
Chapter 172 Taking Medicine

Chapter 172 Taking Medicine
Zhang Zheng became even more excited, and he almost broke free from Gao Wenwu's restraints. "You quack is still talking nonsense..."

Zhao Ying's eyes were filled with tears the moment she heard the doctor say that Jiang Shan was dying. It was a completely uncontrollable reaction.

But she is still more sensible than Zhang Zheng, and she understands Jiang Shan's situation to a certain extent. How could Jiang Shan die so easily?

So she held back her tears first, and then asked the doctor: "Do you, do you want to take a closer look? Ashan just got up and was fine, and she was talking to us. It really can't be..."

Why did you say that Jiang Shan was going to die in the blink of an eye?
Unexpectedly, the doctor said with a straight face: "Many people are fine one moment and dying the next. After all, there is a word called recovery."

"Lao Gao, let me go, I will beat this quack to death today!"

Gao Wenwu firmly held down the irritable Zhang Zheng and looked up at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan rolled his wheelchair and approached Jiang Shan's bedside. Jiang Shan was still staring straight into his eyes, with blurry reflections reflected in the depths of his pupils.

"Jiang Shan."

Wei Yuan called Jiang Shan's name stiffly.

Jiang Shan was still in the same position, seemingly unresponsive, and his eyes didn't move.

Zhao Ying was also panicking now. What's going on?Is Jiang Shan really dying?

The doctor also frowned: "There is no need to check it now. If we must check it, we need to draw a tube of her blood for testing."

Without blood samples and instrument examinations, even a miracle doctor cannot draw accurate conclusions with just two eyes.

"But she looks like this. If the needle sticks in, I'm afraid her blood vessels will burst." The doctor told the truth.

The blood vessels under Jiang Shan's skin that looked like earthworms were abnormally hideous. Which doctor would dare to draw blood at this time?

"Is there no other way?" Gao Wenwu also frowned.He saw that the doctor was a little reluctant to contact Jiang Shan, but at this time, a doctor should do everything possible to save people.

Wei Yuan suddenly said: "You all go out for a while."

Including the doctor, everyone was stunned. Get out?But Wei Yuan looked serious, and it didn't look like he was joking at all.

Zhang Zheng shouted: "How can you go out at this time??"

Wei Yuan stared at Jiang Shan lying down, his voice as cold as ice: "If you don't want her to die, everyone, get out now!"

Wei Yuan, who already had a lot of power, gave the order coldly. Even the doctor was frightened. He really didn't want to stay here anyway, so he immediately turned around and walked out of the door.

Zhao Ying's face turned pale for a while, and Gao Wenwu didn't understand why Wei Yuan asked them to go out, but he really didn't refute Wei Yuan's words, so his reaction was to pause for two seconds.

But two seconds later, Gao Wenwu still twisted Zhang Zheng and led him towards the door.

Zhang Zheng was still struggling: "Let me go! Which side are you on, Lao Gao!?"

Zhao Ying still stood beside Jiang Shan in despair, "Wei, Dr. Wei..."

But Wei Yuan still said ruthlessly: "Get out."

Zhao Ying's eyes were full of tears. She resisted turning around and walked out of the door slowly and stiffly.

After everyone left the small room, "Close the door." Then Wei Yuan's voice came.

As soon as the door closed, the small confession room fell into a kind of darkness, but in the darkness, Jiang Shan's eyes were shining faintly.

Wei Yuan's eyes fell on Jiang Shan's face, and Jiang Shan's eyes seemed to be focused at this time.

"I know you are conscious now." Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan and said, "When you were at the aquarium, you asked me to get your things back. I promised to return them to you after the mission is completed. I can return them to you now. The first one." Wei Yuan opened the palm of his hand, and a translucent medicine bottle appeared in his palm.

Ke, Kefan biology?
Jiang Shan's eyes seemed dull and motionless.

Wei Yuan shook the medicine bottle, and there were clearly several pills inside, making a clanging sound.

This is Jiang Shan’s medicine bottle, but Jiang Shan’s medicine is gone.

Wei Yuan had already pushed open the mouth of the medicine bottle and poured one of the pills inside into his hand.

He held up the pill and put it in front of Jiang Shan's eyes. The pill actually looked very ordinary and could easily be confused with ordinary pills. But when Wei Yuan moved the pill under Jiang Shan's nose, Jiang Shan smelled the unique smell of this medicine. .

"You should be able to recognize that this is the medicine you have been taking for so many years, the medicine that can save your life."

There were completely incomprehensible emotions in Jiang Shan's eyes.The next moment, Wei Yuan put the pill into Jiang Shan's open mouth.

As soon as the medicine was taken into his mouth, Jiang Shan's whole lips seemed to tremble uncontrollably.

Wei Yuan still stared at Jiang Shan quietly, "Swallow it."

Jiang Shan's eyes finally focused together, and she locked Wei Yuan's face tightly.However, even though Jiang Shan had excellent eyesight, she could not see through Wei Yuan's expression.

Wei Yuan said: "If you don't eat it, you will die."

The blood vessels under Jiang Shan's skin had begun to bulge outwards, and it felt like they could explode from under Jiang Shan's thin skin at any time.

Jiang Shan was not stupid, and her desire to survive would resolutely take over at this time. Her throat rolled a few times, and she finally swallowed the pill.

She could even feel the familiar process of medicine dissolving in her stomach.

The restlessness in her blood seemed to be suppressed unwillingly, and her wooden state was gradually lifted.

Although Jiang Shan was still unable to speak normally at this time, her abnormalities visible to the naked eye were fading away, and her skin was gradually returning to its normal color.

There was also a subtle fluctuation on Wei Yuan's face, vaguely like he was relieved.

Jiang Shan's right hand, which was the first to regain strength, instantly lifted up and grabbed Wei Yuan's wrist that was still holding the medicine bottle!The force was so strong that it could almost break Wei Yuan's hand.

Wei Yuan frowned and looked at his hand that was tightly grasped, but he didn't even cry out.

Jiang Shan opened his mouth, but still couldn't pronounce the sound.But she was fierce, grabbing and glaring at Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan seemed to raise his eyebrows, looking at Jiang Shan like a naive child, "You have many questions and would like to get answers. When you recover, you can come to me again and get your camera back." .”

Jiang Shan stared at Wei Yuan, with a look in his eyes that would not give up.

Wei Yuan had already raised his voice: "Come in, everyone."

In an instant, the door was almost knocked open by Zhang Zheng, and Zhao Yinggao Wenwu also rushed in.

Jiang Shan subconsciously let go of his hand when the door opened, and Wei Yuan took advantage of the situation and put the red hand and the medicine bottle into the blanket covering his knees.


The doctor was waiting outside the door out of humanity. When he saw Jiang Shan sitting upright from the bed, he almost couldn't hold the medicine box.

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a long time, and then said with red eyes: "I knew it, how could a girl like you die so easily?"

(End of this chapter)

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