
Chapter 18 Wei Yuan

Chapter 18 Wei Yuan
Wei Yuan sat in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking everything in Beijing and Hong Kong. This is the 66th floor, and it was an overcrowded office building in Beijing and Hong Kong about half a year ago.Known as the third tallest building in Beijing and Hong Kong.

The outside is gray, and from this angle, it seems that a huge gray shadow hangs over the entire city.

The double doors behind him were pushed open, and a figure walked in, looking worriedly at Wei Yuan in front of the window: "Dr. Wei, you shouldn't come to such a high place, it's not safe."

The one who came in was a person wearing a similar security uniform. He was indeed the temporary security captain of this building in the past, but unfortunately, everything is no longer the same now.Due to the "erosion" effect, the higher the place is, the less safe it is now, most of it has been evacuated, and now the ground is full of people trying to escape.

Wei Yuan looked at him, "...It's okay, I just want to take a look at it last."

This vision of Beijing and Hong Kong may never be seen again in the future.

In the past, even if you stood on a high-rise and looked down, you could still see the bright lights, and the dense flow of people moved on the ground like staves.

And all of this has completely become history in just a few months.Today the last group of people has withdrawn from here, who would have thought of this a few months ago.

Half an hour later, the security captain escorted Wei Yuan out of this former conference room.The electronic projector on one of the walls of the meeting room is now covered in black "rust stains", and the security guards avoid it when they pass by.

The two came to the side of the elevator shaft. The elevator shaft had been emptied, and all the places that belonged to the elevator were gone. There was only a black shaft leading directly to the bottom.

I still remember the initial "mutation" of this building, which started from the elevator.

The smooth metal door is gradually covered with many black substances like rust, and the cleaning cannot remove these substances no matter how much they scrub.

Afterwards, all the sixteen elevators in the entire building became like this. The maintenance personnel directly disassembled the elevator shaft, and saw that the outer layer of the entire noose was covered with dense black matter. When touched by hand, it flew away like dust. ...

The security captain pulled up the thick hemp rope next to his wrist, and pulled up something like a "hanging basket". Then he pushed Wei Yuan up, and stood up himself, just lowering the rope little by little. If Jiang Shan, who still doesn't know anything about the lifting method, sees it, he might be surprised.

The security captain carefully controlled the gondola, and it took about 10 minutes to land safely with Wei Yuan.On the ground, Zhang Zheng and the strong man "Old Gao" have long been guarding below.

"Old Wei," the irascible driver Zhang Zheng immediately walked over, "There are a lot of people waiting for you, you still have time to enjoy the scenery."

Wei Yuan looked at Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu, "What's wrong?"

"The Propaganda Department is waiting for you to have a meeting to discuss the evacuation. Songshan Hospital has also sent a letter..." Mentioning Songshan Hospital, Zhang Zheng frowned.Obviously showing displeasure.

He couldn't help asking Wei Yuan: "Why did you agree to send that girl to Songshan Hospital?"

Compared with the dissatisfaction directly expressed by Zhang Zheng, Gao Wenwu almost didn't talk much all the time, he just listened to Wei Yuan's orders.Never question it.

Wei Yuan paused, and then slowly said: "Even if we don't send it, Songshan Hospital will come to ask for someone. Instead of doing this, it's better to take the initiative to send it over."

It's not good for everyone to tear your face apart at that time, especially in this extraordinary period.

Moreover, if they take the initiative to send it over, they will still have a little initiative.

Zhang Zheng was a little reluctant to speak: "Those people have never done anything serious, so the girl won't suffer any inhuman treatment?"

Gao Wenwu glanced at him at this moment, and said involuntarily, "Don't you not like her, and you still care if she will be hurt?"

I remember that when Wei Yuan wanted to take Jiang Shan away in the tent, except for Gao Wenwu who didn't say anything, everyone else strongly opposed it.

Zhang Zheng glared at him. Whether he likes that girl and whether she will be hurt or not are two different things, and since he helped them somehow on the way back, it is really not good to send her to Songshan Hospital now. morality.

Wei Yuan listened to the conversation of the two companions beside him, and his eyes fell on one place at random, thinking of Jiang Shan's guarded and indifferent face, whether he had taken advantage of her trust, how would the girl react if they met again.

"When sending it over, a 20-day deadline was agreed, and they didn't dare to mess around."

Jiang Shan is now valuable not only to Songshan Hospital, but also to the entire Beijing and Hong Kong, so Wei Yuan bet that they will not harm Jiang Shan.

It's only been a week now, even if they want to help Jiang Shan, they can only wait patiently.

Zhang Zheng could only stop talking with a stinky face.

Wei Yuan and the others were still driving the same old truck. After getting into the car, Zhang Zheng turned around and drove towards the suburbs. As soon as he passed the national highway, Gao Wenwu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, immediately shouted, "Be careful! Someone picked up the car!"

At some point, a person rushed up from the side of the road and threw himself on the window of the driver's cab. His speed was so brutal and fast that the irritable driver didn't even react.

It was a man in his early thirties, and he looked like a homeless man. No wonder he was in this wilderness, not in the retreating army.

I saw the man hanging on the car door with his hands and feet in a very strange posture, with his face firmly stuck to the car glass. There was a layer of black ash floating on this man's face, which looked dirty at first glance, but those Hei Hui squirmed up and down as if alive...

And it floated up, like dust, and some of it was adsorbed to the car windows.

"Damn!" The irritable driver subconsciously started to curse, turning the steering wheel and almost rushing out of the main road.

Even so, the man outside was still clinging to the car door, still shouting: "Take me! Please, take me!"

Zhang Zheng stepped on the gas pedal: "Sorry buddy, there's nothing we can do."

The truck started to sway wildly again. Zhang Zheng used his driving skills to the extreme and sprinted wildly. Wei Yuan, who was in the rear compartment, frowned. He was a physically handicapped person, and it was really embarrassing.

Gao Wenwu in the passenger seat stretched out his hand towards the rear seat, and he grabbed a shotgun in his hand. He skillfully pulled the safety catch, pointed at the people who were pawing outside through the glass, and said coldly, "Turn the car on." The window is open."

Zhang Zheng was holding the steering wheel with both hands, so he had no chance to open the window, and he also knew that Gao Wenwu didn't mean it for him.

The man holding on to the car door seemed to be stunned when he saw the black muzzle of the gun. The next second, Zhang Zheng made a sharp turn and finally succeeded in throwing the man down.

He heard the sound of the physical body colliding with the ground.

Wei Yuan closed his eyes.

Only then did Gao Wenwu let go of the gun, and indifferently threw it back into the back seat.

This gun has no bullets in it, and it is enough to scare it.

Zhang Zheng scolded: "Did you see that person's face just now? Fuck, why does that thing grow on his face?"

(End of this chapter)

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