

As for the human being raised in a huge fish tank, the creatures here are to keep him from being eroded?He thought about it and was terrified.

Wei Yuan’s lips could also be seen to be dry and chapped, but his voice still sounded the same, “I also have a guess about the man in the fish tank, based on your description of Lao Gao and our experience along the way… Although we have always thought it was because the creatures here are very powerful, but, like the electrical devices here, the sound of water flow and the system mechanism, if you think about it carefully, all of these actually need to be operated by humans."

Those marine creatures, even dolphins and sea lions that can walk on land for a short time, cannot do such precise operations, and even the timing seems to be just right every time.

Especially those various "organs" used to confuse them.

"Why do I feel that my brain is not enough..." Zhang Zheng's eyes were dull.

Gao Wenwu seemed to understand something, and his expression changed instantly.

Wei Yuan has already said: "That person may not be what we first thought, but a puppet manipulated by the biological captives here. He is actually an accomplice."

Not just an interactive base station, but an accomplice.

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