
Chapter 270 You stare into the abyss

Chapter 270 You stare into the abyss

Along the way, Jiang Shan, who had been dumbfounded all the time, suddenly stared intently at the big pit in front of him, and for the first time, he showed a kind of fanatical emotion?

Zhao Ying immediately noticed something strange about Jiang Shan and calmly stood next to Jiang Shan. At the same time, she held one of Jiang Shan's hands tightly, for fear that Bai Jin and the others would also notice something strange. Everything about Jiang Shan is unknown now, and she cannot be allowed to become the target of Bai Jin and his gang.

"This is the construction hole closest to us. Now put the rope down one by one." As expected, Bai Jin had no energy to care about them and commanded the group of mercenaries condescendingly.

While he was talking, the mercenaries had skillfully taken out the marching rope and carabiner, tied the rope directly to the handle of the car, tied a few knots tightly, and held on tightly.

Then a mercenary went down first. The weight of the car was stable enough. Although the mercenary was big, his movements were extremely flexible. In just ten seconds, he had reached the bottom of the cave. Then a safe signal was given towards the entrance of the cave.

So the others began to descend along the rope one by one. Bai Jin hugged his chest and watched as the five mercenaries and doctors all descended. He raised his eyes and looked at the four members of Wei Yuan's team.

Zhao Ying's face was slightly pale. She was actually a little afraid of heights, and although she had practiced rock climbing, she was really not sure about such a steep cave wall.

Zhang Zheng had a cold face, but he actually felt guilty. He had never been good at physical strength, and those mercenaries looked like gorillas.

"How about Dr. Wei, you guys first?"

Wei Yuan was sitting in a wheelchair. Isn't this obviously embarrassing? The four of them would have choked just by digging a hole before the mission even started.

Bai Jin's face makes people uncomfortable: "Do you need our help?"

Zhang Zhengqi came up. He could not be looked down upon, and for the first time he became a brave man: "I'll do it."

He went out and put the rope on himself. He had taken all these safety lessons, and he still remembered the sequence. Even though his movements were clumsy, he was still exposed.

But after all, he was dressed. Zhang Zheng walked to the cave and looked down.

The light at the bottom of the cave was dark, and the few people who had already gone down couldn't see at all. He didn't expect to face the abyss so soon. He was now willing to transform into a dragon.

Zhang Zheng tugged on the rope, looked back at Wei Yuan and Zhao Ying, took a deep breath, and went down the rope.

Zhao Ying looked at Wei Yuan. Wei Yuan obviously couldn't go down by himself, which was a bit embarrassing. Unexpectedly, Wei Yuan gave her a look: "You take Jiang Shan down first."

Zhao Ying knew there was no way out at this time. She grabbed two sets of equipment, helped Jiang Shan put it on first, wrapped the rope around Jiang Shan's waist several times, and then carefully tied her and Jiang Shan's ropes together. .

Zhao Ying just jumped down the cave with Jiang Shan on her back. She gritted her teeth and slid down the cave wall little by little. As soon as she slid less than three meters, Zhao Ying felt a coldness from the abyss.

She looked up again and found that the light at the entrance of the cave seemed so far away. She had not even reached a third of it, but it seemed to have been wrapped in a gloomy darkness. Cold sweat broke out in Zhao Ying's palms, and she could feel all her pores opening little by little.

She turned to look at Jiang Shan, who was sticking closely to her: "Ashan..."

Only then did she realize that Jiang Shan's eyes were staring down into the abyss. Not only her eyes, but also her facial expression began to show ecstasy.

"They're calling me."

Zhao Ying seemed to have been poured cold water on her. Jiang Shan, who used to bring a sense of security, was acting so strangely at the moment.

Bai Jin watched Zhao Ying and Jiang Shan go down together, and finally turned his eyes to Wei Yuan who was alone. "Dr. Wei, why don't I take you down?"

Wei Yuan said calmly: "That's troublesome." Bai Jin smiled when he heard Wei Yuan agreed, and walked towards Wei Yuan with the rope. He pulled away the blanket covering Wei Yuan with one hand.

He noticed that Wei Yuan was covered with this blanket every day.

But there was nothing under the blanket except weak legs. Wei Yuan looked at him.

Bai Jin continued to maintain a smile, and then tied the rope to Wei Yuan's upper body and legs. When he tied the rope and locked it, he naturally checked Wei Yuan's whole body. Unfortunately, Wei Yuan really didn't bring any tools.

Bai Jin gritted his teeth a little, but he still forced out a smile, pulled Wei Yuan out of the wheelchair, and carried him down to the cave together.

Zhao Ying was sweating profusely when she reached the bottom of the cave. This was not because she was tired from carrying Jiang Shan on her back, but because of the tension and fear in her heart. When her feet hit the ground, she didn't feel at ease at all. Instead, her hands shaking slightly when undoing the rope buckle.

The mercenaries had already turned on their searchlights, and the familiar ultraviolet light shone out, and Zhao Ying looked over subconsciously.

There was movement on the cave wall. Bai Jin had already come down with Wei Yuan on his back. Bai Jin's movements when he went down the cave were very experienced. His calmness and speed were not inferior to those of professional mercenaries. Zhang Zheng raised his head and saw that the posture of the white-haired man was many times stronger than him, and the discomfort in his heart became even stronger.

He didn't want to admit that this white hair really had two brushes.

Bai Jin unbuttoned his clothes as soon as he reached the bottom of the cave, not caring that Wei Yuan's feet were weak and unable to stand without the rope.

Zhang Zheng caught Wei Yuan in one stride and glared at Bai Jin: "Did you do this on purpose?"

At this time, Wei Yuan's wheelchair was also hung down from above. He could have sent the wheelchair down first and then brought Wei Yuan down.

Now that he had to bow his head under the roof, Zhang Zheng could only swallow his anger and wait for the wheelchair to come down and help Wei Yuan to sit on it. This was just like this at the beginning, and I still don’t know how to deal with people in the subsequent tasks.

Zhao Ying held Jiang Shan's hand. After Jiang Shan arrived at the bottom of the cave, everything became normal and he no longer showed any weird expressions.

This made Zhao Ying feel a little relieved.

No matter what, she still didn't want Jiang Shan to attract too much attention from Bai Jin and his gang.

The last two people finally came down and the team assembled. Bai Jin held a searchlight and said coldly: "Let's go."

There is a damp smell in the cave, but this smell is not the kind of smell that comes from the sewer, it is an indescribable weird smell. This smell is even more chilling than the simple stench.

The stench was a familiar smell at least, but what permeated the entire underground at this moment was an unfamiliar smell that no one knew about.

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear. Among fears, the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown.

The unknown, the unpredictable unknown, the ultimate source of all kinds of disasters.

Fortunately, there was also chatty Zhang Zheng. He whispered into Zhao Ying's ear: "Did you notice that there seems to be no corrosive matter under the ground?" The places exposed to ultraviolet light were all clean.

"I heard them tell stories about the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards' search and rescue operations. One of them was about a family hiding in a cellar." That time, the entire area was deeply eroded. Just when the search and rescue team thought there were no survivors, they discovered The family in the cellar survived.

(End of this chapter)

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