
Chapter 166

Chapter 166
The entire pool water seemed to be boiling, emitting steaming mist, as if countless creatures were rising up from the bottom of the water.The entire fog lasted for about 2 minutes before gradually dissipating.

At almost the same time, the water surface was banned again.And it's even quieter than before.

It seemed as if all living things were dead.

Several people couldn't help exchanging glances with each other. "There is probably something hidden at the bottom of this pool. I think it is necessary to go in and check." Gao Wenwu said.

But who goes into the pool to check?
The danger in the pool is unpredictable, and there may just be other surviving creatures like dolphins and blue whales in it. If this is the case, it may be best, but it is better not to stop.

"I'll go." Zhang Zheng said hoarsely. "I still have a little strength."

Gao Wenwu had just fought a fight, and none of them was sure that he would be able to swim in the pool and come up again.

Wei Yuan said: "There is another plan. We will evacuate the aquarium immediately."

This is almost the safest way now, so no one spoke after Wei Yuan finished speaking.

No one can ignore the body's cravings.

Now every pore of their body begs for water and rest.

"I'll go down." A female voice broke the silence at this time.

Zhao Ying was dumbfounded: "Ashan?"

Jiang Shan walked towards the edge of the pool, then turned around and looked at everyone, "I am the only one not wearing protective clothing. This means that, first, I am more suitable for entering the water than you, and second, I am either the most dangerous or - the safest. .”

Zhang Zheng actually went a little crazy, "Smelly girl, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Shan glanced at Wei Yuan, and she knew that he understood everything.

Wei Yuan stared at Jiang Shan, neither stopping nor showing any reaction.

Zhao Ying said with a trembling voice: "But Ashan, you, didn't you say you can't swim?"

Jiang Shan closed his eyes, and at the same time, his body involuntarily took a few steps back to the pool: "I think I know it."

Zhao Ying was anxious: "What do you mean you think you know it?" How can you think you know how to swim?

Jiang Shan didn't know how to describe her feelings. Although Huahua's singing stopped in her mind, she seemed to experience other indescribable feelings.It was as if she felt Huahua swimming leisurely in the sea, and that light posture seemed to be conveyed to Jiang Shan's body at the same time, making Jiang Shan feel as if she was swimming leisurely in the water.

So this is what Jiang Shan said about "feeling like I know it."

Because this feeling was so real, so real that Jiang Shan found that his fingers were gently making strokes.

But her appearance was naturally not reassuring. Zhao Ying held up her weak body and tried to pull Jiang Shan back. She said: "Ashan, let's go back to the base now and report what happened here to the rescue team. They will definitely send someone back to deal with it."

But Jiang Shan was fast, and she had already jumped to the edge of the pool in a few times. Then she stared at the water and took a deep breath: "Give me 10 minutes."

She turned around and looked at Wei Yuan and the others: "I haven't come up for 10 minutes, so you guys leave."

It took too long to wait for someone to deal with it again. I didn't know what would happen in the middle. Even at that time, the aquarium was still there.And whether they will send more people is still open to question.

Jiang Shan felt that Wei Yuan was also a little strange. They had gone through so much trouble to get here, but they gave up on searching such an important pool?

"Of course you can leave now," Jiang Shan said, "go back to the car and wait for me."

Zhang Zheng stared: "How could we put you..."

Gao Wenwu's voice suddenly sounded: "Excuse me, I don't think any of us can get out now." The surroundings froze for a second, and Zhang Zheng became anxious again: "Old Gao, what are you talking about all of a sudden?"

Damn it, they finally settled it down, but why can't they get out? No one will stop them now.

Gao Wenwu pointed to the door of the venue and slowly told the truth: "When I came in here, I used the last grenade to blow open the door."

It was originally reserved for going out to blow up the seaweed wrapped around the entrance, but at that time, Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan could not be reached without blowing up the door.

So in fact, there is no choice at all. Now, they have no extra explosives to blow up the exit.

For a moment, the five people fell into terrible silence again.Is this development unexpected?
Gao Wenwu picked up the pistol on the ground, skillfully unloaded the magazine and showed it in front of everyone: "There is only one bullet left. It is almost impossible to open the exit with this bullet."

When they came in before, they expended so much effort to open a hole.

Now with this bullet, it's okay to kill another saber, but it's impossible to do anything else.

Zhao Ying also thought that her lighter and candles were also used up in the previous cockroach battle.

I didn't expect to fall into such a situation again.And everyone seems to have made no mistakes in every step, and they all made the most correct response at that time.

Wei Yuan said: "We still have flint, so we should be able to find a solution."

And there are so many combustibles out there.One bullet is enough to create a small explosion.

Gao Wenwu looked at the body that he had stripped naked on the ground. There was nothing left on the body of the Falcon Saber that could be called "useful".With a mercenary's thinking, even death would not give anyone any clues.

Jiang Shan slowly took off her shoes at this time. Her feet were still stained with disgusting things that were stuck to cockroach eggs when she stepped on them. This was great. She could just take a dip in the water.

"Just 10 minutes," she said again.

The rest of the people heard a thump, and Jiang Shan had fallen backwards into the pool.

What kind of strange posture is this?
Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were both staring at the splashing sound of the pool water. It was obvious that Jiang Shan was fluttering his limbs like a dog pawing for a few times at first, and then the pool water rippled, and Jiang Shan's head appeared out of the water for a moment, seemingly He took a breath, and then dived down very flexibly.

Let me go, Zhang Zheng said, "Does this really mean you can swim?"

Zhao Ying herself began to become confused, and the gradually decreasing sound of water showed that Jiang Shan was indeed diving straight down.

Only Wei Yuan looked at the pool surface quietly, not knowing what he was thinking in his eyes.


The water in the pool was extremely cold. Jiang Shan found that her body was really as if a mechanism had been turned on. She was a little uncomfortable the moment she entered the water, but soon her limbs felt soothed as if someone had taught her something. got up.

Every subsequent movement seemed to have been engraved in her body memory.

After diving for about ten meters, Jiang Shan opened her eyes wide. She saw Huahua, floating not far in front of her.

At this time, Huahua's skin turned out to be a different kind of pink in the water?

Pink bottlenose dolphins?

Jiang Shan seemed to understand the meaning and truth of this name only at this moment.

Then, Huahua suddenly flicked his tail, turned around, and swam away.But at this time, its head turned ninety degrees again and looked at Jiang Shan.

Want Jiang Shan to follow it?
(End of this chapter)

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