
Chapter 174 My Medicine

Wei Yuan has his own room in the base. It is not a small space like sleeping in a church, but an additional one he requested - a laboratory.

When Jiang Shan entered this room, she thought she was walking into a scene from an old movie from the 90s.Everything was retro, including telephones, chimneys, fireplaces, and more small items that Jiang Shan couldn't even recognize.

"You're here." Wei Yuan turned around from the wall he was facing, showing that he had been waiting for Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan saw an old camera placed on the table. Although it looked really older, she could still recognize it.

Wei Yuan said: "You can take what belongs to you."

But Jiang Shan didn’t just come here to get things. “Who are you?”

Jiang Shan stared at Wei Yuan. She didn't even hide her antagonism. After all, Jiang Shan had been suppressed for a long time.

Wei Yuan was not surprised by Jiang Shan's question, "I am Wei Yuan, a fifth-level staff member of the institute, the general person in charge of five or six projects including life support, stem cells, and genetic code."

Being in charge of a project team in a scientific research institute is already a big deal, and Wei Yuan directly controls all experimental teams.

Jiang Shan didn't know whether he was deliberately pretending to be stupid or just trying to irritate her. She simply asked directly: "Why do you have my medicine?"

When the Internet was still developed, Jiang Shan searched for relevant information on the Internet based on the remaining vague writing on the medicine bottle.Including, Cofan Bio.

The result was that there was no trace at all. Jiang Shan exhausted the search engine functions and could not find even a few words. The online information was swept clean. It is almost impossible to completely delete something from the Internet, but It's just so impossible, it's like the medicine Jiang Shan took doesn't exist, and neither does the Kefan creature.

Once looking at the particles in the medicine bottle, Jiang Shan also wondered countless times at night, if she didn't take it, would she be able to wake up smoothly tomorrow morning and see the rising sun?But after all, Jiang Shan has never made such an attempt. She is Jiang Shan, an orphan who has lived a cautious life since she was born. She will not make fun of her own life.

Every month Jiang Shan receives a bottle of package with the address written at the orphanage. When she opens it, it is her medicine. This seems to be a secret shared by her and the orphanage, and everyone keeps silent.Until the last bottle of medicine, Jiang Shan found that there were too many pills in the bottle. She counted them and found that there were a hundred pills in total, one hundred days.

Then she opened her electronic account and looked at the balance accumulated over the years of work.

Knowing that you will die sooner or later and knowing that you will die on the exact date can never be the same.

So Jiang Shancai embarked on that death journey, was everything destined?

Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan, suddenly smiled with unknown meaning, and said, "You have really changed a lot."

Jiang Shan almost stared at Wei Yuan.In fact, sometimes she couldn't explain where her hostility towards Wei Yuan came from.Just like the magnetic field that people often say, the magnetic field between the two phases seems to be difficult to deal with.

What does he mean?Is it intentional to provoke?

But it was obviously Jiang Shan who was imagining things. With Wei Yuan's character, he would not say or do such boring things.

"Which one of you would you rather be, the Jiang Shan who lived cautiously in the past, or the person you are now?" Wei Yuan asked gently.

Jiang Shan was stunned by the question. She was stunned for almost an instant, and then she seemed to realize something. Wei Yuan said that she had changed a lot. He was not talking about her body, but that her personality had changed?

If Jiang Shan were asked to describe herself in the past, she would use two words: follow the rules and never seek death.

The motto Jiang Shan once wrote on his bedside was, "If you don't seek death, you won't die."After working in the orphanage, she met too many people who were keen on committing suicide, and most of these people committed suicide themselves.The Jiang Shan who used to be so afraid of crossing the line and just wanted to survive for one he still there?

During this period, Wei Yuan was still sitting opposite Jiang Shan, looking at her with a slight smile.Isn't it interesting that Jiang Shan himself didn't feel the changes in himself?

When do people stop feeling that they are changing?First, when he falls into chaos and disorder, the rules are subverted, and everything is reorganized. At this time, the change of a single person will be like a grain of sand in the sea.

Or two... He feels that he has gained control, gained strength, and everything is moving in an orderly direction, which creates a sense of security.

"Ashan." Wei Yuan called softly.Which situation are you in?

Jiang Shan found that she was inevitably led astray by Wei Yuan. She had already vaccinated herself before coming, but she didn't expect that the other party was really hotter than old.

"I'm asking you, why do you have my medicine?" Jiang Shan did not give in this time. She took a step closer to Wei Yuan, "Can you not call me Ashan?"

Ashan didn't hear anything special from Zhao Ying and the others, but only when Wei Yuan called out like this, Jiang Shan really felt a little rebellious.

"Tell me, where did you get that medicine?" Jiang Shan had already walked up to Wei Yuan and could kick Wei Yuan's wheelchair with his feet.

She is not bullying the disabled. Besides, Wei Yuan is not really disabled, at most, he is semi-disabled.

Jiang Shan found that he could actually look down at Wei Yuan from a high position.

But Wei Yuan didn't act as if he was offended. He didn't know why the corners of his mouth curled deeper, "That's not your medicine, it's mine."

Opposite him, Jiang Shan remained motionless, and his facial expression seemed frozen.

In just a few seconds, Wei Yuan pulled the wheelchair and took a few steps back.

"You...?" Jiang Shancai said after a long time, as if it was unreal, and she felt as if her voice was coming from a very far away place.

Wei Yuan looked at Jiang Shan. He could look at her levelly from a distance, "No matter what, I saved your life and never harmed you. Now, stop questioning and being curious about me, and go back."

Jiang Shan heard his heart beating wildly in his chest again, and Wei Yuan had already shown off his guests. Jiang Shan felt that he should say something. In short, he definitely shouldn't do nothing. "Wait, what did you say?" What do you mean it’s not my medicine?”

It's not your medicine, it's mine.

This sentence can be interpreted in many ways. This medicine does not naturally belong to Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan does not even know its formula or its origin, so this medicine does not belong to Jiang Shan, but Wei Yuan said it belongs to him?

Is he taking this medicine too?Or... was he the one who developed this medicine?

Jiang Shan found that her brain's CPU was not enough. In the next second, she could rush up and tear Wei Yuan's neck to explain, saying, what does all this mean?

But the next second her arm was already being held by someone, and Wei Yuan said to the person behind her: "Gao Wenwu, take her back."

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