
Chapter 229 Can Zhang still come?

At this time, it seemed that Zhang Zheng's stomach made a series of gurgling sounds.

Before the shock on Zhang Zheng's face faded away, it slowly turned into embarrassment. Ah this...

Jiang Shan opened his backpack: "I have water and food here. You can eat some to replenish your strength."

Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu looked at the food with some fear, and for some reason they were afraid to eat it.

Jiang Shan frowned a little when he saw their weird looks. Zhang Zheng let it go. Gao Wenwu also seemed to be doubting all this?

Jiang Shan finally looked at the two of them and said, "I'll leave water and food for you. I want to go out."

This sentence finally pulled the two of them out of their frightened state, "What did you say?!"

Jiang Shan didn't seem to be joking at all: "I said I wanted to go out and speak."

Zhang Zheng thought she was also stimulated: "Do you see what it's like outside now? Go out and die at this time?" You don't have to be so impatient to die.

Jiang Shan looked at the two of them. Of course she knew what it was like outside, which was one of the reasons why she had to go out.

"Gao Wenwu, Zhang Zheng, haven't you realized that if we stay here any longer, we will all go crazy."

Jiang Shan said it word for word. She looked at Gao Wenwu and then at Zhang Zheng. As long as they still had some sense, they would understand what was most serious in front of them. It was not the dust outside at all, but human nature. The barrier between sanity and madness has begun to collapse.

Only a thin line remains. Sanity will overcome madness.

Gao Wenwu's face gradually turned cold. He could understand Jiang Shan's words and knew that Jiang Shan was not alarmist. He even knew that his mental state and psychological defenses were collapsing as Jiang Shan said. It's only a matter of time before there's a complete collapse.

If Gao Wenwu Shang is like this, let alone Zhang Zheng.

Jiang Shan looked at them and said: "There is only one way to tell whether we are in reality or in a dream."

Gao Wenwu stared at Jiang Shan, and a chill suddenly rose in his heart. Could it be...

Jiang Shan said: "I went out to the school gate, found our car, and saw if there was anyone in the car." We.

Just saying this plan made people feel terrified from all directions, "You stinky girl, you, you."

This is what Jiang Shan planned. There can only be one truth or falsehood. Even in Inception, there will be a fixed top.

"What you're doing is too risky." Gao Wenwu actually wanted to say "crazy."

In this situation, Jiang Shan might not even be able to leave school. If, if, Jiang Shan can successfully walk out of the campus, find the car, and see the situation inside, is there really the "truth" inside?

Gao Wenwu thought what happened next was the scariest thing.

Zhang Zheng said frustratedly: "We can't contact Old Wei now. If Old Wei is here, he must have something."

Wei Yuan.

Jiang Shan's eyes darkened. Yes, Wei Yuan was also the key. She felt that maybe Wei Yuan also had part of the answer. The premise is that she must also find Wei Yuan first.

Jiang Shan had already stood up, "I will come back to find you. No matter what, don't leave this classroom...wait for me."

Jiang Shan had an uneasy feeling inside.

When Zhang Zheng saw that she was really going to leave, he panicked: "You little girl, let's at least discuss it first, ah?"

There was nothing left to discuss. Jiang Shan shook her head and said, "Here, don't leave." Apart from these words, she didn't know what else to warn Zhang Zheng and Gao Wenwu.

Jiang Shan took a UV flashlight and walked toward the door.

Gao Wenwu suddenly said: "We'd better make another 'mark'. A mark that only we have."

In the long black dust, it serves as a "signpost" that cannot be mistaken.

Jiang Shan couldn't help but pause. Thinking of something, she suddenly went back and turned her schoolbag over, emptying out all the contents. Then she shook her worn schoolbag and said, "I'll hang this at the door."

Jiang Shan said. She carried the bag in her hand and came to the door, turned her head and took one last look at her two teammates.

In Zhang Zheng's eyes, Gao Wenwu is cold and decisive.

Jiang Shan walked out of the door. From the moment she opened the door to the moment she ducked out, it only took her an extremely fast second, like a nimble fox. When she closed the classroom again, only a faint cloud of black dust drifted in through the crack in the door.

This door seemed to suddenly become the boundary between two worlds.

Zhang Zheng huddled up again in the classroom, "Old, Old Gao, will that girl come back?"

Can you really come back?

Gao Wenwu didn't say a word now. What could he say? How could he know?

Jiang Shan hung his schoolbag on the door handle and looped it around with the shoulder strap. It's really strange. Once this door is closed, it seems that the voices of Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng are completely cut off, as if there is a complete and utter silence.

Jiang Shan even had the urge to open the door and see if the two of them were still inside.

But Jiang Shan finally let go of her hand. She didn't have much time, and now she had to seize the time to finish her thing.

Jiang Shan turned on the flashlight and walked towards the stairs at the end of the corridor without looking back. She ran along the corridor to the first floor. The light of the ultraviolet flashlight could only illuminate Jiang Shan's feet amid the black dust in the sky, but Jiang Shan's own eyes could see a clearer perspective.

That feeling of hot eyes came back.

Jiang Shan knew that she might shed tears of blood again soon, but she had no time to care at this time. Whatever, she went all the way down to the first floor and saw the corridor outside. At this time, Jiang Shan became more cautious. If it was correct, Wei Yuan should be on the first floor.

Jiang Shan tried the walkie-talkie in his hand, but there was still no signal. "Wei Yuan."

"Wei Yuan."

"Wei Yuan."

Jiang Shan calmly searched for classroom after classroom. The doors of these classrooms were not closed, and the desks and chairs inside were all covered with thick black dust, like a hill of silence or a forest of dark dreams.

Suddenly Jiang Shan stopped in his tracks.

She saw a classroom with closed doors and windows.

Wei Yuan finally asked them to hide in the classroom. According to normal logic, Wei Yuan himself must have found the nearest classroom to hide.

Jiang Shan immediately reached out and turned the door handle.

But it didn't move at all.

The door seemed to be rusted to death, without even a crack.

Jiang Shan tried many times but still couldn't open it, so he could only frown and go around to the window nearby.

"Wei Yuan, are you in there?"

Jiang Shan knocked hard on the window several times with a cold face. It's time for someone inside to respond.

But there was still no sound.

Jiang Shan even turned her face and put her ears tightly against the door and window to listen, but with her hearing power, she couldn't hear anything.

It's like a huge frozen silent world.

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