
Chapter 239 Humanoid Story

Gao Wenwu felt like he had been torn into millions of pieces. That feeling was something he would never forget, especially when he was awake and experiencing it all, it was even more cruel. It feels like being thrown from a high altitude after spinning at high speed, and the discomfort and fear of all the internal organs being displaced and then reorganized.

Before that, they were all talking in the car, and Zhao Ying's face turned pale: "I don't think this is a good idea..."

I don't know why Zhao Ying's fear seems to be overflowing.

If you really saw something, do you still have time to regret it?

"Maybe nothing will happen," Zhang Zheng said, "We will simply fall asleep and have nightmares."

Nothing happens, which is not necessarily a good thing.

Because they are now facing a desperate situation with a dead end ahead.

This is a big gamble, and both losing and winning are costly.

"Lao Gao, no matter what you see, if I turn into a monster in my dream, you must give me a shot." Zhang Zheng never forgot the gun.

Gao Wenwu squeezed out a smile and said: "Bullets are more precious than your life."

Zhang Zheng was embarrassed: "You have gone too far, Lao Gao."

The candle is now in Gao Wenwu's hand, and the three of them are now talking to each other very close to each other: "Anyway, if we find out that we are real..."

Zhang Zheng's words suddenly stopped. Not only his voice, but his whole body seemed to have suddenly paused. He even kept his hands half-raised, and all the micro-expressions on his face were still visible.

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying were frozen in front of Gao Wenwu.

Gao Wenwu's pupils dilated, "Zhang Zheng? Zhao Ying?"

There was still a bitter smile on Zhao Ying's face, and her eyelashes did not tremble anymore. Suddenly, as if someone pressed the pause button, all the pictures and sounds stopped.

Gao Wenwu couldn't describe the shock in front of him. The two people suddenly seemed to have turned into wax figures, motionless, all their postures were still maintained, as if they were watching a weird reality show.

How come a good person suddenly becomes motionless? And it is obviously impossible for Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying to deliberately tease Gao Wenwu.

"Zhang Zheng! Zhao Ying!" Gao Wenwu raised his voice, but the two people opposite him showed no reaction at all, not even a basic change in their pupils.

This made Gao Wenwu's blood run cold. The candlelight in his hand shone on their faces, like two simulated human figures.

But the problem is the person who was talking alive just a second ago!

Gao Wenwu's hand holding the candle was shaky. He reached out and touched Zhang Zheng's skin: "Zhang Zheng?"

Gao Wenwu seemed to be electrocuted by this touch, and he felt as if electric sparks were emitting from his fingertips, and then Zhang Zheng's face began to change.

His entire skin began to turn white and translucent, like a transparent man in a movie. Not only his face, but his entire body was disappearing little by little. Zhao Ying next to him also maintained the same posture and expression as they had before. Little by little, it became clear before Gao Wenwu's eyes until it completely disappeared.

Not even a scrap of clothing was left, and the place where they sat was empty.

The candle suddenly fell to the ground, gave off sparks, and then went out. At that moment, Gao Wenwu saw that his left hand became transparent.


In the classroom, Gao Wenwu, who had woken up, grabbed Zhang Zheng's arm and stared at Zhang Zheng with his eyes like blood holes. He said with his last breath: "I know all this... Zhang Zheng, we You can never, ever escape!"

Gao Wenwu's pupils began to dilate, and then he let go of Zhang Zheng and completely lost consciousness.

"Lao Gao!" Zhang Zheng shouted heartbreakingly.

Gao Wenwu was stiff and stiff, his whole body was extremely cold and stiff, as if he was punished for overexploiting his life force.

Zhang Zheng has never been so desperate as at this moment, "Old Gao, Lao Gao, get up!" They will never be able to escape?

Zhang Zheng felt so lonely and cold, and death was really never the most terrifying thing.

Zhang Zheng felt that his strength was exhausted and his body became heavier and heavier. He seemed to have never slept well. His whole body was so exhausted that it had lost all vitality. He looked down at his hands as if there were countless ghosts. He slowly Lying next to Gao Wenwu, his eyelids finally closed.

"Wei Yuan!" Jiang Shan was used to the convulsions of the walkie-talkie, but when she looked around, she still gasped.

Jiang Shan found that the big hole she had dug out just now was gone, and the entire surrounding area was dark with no exit.

Jiang Shan rushed directly to the exit and reached out to peel off the wall, only to find that it was all made of solid bricks, and even the soil she had dug out just now was gone. In Jiang Shan's heart, there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past, and he couldn't guard against them despite all the precautions. There really was no trick in this damn place.

But Jiang Shan clicked her feet. She lowered her head and found that the blackboard was still in place.

But Jiang Shan's pupils trembled as the words on the blackboard changed.

Jiang Shan picked up the blackboard. The huge and messy characters on it almost occupied the front blackboard, which read: "Run, don't come in! No matter who you are, don't come in!"

There was no room to write the last word, only half a word.

Jiang Shanren is numb. Don't come in. What else can she do now that she's inside?

The blackboard was right next to the entrance of the cave. It seemed more like a reminder board, but what about the words she saw when she came in just now? !

Jiang Shan's temples were pounding. She tried to break through the door again with violence, but this time the wall didn't move at all, not as easy as when she entered before.

Violent Shanshan's fists were numb, but they couldn't even make the walls move at all.

The skeleton on the chair seemed to move. The black matter crawling out of the corpse and the skeleton all crawled around and adhered to the walls and ceiling. I thought those things were coming for Jiang Shan, but it looked like they were coming. Got up just to seal off the place.

Unexpectedly, I still ran slower.

Jiang Shan rushed back to the table and found that all the words engraved on all sides were changing.

The words seemed to grow larger: "How much do you trust your eyes?"

"Do you think time exists?" The order of these words seems to be reversed.

The blank notebook on the table beside me suddenly turned a page, and it suddenly moved without any external force.

At the same time, the posture of the skeleton on the chair changed.

The skull's head is facing Jiang Shan, representing the position of the mouth bones, and seems to be grinning upward.

Numbness on the scalp is no longer enough to describe Jiang Shan's feeling. Her heart suddenly moved, and at that moment she suddenly felt blessed. She grabbed the notebook on the table and opened it eagerly again. She saw that the notebook was densely packed with... Countless words appeared.

Jiang Shan's head was pounding, and her hands were shaking with excitement.

"If you see words on this diary, it means you have discovered me buried here. And you can never get out again."

Jiang Shan: "???!!"

"You will be buried here with me until the end of the world."

Jiang Shan just wanted to curse, she glared at the skeleton: "I don't want to be buried here with you." We don't know this brother well.

Jiang Shan was so angry that he could only continue to flip through the notebook, which continued to write: "If you don't want to be buried with me, then you have to remember the time."

what? Jiang Shan's heart was full of greetings, and why did she feel that the words in this notebook seemed to have a question-and-answer meaning?

Her hair stood on end again, what about remembering time?

Jiang Shan eagerly turned to the next page, "I discovered the secret of time."

"Until I tried to escape time, but I failed, so being buried here is my punishment."

"So, if you want to leave from here, you must remember the time and don't be deceived by 'it'."

Jiang Shan looked up at the skeleton and said after a long time: "...Brother, I am not good at learning. Is there a more understandable language?"

Why couldn't she understand a word? Escape time? Is this person writing science fiction?

Jiang Shan kept flipping through his diary. He had never been so thirsty for knowledge. "Time is the most cunning existence. Human beings are deceived by it. After spending their lives in confusion, they are taken away by time. But our lives should not end." It was so hasty and innocent.”

Jiang Shan paused.

"Fortunately, there is one thing in this world that time can never deceive, and that is the sun."

Jiang Shan's heart was pounding, Taiyang?

"Go towards the sun."

"If you want to get out of here, remember, remember, walk toward the sun."

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