
Chapter 234 Another Me

The lighter flickered twice and then went out. Gao Wenwu flicked it twice more but it could no longer light up.

Zhao Ying said hurriedly: "Flint, and flint!"

Just when she was groping in a hurry, Gao Wenwu suddenly stopped her for some reason: "Wait a minute, don't move for now."

The three of them could hear each other's heavy breathing in the darkness. "I still remember the story Zheng told us. The two teams of Beijing-Hong Kong Guards who entered the school first detonated explosives... I now doubt that their purpose was really true." Is it to prevent outside team members from entering?"

Is there a possibility that they are also trapped in some kind of despair where reality and illusion can't be distinguished, and chose to "self-destruct"?

"Lao Gao, I beg you, please stop talking." Zhang Zheng was already dying.

Zhao Ying hugged her body, as if she could feel a little warmth in this way. She felt in her heart that Gao Wenwu was right. This kind of fear and terror can only be felt by those who are personally there.

It's really better to end it in a happy way, if it can really end.

"So why did the Beijing and Hong Kong guards who returned to the base sit back and watch Bai Jin massacre the people in the base? If they really escaped from a situation like ours... maybe their mental state is no longer normal."

The only explanation is that they are crazy.

"No matter what, I can't die in such an unexplained way..." Zhang Zheng's teeth chattered and he still said harshly, "Old, Old Gao, the bullet I told you before, you, you put one in my temple."

Zhao Ying wanted to make the same request for a moment.

Gao Wenwu stared at his two collapsed companions in the dark: "Where's Dr. Wei and Jiang Shan, can you really ignore them?"

Silence fell in the car.

"Zhao Ying, in the dream on the other side, did Jiang Shan ever give up on you?

Zhao Ying couldn't help but cover her face. The core of everyone's hard support is also the missing teammate, the one who never gave up.

Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng were both stuck at the other end, knowing full well that the girl named Jiang Shan had been working hard to save everyone.

Whether it is a dream or reality, it is a living life.

Zhang Zheng suddenly gritted his teeth: "I don't believe there is no explanation for all this. I said, let's put the 'dream' together again."

Wei Yuan was in a coma, and they couldn't really just mess it up. Even if their minds were not as good as Wei Yuan's, the three cobblers together were as good as Zhuge Liang.

Seeing the two of them fighting again, Gao Wenwu finally made up his mind and said: "Zhao Ying, take that out."

Zhao Ying was stunned: "What?" Which one?

Even in the darkness, one could feel Gao Wenwu's eyes looking over him with astonishing brightness: "That one hundred milliliters of adrenaline."

Two inhaling sounds suddenly sounded in the car. "Old, Old Gao, please calm down."

Zhao Ying was also obviously at a loss.

Gao Wenwu gritted his teeth and said: "Every time we sleep inexplicably, isn't it clear? There is at least some mysterious force that we cannot resist. If we continue to sleep inexplicably like this, and then wake up, we will always wake up. Once... we couldn't wake up at all."

It can be felt from their increasingly tired bodies that this outcome is not even far away.

"No, no..." Zhao Ying murmured and refused, "It's not that far yet." Gao Wenwu interrupted her fantasy: "It's already there. The only way now is to have someone who can stay awake all the time. See I will help you fall asleep and wake up again...maybe we can unravel the mystery of all this."

Otherwise they will be trapped in this cycle forever.

Zhao Ying really tried her best to restrain herself from choking and crying. She already understood what Gao Wenwu meant.

"Give me an injection of epinephrine and I'll be watching over you two. We have no other chance to understand what happened between when we woke up and when we fell asleep."

Zhang Zheng kept breathing and said: "No, Lao Gao, listen to me first. Didn't you say that the dose of adrenaline is a lot? Then I think it is enough to inject all three of us, so that we can all stay awake..."

Gao Wenwu interrupted directly: "We can't take the risk. If the dose of 100 milliliters is just for one person, we will have no other substitutes after we separate rashly."

Moreover, that tube of epinephrine is contained in a syringe device. If, if this epinephrine is really intended to be used by multiple people, it will most likely be directly divided into several portions instead of directly poured into one inside the syringe.

From the perspective of medical injection, such a low-level mistake would not be made. So Gao Wenwu actually had a hunch from the moment he saw this strange tube of adrenaline in the medicine box, but he always hoped not to use it.

Zhang Zheng's eyes turned red: "No, Lao Gao, what if you..." What if you die?

Did they really lose another teammate?

Gao Wenwu seemed to be controlling his breathing. After a while, he said: "So I am the most suitable for injections. I have the best physical fitness. Moreover, I have been a doctor... When it comes to drug resistance, my body is most likely to be able to withstand it for a while." One hundred milliliters of epinephrine.”

Gao Wenwu didn't lie about this. He had been forced to use adrenaline more or less for first aid and temporary self-rescue in the battlefield. His body allowed him to take a gamble.

"Besides, if we are really in a dream now, even if I get injected now, it won't affect me, right." Gao Wenwu wanted to speak as easily as possible.

Zhang Zheng felt his trembling body, "I really don't think... we are in a dream now."

Now that we are at this point, can people not be able to distinguish between reality and dreams? Why do the feelings feel so real no matter which side you wake up on? Zhang Zheng really wanted to smash his head open. The blood beating in his veins and his heartbeat was so chaotic that it was about to stop. Wasn't it him? Isn't it him?

"Don't think about it!" Gao Wenwu shouted in time to stop Zhang Zheng's descent into madness.

"Get it out, Zhao Ying! We may fall into deep sleep again at any time. Can't you see that it's very urgent now?" If they wait any longer, they may really go crazy at any time.

Zhao Ying shivered and took out the tube of epinephrine from the medicine box. The completely white liquid could save someone's life at a critical moment, but at this time it was completely a killing tool.

"Give it to me." Gao Wenwu stretched out his hand.

He was going to inject himself, so that it could penetrate into his blood vessels most accurately.

Zhao Ying's hands were cold, and Gao Wenwu deftly pulled out the needle plug and pushed out a trace of air and liquid first.

"Zhao Ying, take out the flint and light a candle." Because the current light source is too precious, they only have some disposable consumables left, so when they were talking just now, Gao Wenwu stopped Zhao Ying from consuming the remaining flame prematurely. resource.

Soon the faint light of the flame lit up. Gao Wenwu held up the syringe and said, "Light it up for me."

By the light of the fire, Gao Wenwu stabbed his own blood vessel without hesitation.

A full 100 milliliters of liquid was pushed into his body. This acupuncture and cold feeling once again made Gao Wenwu unable to question that what he was seeing was not reality.

He threw the empty syringe aside and stared at Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying.

At this moment, both of them were nervous and fearful. Gao Wenwu took the candle in Zhao Ying's hand and said, "From now on, I will always keep my eyes open and stare."

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