
Chapter 223 Backstab

"You know the seven deadly sins," Wei Yuan said solemnly, "Your performance seems to have magnified a side of each of you."

Zhang Zheng is irritable, Jiang Shan is jealous, Gao Wenwu is persistent, and Zhao Ying is cowardly.

And Wei Yuan himself is arrogant.

Wei Yuan thought he could control the overall situation, but reality taught him a lesson. They are not sinful enough, and it only takes a small shortcoming to trap them here and not be able to get out.

Over there, Zhao Ying still didn't give up using the intercom to contact Jiang Shan, shouting every few minutes: "Ashan, Ashan!"

Wei Yuan said: "Turn it off, don't waste power."

Zhang Zheng couldn't help it anymore: "Old Wei, you..." Is this too much?

Wei Yuan didn't say a word, but looked out the car window. It was obviously only three o'clock in the afternoon according to the time, but it was suddenly as dark as a curtain, and the black dust outside was like a big sandstorm. But at this time, even a real sandstorm would not bring such a big panic to them.

"Pull up the car curtains as well." Wei Yuan was worried that this thing would cause psychological shadow to everyone.

Others suddenly remembered what Wei Yuan said not long ago. In the future, there will be more and more phenomena that everyone cannot understand.

"I, I have only seen such horrific scenes in my dreams."

"I've never seen it in my dreams."

When Zhao Ying stretched out her hand to pull the curtain on the car window, she suddenly noticed something strange, "Look, the material of these curtains is not cloth... It seems to be?"

Zhao Ying couldn't help but wipe the protective clothing she had not had time to take off, and then touched the car curtain, with an uncontrollable surprised expression on her face.

Seeing this, Gao Wenwu subconsciously pulled down the curtain of the car window next to him. He touched it with his hand and found that the material was strange.

"It seems a bit similar to the material of our protective clothing?"

Everyone looked at the curtains next to them. Wei Yuan used his flashlight to shine at the seam between the windows and saw the rough wire hanging up. "This curtain should have just been installed."

Gao Wenwu thought for a while: "I remember that the vehicles of the Beijing-Hong Kong Guard were equipped with solar visors."

Now there are such rough curtains.

Wei Yuan pinched the curtain fabric in his hand: "This should be made from the scraps of protective clothing."

It only serves as a simple barrier, but now that protective resources are so scarce, it is a bit strange to use expensive protective clothing materials just to make a curtain for a car window.

"Old Wei, something isn't right about this, isn't it? Why do I feel like there are so many things that they haven't told us?" The car curtains have been closed, except for Wei Yuan's flashlight which is still on in the car. There was a faint light on everyone's faces.

Gao Wenwu said after a while: "I also think there is a problem with this mission now."

The problem is not that the mission is difficult, but that they seem to be stabbed in the back. There is a feeling of being tricked by one of your own.

Regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, several people were in a very bad state at this moment, and their low mood was added to the situation, casting a layer of gloom.

Zhang Zheng dared to speak out: "In the previous missions, we were used as gunmen at most, but this time it is more like being thrown out of the ashes?"

Everyone looked in the direction of Wei Yuan. Wei Yuan's face was completely hidden behind the flashlight beam and his expression could not be seen clearly, only his vague outline.

"We have encountered a lot of things. Why do they want to hide it from us? For example, they don't tell us what this curtain is for."

Zhao Ying hesitated: "I'm thinking about another possibility. Could it be that they don't know it either?"

Compared to deliberately hiding it from them, this explanation is obviously more acceptable to them.

Hearing this, Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Don't be naive. I think the dangers in this place must be more than what they said..."        Now all the miracles and goodness are gone.

Zhang Zheng wants to be as angry as possible.

Suddenly, a huge "bang" sound startled everyone. Zhao Ying's face turned pale with fright in the darkness. Gao Wenwu immediately turned his head: "What is this sound?"

It seemed like something hit the car window.

Shock and horror appeared on every face. Zhang Zheng stuttered: "C-could something hit the car window? A bird?"

After saying that, I felt ridiculous, what kind of bird could make such a big movement. It was more like a boulder crashing into it.

"Yes, it seems to be the window on Zhao Ying's side."

Zhao Ying's face turned pale when she said this. She had been hit the hardest by the noise just now, and now she didn't even dare to turn around and look at the window next to her.

Gao Wenwu wanted to reach out and open the curtain, but just when he was about to touch the curtain, there was another huge "Bang!" that shocked everyone's eardrums.

This time it was the window next to Zhang Zheng.

Almost everyone's expressions changed. Is this a special code, a midnight scare? The problem is that it's still early before midnight...

However, a few people were sitting in a closed car with the curtains drawn. The whole space was cramped and depressing.


At this time, Zhao Ying tightly covered her mouth and almost screamed. The banging sound came from the car window behind Gao Wenwu.

Almost in the next second, two huge "Bang!" "Bang!!" came from the glass window of the rear compartment behind Wei Yuan.

The successive situations made everyone subconsciously afraid to express their anger. The banging sound was like a knocking on the door from hell, so frequent and loud that people could not react.

"I can't think of any other explanation other than meteorites falling from the sky." Zhang Zheng was already gritting his teeth at this series of surprises and frights.

Gao Wenwu took out the flashlight from his side and turned it on. With the extra beam of light, he could see that everyone's expressions were not good. Everyone else also turned on their flashlights. However, the light did not dispel the gloom in everyone's hearts.

Wei Yuan actually looked very sick. He was holding on to the armrests of his wheelchair. "I don't recommend opening the curtain to look." He suddenly stopped Gao Wenwu.

Even Zhang Zheng originally wanted to open it and take a look, but he was stunned when he heard this: "Why?"

At this time, there was another fierce collision behind Wei Yuan. It no longer looked like a stone, but like a "creature" with independent consciousness that would choose to hit the glass one by one.

By this time, the windows beside everyone had been hit, and the trunk behind Wei Yuan had been hit twice.

"No matter why they installed these curtains," Wei Yuan said with suspicion in his eyes, "at least one thing is that we should not look at what is behind the curtains."

Wei Yuan's words made everyone fall into astonishment and doubt again. What was behind the curtain... "thing"? What's behind the curtain?

"What do you mean? Outside, what is there outside?" Could they really see a hellhound?

Wei Yuan looked at everyone sadly. He didn't know what was outside, and he thought it was best for everyone not to know.

“Do you think you are really ready to accept ‘anything’, ‘unknown’, ‘does not conform to any physical laws’ and ‘goes against common sense’ you see?”

If they did see something truly nerve-wracking, the whole car would be lost and crazy in this first night.

There is no turning back.

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