
Chapter 258 One kills many lives

Trying to shift to Jiang Shan's perspective, she had no way of confirming whether the words on the blackboard were left by Gao Wenwu.

The words carved with the knife have long lost the most basic logic of note-taking. They are messy, scrawled and crowded. Anyone could have carved this paragraph of text.

Moreover, the content of this text is to instigate Jiang Shan to die.

A person who saw Jiang Shan die with her own eyes actually left a message for her, which is suspicious enough in itself. Besides, the content still told her to die.

No reasonable person would choose to believe that the words on the blackboard are just a paragraph of text. That’s all.

Jiang Shan was sitting on a desk in a quiet classroom. She had no way to verify this passage. At this moment, in this space and time, she was alone. It's up to her whether she believes it or not.

She was too familiar with loneliness. She was born lonely, and it seemed that it would be okay to live alone again.

But that's before having any experience with companions.

A person can always live in darkness as long as he has never seen the light.

She kept counting the number of times the pointer moved, one thousand times, ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times. The time mentioned on the blackboard was coming.

Jiang Shan scanned the classroom again. It was all empty. Even if Jiang Shan was going to die, how could he choose to die? Hit the wall, or lift a table and hit it on his head.

It's hard to control the strength. If you don't die, you just faint. When time passes unconsciously, it's really over.

But her backpack and all her things had disappeared, otherwise the flint from before would have been a good choice.

There is no more complete way to die than by fire, and if you are lucky, not even the dregs will be left behind.

So Jiang Shan now has to think about what tools to use to seek death. Die completely.

Jiang Shan took out a medicine bottle from his pocket.

The medicine Wei Yuan gave her was also what Wei Yuan told her to bring with her on this mission. Jiang Shan just stuffed it into her pocket, and she had forgotten about it until just now.

Jiang Shan fiddled with the medicine bottle in her hand. When she was in the orphanage, the old nurse would only give her this medicine once a month and never more. Jiang Shan was also strictly warned that he must take one pill a day, and he was absolutely not allowed to eat more.

Jiang Shan once saw the old nurse counting the tablets one by one. If the month has 31 days, then 31 tablets will be given. If the month has 28 days, then only 28 tablets will be given. The old nurse is rigorous and meticulous and never leaves any loopholes. Give Jiang Shanzhuan.

But Wei Yuan gave her a whole bottle.

Jiang Shan didn't count them, but he estimated that there were more than a hundred.

Almost all drug overdoses can cause death. For example, one hundred sleeping pills can kill a person.

Jiang Shan turned the bottle cap open and poured out the pills, pouring more and more pills into her palm. Then she stuffed them into her mouth and chewed them. She had never tasted the taste of this medicine, but now here Without water, she had no choice but to eat like this. Jiang Shan's face had no expression, and could even be said to be very calm. She just chewed the pills, one at a time, and swallowed them as her throat rolled.

In the end, she even lifted the mouth of the medicine bottle and poured it into her mouth. She stuffed a large handful into her mouth and ate it. She first felt that her lower jaw began to numb and her entire tongue became stiff, but she still Keep chewing and swallowing all the pills.

She threw the empty bottle to the ground.

Her entire lips could no longer feel the presence, her throat felt tight and dry, and she even felt that her stomach was being stretched to the limitless extent. The tingling and burning sensation spread from her stomach to her whole body. In order to feel more comfortable, Jiang Shan chose to lie down. The ground was also hard and cold, but fortunately Jiang Shan could no longer feel it, because her whole body was now hot and painful, and her skin seemed to be isolated from her soul.

I can't believe that she will commit suicide one day. She is a patient who has been told that her death is imminent as long as she can remember. She counts on her fingers every day that she has lived one more day, but she is actually told that one day she will live too long. I chose to commit suicide. Life is one giant game of horse-trading.

Jiang Shan's eyelids were heavy, but she was lucky. It seemed that the medicine was indeed working, and she could sleep permanently this time.

It didn't matter who wrote the words on the blackboard, because the wish she made before was that she was willing to be swallowed up and let her friends go. It feels so good to have friends.


After Gao Wenwu finished carving the words on the blackboard, he exhausted all his strength. He sat down on the ground, his head lowered, and he sat on the podium dejectedly, his eyes staring blankly at the ground.

Especially Zhang Zheng was lying in front of him.

Gao Wenwu's eyes were covered with mist. He knew the famous philosophical trolley problem.

In front of the track, there are five people working. You can switch the track and let the trolley hit one person, or you can not switch and let the trolley hit five people. Do you choose to die to save all sentient beings?

Gao Wenwu knew that the person who made the choice with his own hands, no matter what he chose, was already a sinner through the ages.

Zhang Zheng on the ground groaned.

He really didn't expect that even Gao Wenwu in a weak state could KO him with one punch. Normally it would really hurt my self-esteem.

Seeing that Zhang Zheng seemed to be waking up, the look on Gao Wenwu's face became even more numb. Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying tried their best to prevent Jiang Shan from telling them this. In comparison, he was more despicable and selfish.

After an unknown amount of time, a ray of light drifted in from the window.

In any civilization, light represents hope. As long as light appears, it means that the long night is over and dawn is approaching.


Zhao Ying, who had been huddled in a cold corner and could clearly feel her life passing by bit by bit, suddenly felt this warmth on her face.

She suddenly opened her eyes in disbelief, and then her eyes saw a ray of sunlight appearing outside the window that had been filled with black dust.

Then, more beams of sunlight came in.

The sun really appeared.

At that moment, Zhao Ying's pale face couldn't help but be filled with excitement and joy. A miracle, was it a miracle?

Zhao Ying didn't even care about her weak legs. She knelt down directly on the ground. Her knees couldn't help but cramp. Even so, she stumbled and rushed out of the classroom.

The sun has really come out, and in the scorching sky, the circle is like a real sun god, giving the earth real rebirth.

Zhao Ying covered her face with tears in her eyes, but suddenly, all her expressions froze.

Frozen, stiff.

Then comes fear.

At the same time, Gao Wenwu's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the sunshine outside the window.

Reluctance to believe, fear, and all kinds of emotions flashed through his eyes.

Zhang Zheng also opened his eyes.

[One kill many lives] (Word) Kill one person and save many.

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