
Chapter 249

Facing a big black pit, 99% of people would not dare to jump casually, but Jiang Shan has always been one of the 1% in society.

"Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan, can you hear me?"

Jiang Shan suddenly frowned. She called into the intercom several times but did not hear Wei Yuan's response. The intercom actually cut off at this critical moment?

Jiang Shan felt uneasy for a moment, but the "exit" was right in front of her. She stuffed the pen pointer she had been holding into her pocket, and then took a deep look at the skeleton sitting elegantly on the chair: "Goodbye, no, Hope to never see you again.”

Jiang Shan took a deep breath and jumped down. She seemed to be pulled down by a huge pulling force. There was something like air pressure around her that was blowing madly at her face. She seemed to be torn into pieces. It was so exciting. . What does this feeling feel like? It feels like you have been thrown into a drum washing machine with a speed of a thousand times. Your internal organs and skin and flesh are all stirred up, as if they have been displaced. It feels like falling from a high altitude, but also like... Running in circles?

It wasn't until an unknown amount of time passed that Jiang Shan's back fell firmly to the hard ground. She turned over with a grin on her face. She didn't have time to care about the pain on her body. She immediately raised her head and looked around. Here was a corridor. It was the same as the class corridor of the teaching building they had searched before.

There were no walls that she had torn open, and no shards of glass that she had broken.

Jiang Shan quickly got up, checked that the pointer of the pen in his pocket was not damaged, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Shan saw that there was still black dust outside, but the concentration seemed much smaller.

"See the time..." Jiang Shan has been recording the ticking sound with his ears. Under such a "long" tear just now, Jiang Shan actually only heard one ticking sound.

She's kind of creepy.

She once again remembered what Wei Yuan said, the speed of this pointer is not calculated in seconds.

If so, all the time she "felt" here, the long or short feelings she thought were all invalid.

Jiang Shan swallowed subconsciously.

Yes, she had counted so many thousand times. What she thought was a long life of ten days was actually only a moment in reality.

How absurd and terrifying, if a person is trapped in "time", forever and ever, the way he will die - wouldn't it be that skeleton?

Jiang Shan was shocked by his idea.

No wonder this place drives people crazy sooner or later.

There are still two hundred strokes until the next sixteen point six six six six six six seven.

Jiang Shan immediately wanted to find out which teaching building he was in so that he could return to the classroom of Class 2 and Class 3 where Gao Wenwu and Zhang Zheng were.

At the same time, she had to multitask and couldn't miss the ticks. Even Jiang Shan's brain is a bit overloaded.

"Hey, hey, can anyone hear me?" Jiang Shan shouted several times through the walkie-talkie again, but the signal was completely cut off again.

I'm really afraid of giving people a little more hope.

There are no signs on all the classroom doors. At a glance, the similar doors look like a Rubik's Cube array, with the word "return" surrounding her. Looking down from the railing looks like a bottomless well.

If you want to know which teaching building this is, there is only one way left. You have to go outside again. There may be a building logo on the outer wall of the building. But there is endless erosion and dust outside, and Jiang Shan may get lost again. And this may be a bit high.

Jiang Shan looked at the pointer in his hand again, "If you are really a compass, you should give me a direction at this time."

Tick, tick, tick.

Jiang Shan was speechless, knowing that this was the case.

But now Jiang Shan is no longer discouraged, because she has come out of that place. Whether it is relying on those theories of time and space that she does not understand, at least it shows that there is indeed a set of rules in this place.

Like libraries and aquariums, they all have their own set of systems and rules.

In short, there will definitely be changes after the thousandth click of the pointer. In the space just now, time went backwards, and there must be other changes outside this space.

Jiang Shan planned to walk forward first, but she didn't expect that she seemed to step on something as soon as she lifted her foot. She thumped and couldn't help but move her foot away, and instantly saw what seemed to be a reflective object on the ground.

Jiang Shan was startled subconsciously. She immediately thought of the mirror fragments at the door and almost turned around and wanted to run away. Fortunately, after she took a closer look, she realized that it was not a mirror, but something like a metal brooch.

She reached out and picked it up, turning the metal side over. It turned out to be a student badge.

In the past, every student in the school would wear a badge with his or her class and name. The name on the badge was blurry, but the words "Class Three" could still be vaguely seen.

Class three? The three grades in the high school department, Class 1 and Class 3, Class 2 and Class 3, Class 3 and Class 3?

Jiang Shan subconsciously glanced at the class next to her. She had "fallen" from the "ground", but the exit should still be at the previous location. However, the place she entered was obviously an office. Why was there a sign saying Class three badge?

And shards of glass were missing.

Jiang Shan didn't want to waste her brain thinking about space and time anymore. Even she didn't understand a lot of what Wei Yuan said, but she knew she had no way out, so she stepped out of the teaching building resolutely.

She threw the student badge back.

As soon as she stepped out of the building, Jiang Shan's eyes began to burn. The more she tried to see clearly in the black dust, the more her eyes felt like they were burning. Before she took a few steps, two lines of black tears were already hanging from the corners of her eyes.


This sound came to Jiang Shan's ears, and for a long time, there was no sound of the pointer turning again.

Jiang Shan was startled and immediately took out his pen to check, and saw that the pointer on the turntable had stopped moving.


Jiang Shan was shocked and didn't understand what was going on. Could it be something bad? She stared intently at the pointer, and the device, which rotated thousands or tens of thousands of times like a perpetual motion machine in the small dark room, was probably too small to be damaged as soon as it came outside. If this reason was ruled out, could it be?

Jiang Shan took a breath, time, time stopped?

Combining those theories that she seemed to understand but didn't understand, she couldn't help but look around the "black fog".

In this fog, does time stop?

In order to verify this conjecture, Jiang Shan slowly took a few steps back. When her heel touched the construction floor, a crisp sound of needle movement entered her ears.

Jiang Shan slowly turned around.

When you step into the outside space, time stops. Only when you stand inside a building does time move.

Even if he doesn't understand, it doesn't prevent Jiang Shan from remembering every word Wei Yuan said.

(Time and space are not absolute, they are completely inseparable and connected to each other. From then on...there is "time and space".

Time, space, time and space never end. )

Time and space are one, so in the thick fog outside - time is still, so that means - space is still.

So outside there was a thick fog that Jiang Shan felt he would never be able to get out of from the beginning.

Is it possible that there is only one building from beginning to end?


The first and third years of high school, the second and third years of high school, the third year of high school.

When they first entered this campus, they were told that there were three teaching buildings here.

Please help me and work hard so that I can have over 10,000 fans soon~

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