
Chapter 189 The Gift of God

Gao Wenwu has only heard of one equation - God's equation.

Zheng Suo's eyes were fixed on Gao Wenwu, his expression clearly meant something to express.

"You've been to the library, so you've naturally got the equations, right?" the dwarf man asked Zheng Suo with a sneer. "Stop pretending."

And this sentence shocked Gao Wenwu again, library?equation?

"I told you I don't know!" Zheng Suo's attitude was even more cold and decisive.

The more he behaves like this, the more he shows that he knows everything?As expected, the dwarf man laughed even more disgustingly, "Then I'll cut off your head, take it back and open it to see what's inside."

What the hell? "Stop!" Gao Wenwu rushed towards Zheng Suo.

The skeleton man stepped forward to stop Gao Wenwu and said sullenly: "You'd better worry about yourself."

Just watch the skeleton man shaking his creaking bones, reaching into his abdominal cavity, crunching for a moment... and pulling out a black bone?

The skeleton man looked at the black bones in his hand and seemed dissatisfied: "Forget it, just use it. It's enough for you."

"Where did you come from?!" Gao Wenwu stared at the skeleton. He looked like this, why wasn't he dead?

The skeleton man carried the blackened bones and walked towards Gao Wenwu, "There is a road to heaven but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell and you break in. I will also take your head back to display."

Gao Wenwu watched the monster approaching him, and the blackened rib-like thing was already hitting his face.

Gao Wenwu held the skeleton man with his head and bumped it to the side. He punched the face with only bones, one punch and another. The place he touched neither looked like bones nor flesh. It was completely I don’t know what kind of monster this man already is.

And the skeleton man was actually a little excited after being beaten, "You can still fight back? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Gao Wenwu felt that this was another complete lunatic. He swung his fist again, but just as he was about to fall, he was caught by the skeleton man with lightning speed.Then the skeleton man pulled fiercely, and the situation between the two sides immediately reversed. The skeleton man turned around and pressed Gao Wenwu under him. The strength of his body was so amazing that Gao Wenwu couldn't get away at all.

"Let him go!" Zheng Suo shouted angrily, "He doesn't know anything!"

The dwarf man has not killed Zheng Suo until now, obviously because he wants to ask something, "The director really cares about his subordinates."

He winked at the skeleton man. The skeleton man understood and suddenly lifted Gao Wenwu from the ground with one hand.

"Well, let's play a simple game to cultivate our sentiments."

The dwarf man walked to Zheng Suo's desk and opened the bottom drawer: "I just discovered something interesting hidden here."

He reached down, grabbed something from under a pile of papers, and pulled it out.

That was Zheng Suo's revolver.

The dwarf man removed the magazine and was amused: "There is only one bullet in it. Sure enough, everyone here is a coward."

The dwarf man held a gun and put it directly on Zheng Suo's head.

"That's good, it saves us having to demolish it again."

Gao Wenwu began to struggle violently. What were these two lunatics going to do? !

"Have you seen the movie?" the dwarf man said with a smile, "There is no need to talk about the rules. There is only one bullet in this gun. We will take turns asking you two questions. Don't worry, as long as you answer them well, everyone will live. But if Like the director's attitude just now, there's no telling whose head the bullet in this gun will go into."

The skeleton man glanced at Gao Wenwu: "It seems that you are more eager, so I will let you try it first. Maybe this shot will fulfill your dream of being a hero."

The dwarf man threw the gun, and the skeleton man reached out to catch it. The muzzle of the gun directly pressed against Gao Wenwu's temple: "Here, the first question..."

The skeleton man pointed his gun at Gao Wenwu, but slowly looked at Zheng Suo.

So this game is about pointing a gun at one person, but having another person answer the questions?
I finally understand how vicious it is, how can it be so shameless?
"Director, where is the equation?" The dwarf man looked at Zheng Suo, his intimidation was very obvious.

Zheng Suo stared at Gao Wenwu with unbearable expression in his eyes, but he still said: "I don't know."

"What a pity answer." The dwarf man glanced at the skeleton coldly.

The skeleton man pulled the trigger directly without even a trace of hesitation. The sound of the safety bolt snapping back made both Zheng Suo and Gao Wenwu break into a cold sweat.The gun didn't go off.

"God bless you." The skeleton man's voice was cold.

He just threw the gun away, and the dwarf man caught it in the air, and put the cold muzzle of the gun on Zheng Suo's head again.

"Director!" Gao Wenwu himself didn't even move when the gun was pointed at him, but he couldn't calm down at this moment.

The two men, the skeleton and the dwarf, wanted to see this scene, and both of them suddenly smiled in triumph.

"Where is the equation?" After the skeleton asked, the dwarf man pretended to pull the trigger.

Gao Wenwu said: "Wait a minute, I know."

"Xiao Gao, shut up!" Zheng Suo was obviously angry.

The skeleton man looked at Gao Wenwu: "Do you really know? There will be a price to pay for lying to us."

Gao Wenwu said: "I am the one who went to the library to perform the task. Do you think I know that?"

The skeleton man and the dwarf man looked at each other, interestingly, "Then tell me?"

Gao Wenwu said: "You guys release the director first."

The skeleton man laughed: "Do you think we are fools?"

The dwarf man directly threatened: "Stop talking nonsense. If you tell me, you may live. If you don't tell me, you will die." There is no choice at all, and he even wants to negotiate terms.

Gao Wenwu stopped talking.

The dwarf man's face turned cold, and there was another sound of the safety bolt rebounding. It was still an empty gun.

"Tsk, tsk, I even believe that good people will be rewarded."

There was no trace of blood on Zheng Suo's face. He watched with determination as the gun was pointed back at Gao Wenwu's head.

"You two, don't waste our time. This is the third shot. From a probability perspective, you should know that the result of this shot is more or less disastrous, right?" This is not really acting in a movie. The last shot is fired. The chances are slim.

Gao Wenwu's eyes were as cold as ice at this moment. He hoped that the shot would hit him directly, and he was even prepared for this.

"The look in your eyes is really annoying." The skeleton man said. "Why do you people think you are heroes?"

Gao Wenwu ignored him because he made you look more like a monster?
"Come at me for what you have..." Zheng Suo knew that his words had no effect, but he still said, "Don't embarrass others."

The skeleton man said: "Touching."

Unfortunately, he didn't hesitate at all when he pulled the trigger.After this shot, everyone was stunned.

Still, no sound.

The skeleton man and the dwarf man looked at each other, and Zheng Suo seemed to be relieved for a moment, and his expression was even a little excited.

Gao Wenwu's face turned pale, and the skeleton man cursed: "Damn you, you really thought you were acting in a movie!"

The dwarf man said with a cold face: "Give me the gun."

The skeleton man threw the gun away without hesitation.

When the dwarf man got it, he pulled the safety catch and pressed it directly against Zheng Suo's temple: "For the last time, do you want to tell me?" His tone changed.

This time Gao Wenwu and Zheng Suo both knew that there would be no more luck.

"The formula is not in the hands of the director, you have found the wrong person!" Gao Wenwu said it in one breath. "I can take you to him."

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