
Chapter 277 Don’t be a coward

Wei Yuan knew very well that a team without unity would be more deadly than anything else.

Even if you have the best equipment and the most powerful team members, it is useless as long as there is suspicion between each other. It may even become a constraint.

Bai Jin faced off against Wei Yuan. He was not afraid of Wei Yuan at all, "Dr. Wei, has he forgotten the rules I announced before going down to the cave?"

Bai Jin has the final say in everything about this operation. Wei Yuan could offer advice, but it was of no use.

Jiang Shan suddenly opened his legs and walked towards the back of the team. This movement was so sudden that Zhao Ying felt the hand in her palm suddenly leave her, "Ah Shan!" Zhao Ying's face trembled.

Jiang Shan acted as if he hadn't heard anything and walked straight to the back of the line, then stopped.

Bai Jin snorted when he saw this, "It seems she volunteered."

There was something wrong with Jiang Shan in this state. Jiang Shan suddenly walked back, maybe for some other reason. Zhao Ying always remembered what Jiang Shan said. She was really afraid that something was really calling Jiang Shan in the darkness.

"I want to go to the back with Ashan." Zhao Ying said.

Wei Yuan's face darkened, "Zhao Ying!"

Bai Jin's eyes looked a little surprised for the first time. He thought Wei Yuan cared more about the survivor Jiang Shan, but from the looks of it, it seemed like he didn't?
Zhang Zheng took Zhao Ying's arm: "I'd better go to the back, and you and Lao Wei stay in the front." He winked at Zhao Ying. The front is always safer than the back, right?
After saying that, Zhang Zheng went straight over. He really didn't want to see Bai Mao's face. If this continued, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to help but make a move.

Zhang Zheng walked towards the back row, passing through the group of mercenaries who looked like terracotta warriors and horses. Just when he was about to see the last darkness, Jiang Shan turned around suddenly and blocked Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng looked directly into Jiang Shan's eyes, and there was nothing in those eyes.

"... Miracle Shanshan, please don't scare me."

Bai Jin's voice came coldly: "Keep walking."

Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan were forced to go to the front. There were only four people in their team, and they were cut into two. It was extremely humiliating.

"All things will eventually come to an end, and you will never survive if you do evil." Zhang Zheng spat at Bai Mao's back at the end of the team.

For a person who has served his sentence in prison and has not paid off all his sins, being released would be against the laws of heaven. God must have seen it. It is not that he will not repay his crimes, but the time has not yet come.

Zhang Zheng has now begun to believe in destiny. Didn't it mean that both Niu Ye and Ai Ye began to believe in it before they died? This means that there is indeed such a thing. snort.

"Zhou Hu?"

Bai Jin's eyes flashed, and a figure appeared in front of him. He had already drawn his gun, but when he saw the face clearly, he paused.

That person turned out to be Zhou Hu. He walked towards the team and said, "Mr. Bai, I finally found you."

Bai Jin's eyes were somewhat wary: "Why did you appear here? Where did you go just now?" They kept walking forward, but Zhou Hu had clearly run back into the darkness before.

Zhou Hu paused, looking briefly confused, and then shook his head: "I don't remember clearly...but the passage here seems to be circuitous, and I ended up here inexplicably."

Bai Jin stared at him, and Zhou Hu seemed a little panicked, "I called you on the intercom, why didn't you agree?"

Zhou Hu lowered his head: "I'm sorry, I lost my walkie-talkie."

Bai Jin sneered: "Lost it?" Why not also lose his life?
Zhou Hu lowered his head and kept rubbing his hands. Wei Yuan was sitting in a wheelchair. From his position, he could see a strange expression on Zhou Hu's lowered face. But when Zhou Hu raised his head, those expressions disappeared. He seemed a little afraid of Bai Jin: "There seems to be someone else here... No, it's not a person, it's something else, something else. Mr. Bai Jin, I , I saw it.”

Bai Jin couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and stared at him. "Something else, please tell me more details?"

Zhou Hu showed that fear and uneasiness at this time. He rubbed his hands: "I didn't see clearly, I just felt like, like a crawling 'person'..."

Many people's faces became unsightly.

Bai Jin stared at Zhou Hu: "Return to the team."

Zhou Hu seemed to be very surprised, "Thank you, thank you Mr. Bai."

Bai Jin suddenly asked again: "If you see it again, can you recognize that creature?"

Zhou Hu was stunned, and suddenly nodded heavily: "Okay."

That means you are still valuable. Bai Jin calmly motioned for Zhou Hu to return to the team.

Zhou Hu walked to the back of the team, and there was only one person separated from Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng. He could just see Zhou Hu's slightly blue face from the side and behind, but he didn't know if it was because of the flashlight light.

Zhang Zheng didn't think much, he didn't care about these strange mercenaries, but Jiang Shan beside him was staring at Zhou Hu deeply.

The missing person appears again.

Or are the dead coming back?

Zhang Zheng was actually not that bold. He always felt a chill on his back, especially in his neck, as if someone was blowing something. He couldn't help but feel numb several times, but he couldn't be scared, he couldn't be scared.

A series of horror movies had already appeared in his mind. There was a movie that happened to tell a story about no turning back. As soon as you look back, something unclean will get on you and you will never be able to get rid of it. However, the protagonist in it will always turn back for various reasons. Zhang Zheng once pointed at the movie with laughter and scolded that someone would be fooled if it was so stupid!

Of course Zhang Zheng couldn't laugh now. He even felt like he was leaking air. He was the stupidest one. He couldn't survive more than one episode.

Zhou Hu seemed to feel that someone was staring at him. At that moment, he turned his head coldly and looked into Jiang Shan's shining eyes.

At that moment, a sinister smile appeared on Zhou Hu's face.

Everyone else around them abided by the taboo and kept their gaze forward. No one noticed anything strange about Zhou Hu. The most important thing was that Zhou Hu's body was still walking forward upright. He just twisted his neck like this. At a distance of 120 degrees, he met Jiang Shan's eyes.

It's not 180 degrees, so it doesn't look that scary, but even this angle is not something people can twist out.

Zhou Hu had already returned to his normal posture when Zhang Zheng looked over, so Zhang Zheng didn't notice the weird scene just now.

Only Jiang Shan still kept his deep gaze, staring at the back of Zhou Hu's face motionlessly.


Zhang Zheng immediately looked at Jiang Shan, waved his hand in front of her eyes, and found that Jiang Shan still had no change. He sighed in disappointment: "You have a headache, and my neck hurts."

His muscles were stiff due to high tension, and he was about to suffer from cervical spondylosis.

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