
Chapter 260 They are here

The extremely sad shouts resounded over the school: "Ashan!!!"

This voice made Gao Wenwu even more stunned. His face seemed to have lost all human emotions, and his whole person was as dull and stiff as a wood carving and clay sculpture.

Jiang Shan.

Their friend, their partner, Gao Wenwu couldn't imagine this.

The black fog in the sky dispersed, revealing the original appearance of the campus. A few buildings away, what was previously covered by the fog was a huge playground.

Jiang Shan lay quietly on the lawn, his eyes closed, but his final expression was not peaceful, and seemed to be slightly wrinkled. The pain caused by the drugs was not easy in the last days, even for Jiang Shan.

Fortunately, it all passed, and the sun shone on Jiang Shan's face, seeming to want to heal her last wounds.

Zhao Ying cried so hard that the moment she saw the sun really coming out, she rushed out of the teaching building and looked for Jiang Shan everywhere, and finally she found him on the playground outside.

Jiang Shan's body looked so small lying on the huge playground. Zhao Ying stumbled and rushed to her side. When she saw Jiang Shan's purple face, she couldn't hold back. Fear, horror, denial, all emotions were crowded in Zhao Ying's body.

She refused to admit that this was true, that it was all still in a dream, that it was all just a nightmare, it must be.

But this couldn't stop Zhao Ying's crying cry of collapse, which seemed to burst out from the depths of her body, pouring out uncontrollably.

Zhang Zheng was not much better than Zhao Ying. He didn't cry, but his expression was like a wax figure that had just been pulled out of a wax museum. It was dull and lifeless.

How could Miracle Shanshan die?

Gao Wenwu was in agony, but Jiang Shan still saw the text, saw it, and believed it all without hesitation.

This is Jiang Shan.

The girl who was full of wariness and hostility towards them when they first met, now does not hesitate to die for them.

As soon as Gao Wenwu stood up unsteadily, he could no longer hold on and fell down again. I never woke up this time.

It was Zhang Zheng who carried Jiang Shan back to the car. When he picked up the body on the ground, it felt unreal. Was Jiang Shan so light, or when did she become so light?

On the way back, it was Zhao Ying who sat in the driver's seat. Zhang Zheng seemed to have turned into a wood sculpture and clay sculpture again after carrying Jiang Shan back to the car. He sat motionless next to Jiang Shan's body. His eyes kept staring at Jiang Shan for a long time without even blinking.

Zhao Ying didn't even know how she drove the car back. The sunlight was dazzling on her face, as if they had been in the dark all their lives and were no longer used to the dazzling sunlight.

No one in the car spoke. The unconscious Gao Wenwu was motionless and even breathing slightly. Zhang Zheng was in a state of despair. Wei Yuan was silent to the end. Zhao Ying's eyes were filled with tears from the sunlight. The car was like a moving tomb. .


In the living base, Zheng Suo locked himself in the office and lived a very miserable life.

He has realized how big of a mistake he has made in the past few days. As soon as Wei Yuan and the others left, the clues revealed from other mouths let Zheng Suo know that this mission was not an opportunity at all, but a trap that had been dug long ago. trap.

After knowing the truth, Zheng Suoru fell into an ice cave, but it was too late, and he didn't even have a chance to call them back. Team Wei Yuan went on the mission because of his advice and trust in the director. Every time he thought of this, Zheng Suo wished he was the one who went there. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days, and whenever he fell asleep, he would have nightmares. .

He had his best subordinates killed.

And there is never any chance of recovery. Several guards guarding the gate of the base saw an armored vehicle approaching from a distance. They couldn't help but rub their eyes. When they saw the person driving the car, they were so shocked that they said, "Back, back!"

Wei Yuan and the others left for six days, which was not a long time for the base, but Zheng Suo had really suffered for six days.

The news that the armored vehicle had entered the base naturally spread like the wind, and Bai Jin quickly received the notification. "Come back?" His light eyes narrowed, this really surprised him.

Can you actually come back?

Even Bai Jin felt a sense of disbelief.

But this feeling soon disappeared, lasting only a few seconds at most.

A figure broke in directly from outside, so fast that even the guards didn't have time to react, and then Bai Jin was knocked to the ground by a fist.

"I will kill your grandson!" Zhang Zheng was furious, his eyes were as red as a vicious dog from hell, wanting to tear the person in front of him to pieces.

Bai Jin felt like stars were shining in his eyes. He shook his head twice and was about to take a good look at who was so bold. Zhang Zheng had already pounced on him. Maybe Zhang Zheng himself didn't know how he hit him. When people are crazy, they have no sense at all. He used his whole body to ride on Bai Jin and hit the face in front of him with punch after punch. Not only did he hit Bai Jin, he was stunned. , even the people around him were stunned.

When Bai Jin finally reacted, he shouted to the guards frantically, "Drag this lunatic down! Drag him down! Drag him away!"

As Bai Jin screamed, two powerful guards came up to pull Zhang Zheng, but they were punched twice by Zhang Zheng in a violent state. Zhang Zheng, who was usually thin and unexercised, exploded and seemed to be threatening his life.

If all the miracles and goodness are gone, why else would he want to live?

Zhang Zheng's roar and beast-like punches and kicks almost spread over the entire base. Bai Jin's face was scratched by Zhang Zheng and there was a bloody mark on his face, showing a embarrassed and sinister expression. Just now, why didn't the guard just kill this madman?

The next second, he saw Wei Yuan at the door.

Wei Yuan looked at Zhang Zheng who was being dragged down. Someone took out a gun and put it on Zhang Zheng's head as if to threaten him.

But now Zhang Zheng is not afraid of death.

He just wanted the white hair in front of him to die. Go and bury Ashan with him.

So Zhang Zheng seemed to be unable to see the gun on his forehead. His red eyes still only saw Bai Jin's hateful face: "I'm going to kill you, bastard! Bastard!" He killed Ashan. Ashan didn't deserve to die.

Bai Jin's face turned blue and white after being scolded. He sneered and looked at Wei Yuan: "Dr. Wei, should you control your subordinates? Are you just going to let him go crazy like this?"

Wei Yuan's expression was dull and indifferent: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Bai Jin's eyes narrowed subconsciously. He was not really stupid. Although there was no expression on Wei Yuan's face, it gave him a very cold feeling. And this lunatic named Zhang Zheng came to beat him as soon as he rushed in. His words and deeds seemed to be deeply irritated.

Thinking of this, Bai Jin showed a ferocious smile: "Dr. Wei is back in just six days. It's really impressive. It seems that Bai has been disrespectful again."

It seems that no one is worried about Ashan. The protagonist’s law of immortality is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

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