
Chapter 179 Prison Experiment

Chapter 179 Prison Experiment
A group of demons stand across from you. If you show any kindness, you will be devoured and you will only become an even worse ghost.Stare into the abyss and you are the abyss.

Sure enough, the group of demons in front of them started to get stage fright. They looked at Gao Wenwu one after another. They were the ones who shouted and clamored to cut open the person's stomach. At this moment, they seemed like the weakest white sheep. All the blame fell on the one who held the knife in the end. people.Gao Wenwu.

Who has the heavier aura of the dead, and who is more like an evil ghost returning from hell.

"Don't tell me, Lao Gao's momentum is really incredible."

Zhang Zheng's teeth chattered a little when he spoke.Ordinary people really can’t cultivate.Ordinary people don't have the opportunity to practice it.

Before this was over, Gao Wenwu found the man's stomach pouch, and after slicing it open, a string of pills and tablets that had been mixed together came out.After that, Gao Wenwu used the tip of the knife to spread the medicines bit by bit. There were dozens of medicines, and he didn't eat like an omnivore.

This man swallowed all the medicine and even begged to die without realizing it.

The people around him stared mechanically at the medicine dug out by Gao Wenwu, with only numbness and confusion on their faces.

Someone suddenly rushed up, grabbed a handful of medicine on the ground, and then rushed out of the crowd like crazy.

"There's medicine! There's medicine!"

Gao Wenwu stared at the remaining people: "What about you, do you want medicine? If you wait any longer, it will be gone."

The pills stuck together on the floor, and the vomit-like substance mixed with gastric juices, were violently scrambled by those people. In a few seconds, they gave up their humanity and returned to their bestiality.

"Quick, this is our medicine..."

The group of people holding the medicine and running away looked like ghosts and monsters. It felt like a hundred ghosts walking at night in broad daylight.

But you thought that was the end?Others who had not grabbed the medicine rushed towards those who were running away with the medicine and stabbed their bodies with knives.

The man holding the medicine looked down at the blood soaked from his body, with a blank expression on his face. Before he could realize how all this happened, someone snatched the medicine from his arms.

Similar scenes continued to occur around them. Those who grabbed the medicine began to be attacked, and they obviously had not adapted to this change in status. Some people held on to the medicine and refused to let go even if they were attacked.

Jiang Shan and the others were also lucky enough to see that there was no difference between red-eyed humans and beasts. A bunch of people were fighting for the expired pills, and they were willing to shed blood, leaving only the most savage and primitive physical conflicts.

The expression on Gao Wenwu's face that caused all this was almost ruthless. Of course he knew that even if he got these pills, it would be useless. These people didn't need these pills now, but psychiatric drugs.

Just as Gao Wenwu was staring at the rioting crowd in the distance, someone suddenly rushed to the body, reached directly into the dissected abdomen, and after rummaging inside, he held up a bloody pill with a smile on his face. Dazzling and ferocious: "Doctor, here is another medicine."

To be honest, Gao Wenwu is a bit creepy.

And the man who dug up the medicine obviously inspired a more terrifying effect. Countless gloomy eyes were seen focusing on the disemboweled corpse again.

"There is still medicine. There must be some in the stomach..."

Gao Wenwu looked at the people rushing up and took a step back.

Didn't you just ask him if he was a monster?What are these people doing now?
There was a man kneeling and hugging the legs of a medicine man: "Please! Please! Give me the medicine, give me the medicine!"

The person being hugged tried to shake him off like crazy: "Get out! Get out of here!"

But the more he shook the man away, the tighter he got. Finally, he lost his balance and fell to the ground. The moment he fell to the ground, he was killed by the man who jumped at him like a captured prey. Surrounded by death.The man's miserable howl came from inside.

Jiang Shan and others in the church who witnessed all this already had chills running down their spines. How long had it taken for this to happen?
The situation had changed much more seriously than they thought. Zhao Ying didn't even dare to look at it. Just listening to their descriptions was already unacceptable.

"Where are the guards? When will they come back?" The Beijing-Hong Kong Guards had already left the base in the middle of the night to perform their missions. The time when these people caused trouble happened to be stuck at a vacant spot inside and outside the base.

This situation cannot be handled without sophisticated weapons. Generally speaking, the time for the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard to perform tasks is variable. It may be one day or several days.

That no one could predict?

"How many people will die by then?" No one said this question out loud, but it appeared in their minds at the same time.

Zhang Zheng said: "Lao Gao is with those crazy people, can he survive alone now?"

Wei Yuan said calmly at this time: "Don't worry, Lao Gao is much more experienced in dealing with this situation than us."

When Gao Wenwu was stationed in the peacekeeping force, he had to face many forms of riots on a much larger scale than now. Gao Wenwu could survive at that time, and he will be no exception now.

Moreover, in this situation, Gao Wenwu obviously will not confront anyone head-on. His current behavior is obviously based on observation, waiting for the opportunity at any time.

"You don't have to block the door anymore." Jiang Shan said looking at Zhang Zheng who was blocked behind the door.

Zhang Zheng now assumes the posture of one man in charge, but unfortunately his figure is not very convincing.He glared and said: "How can that be done? They are so crazy now. What if they break in?"

Jiang Shan paused and said, "I guess the church is not interested in them."

It seems that what these people want are medical resources, medicine, and doctors. Attacking residential areas and empty churches will not have any effect at all.

Of course Zhang Zheng refused to just let the door open. Jiang Shan said the reality coldly: "Besides, if they want to break in, we can't stop them at all."

Might as well take it easy.

"But that gunshot just now," Zhao Ying said, in addition to the lingering fear on her face, there was also greater worry, "If they get the gun..."

If there is a gun, it will be completely different. The wooden door and the old door latch cannot stop the gun.

It’s never the weapon that’s scary, it’s the person holding the weapon.Weapons wielded by these crazy people are like the god of death that destroys the world.

"Prison experiment." Wei Yuan's eyes were deep.

What is the difference between a bee colony, an ant colony, and a crowd? The fundamental reason is that people have their own will. (It seems there is)
However, when people are melted into a group, they will be deprived of their own will. During the prison experiment, all the people gradually changed. There are so many people in the base, even if the rioters are only a few, why are they in public? No one stopped me?The rest allow bad things to happen.

And the unfortunate news did come in the afternoon, "Someone started to hurt people with guns..."

Terror and dementia are spreading.More and more people have joined the rioting camp, and the order of the entire base has become fragile.

(End of this chapter)

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