
Chapter 163


It seems that there is a so-called line connecting them, but I can't figure out where they lead to?

"Could this entire aquarium be a laboratory?"

The object of the experiment is not, or not only the marine life here, but also these human beings are also regarded as one of the experimental subjects?

"It's not eating brains to supplement the brains, and it's not that these creatures become smart because of it. After all, eating the brains of humans or octopuses and other animals will not make them live longer, so these brains just have other uses."

In the end, we still return to the possibility of experimentation.

Zhang Zheng couldn't help but asked with a complicated expression: "You mean the lunatic in the middle? Does he look like any researcher? Can he do a p experiment?"

The answer is too ridiculous.

Even the mad scientist in the movies doesn't look like this.

Wei Yuan also said slowly at this time: "He should indeed be a lunatic, but this lunacy is another kind of lunatic with an extreme purpose."

This person is not the kind of madman who lost his sanity in a mental hospital, but probably has an ulterior purpose, and for this purpose he will not hesitate to do any heinous things that go beyond the bottom line of morality and humanity.

Jiang Shan told about the mutated cockroach.Also, she began to suspect that the cockroaches were bred on purpose.

Zhang Zheng seemed to be about to vomit.

Even if he hasn't eaten for several hours, he still wants to vomit the acid water.

After listening to it, I actually reacted that I was lucky that I was not there.

Zhao Ying's mental endurance is stronger than she shows.admire.

"Raised cockroaches..." Wei Yuan frowned, "It is indeed very possible."

The main reason is that the cockroaches are kept in a locked cabinet and are fed to such a large size that it is possible to mutate and grow continuously unless someone keeps feeding it.

Who can open the locked cabinet?The mountaineering suit knives inside belonged to this falcon saber, so naturally he was the only one who could open the cabinet.

"It's so disgusting," Zhang Zheng said with a blank face, "I seriously suspect that this person has watched too many perverted movies and is a perverted fighter."

Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan with sharp eyes, "Do you feel anything unusual about your body?"

Jiang Shan was speechless, and said expressionlessly: "Isn't my abnormality obvious enough?"

Isn't this what you can see with your eyes?Isn't pus out of seven holes strange enough?

Wei Yuan paused, and said, "I mean, you don't feel any obvious problems with your sanity, or consciousness, or thinking?"

When Zhao Ying was parasitized, Jiang Shan concealed the fact that she manipulated seaweed and dug into Jiang Shan's temples to dig out her brain and did not specifically mention it.

And the two smears of blackness on her temples, and because of the many similar smudges on her face, and the fact that she was in the dark, even after Zhao Ying woke up, she always thought that Jiang Shan was injured. She never expected that there were two Something pierced directly into the black hole in her brain.

After all, if people with two holes in their temples are still alive, it will only make them feel more exploded than the current scene.

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand, trying to touch Jiang Shan's temple, but Jiang Shan blocked it.

"Even I don't know what is coming out of my head, you better not touch it." Jiang Shan said lightly, in stark contrast to her appearance of death.

Wei Yuan had a faint look in his eyes, but still didn't reach out again.

Gao Wenwu was gradually exhausted, but the lunatic opposite had endless physical strength. The falcon saber was riding on Gao Wenwu's body, with madness in his eyes: "Staying here as food is your only fate." How arrogant!Zhang Zheng couldn't help but said anxiously: "I said, let's just watch here. Why don't we go and help Lao Gao?"

Wei Yuan looked at him: "Can you fight or can I fight?"

Zhang Zheng suddenly stared: "..."

There were five of them, two women and three men, one was disabled in a wheelchair, Zhang Zheng was weak and could shout, Zhao Ying was sitting on the steps in a daze, the only, only the youngest Jiang Shanneng was left to fight?

But looking at Jiang Shan again, his whole body is covered with abrasions, there are suspicious discharges from the corners of his mouth, inside his nose, and even on both sides of his temples...

Why do you have the nerve to let people rush up to you again?

Zhang Zheng felt ashamed of himself.

Jiang Shan caught a glimpse of the mobile phone held by Zhang Zheng.Now I know that Wei Yuan and others came here after receiving the so-called mobile phone message.

Before, she subconsciously thought that it was because she and Zhao Ying hadn't arrived at the meeting point that they would appear.

I didn't know until now that it's not that simple.

The mobile phone stayed on the text message page, and Jiang Shan caught a glimpse of the sending time on it.

She finally knew where the violation came from. "This message was sent 15 minutes ago?"

It shows the current time and the time the message was received.

"This is wrong." Jiang Shan said suddenly, she suddenly raised her head to look at the Falcon Saber, the video just captured the moment when she was beaten flying, and Zhao Ying's face, these two angles are obviously different, the Falcon Saber at that time Any chance of doing this kind of shoot? "He didn't have a chance to take a picture of this. It's impossible to send you a message in time."

Jiang Shan felt that the blank space in his mind seemed to meet a puzzle.

Zhang Zheng was taken aback for a moment: "What do you mean? Didn't this guy deliberately send a message to lure us here?"

Why did he bring you here?Jiang Shan froze for a while and said, "Even if we want to lure you over, shouldn't it be easier to deal with you after we have dealt with Zhao Ying and me?"

Wei Yuan's expression also changed slightly.

Jiang Shan's logic is very correct. It is true that defeating them one by one is the most effective way. Bringing them together suddenly like this doesn't seem like the previous method of dealing with them?
When he thought about it, he suddenly realized something. Gao Wenwu once said that he was trapped in the hall and was forced to answer several weird questions. At that time, the Eagle Falcon Saber was soaked in the fish tank with Wei Yuan and the others.

At that time, it was impossible for the Falcon Saber to test Gao Wenwu at the same time.

"Is it a creature here?"

Seeing that Wei Yuan had also thought of what she was thinking, Jiang Shan saw that the head of the blue whale emerged from the pool again, staring at them quietly.

Those eyes clearly possessed feelings that did not belong to a living being.

Jiang Shan turned around and looked at the dolphin. The dolphin also looked at this place at some point. The standing posture was so weird, but it was more like a "person".

"Did you find it? The animals here... don't have any sabers to help that one."

When the dolphin jumped out of the pool, Zhao Ying was so frightened that her color changed. Its huge size really posed a great threat to Jiang Shan.

But I didn't expect that so far, the dolphins have not made any real hurtful actions.

The creatures here are not of the same mind as the man code-named Falcon Saber?

Jiang Shan was surprised when this idea came out. If this was true, it would probably be a very unexpected development.

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