
Chapter 286 Ghost Water

Chapter 286 Ghost Water
"Zhou Hu, what's wrong with you? Why is there so much water?"

The person closest to Zhou Hu was looking at him strangely.

Water was dripping wetly from Zhou Hu's body, and the sound of seeping water was particularly clear in the underground passage.

Maybe everyone didn't pay much attention to it at first, because the ground was wet and they often heard the sound of dripping water, until they discovered that the sound came from the nearest side to them.

Zhou Hu looked ahead expressionlessly, as if he didn't hear what his companions were saying.

"Zhang Hai, why are you like this?"

The man suddenly discovered more abnormalities, and his voice changed.

Several people in their team were all wet at some point, with water dripping from between their fingernails.

"You, you..."

These people were covered in water and had strange expressions on their faces.

The man ran to Bai Jin in a hurry: "Mr. Bai Jin, what's going on?"

But Bai Jin only stared at the passage in front of him, turning a deaf ear even though he could hear and see everything around him.

"There's something wrong with these people..." Seeing that his companions were acting strangely one by one, in the end, there were only three of them without dripping water.

The other three also noticed something strange around them, and immediately raised their guns, aiming at the people who appeared strange.

"What are you doing?" one person asked warily.

Water began to pour out of Zhou Hu's pants. It felt as if he had tied a faucet to his body. He chirped and laughed strangely. "Chi chi chi chi."

The other dripping people also began to follow him, making all kinds of strange and inhuman screams.


They seemed to be laughing, laughing happily, but each of them kept dripping water, and the ground was soon covered with water.

"Mr. Bai Jin!" Someone shouted again.

Bai Jin turned his head and stared emotionlessly at the four or five soaked people in front of him. Their faces were still the same as before, but they no longer looked like normal people in terms of expressions or behavior.

"They turned into monsters..." The man next to Bai Jin raised his gun and aimed at a person.

The person being targeted showed no fear at all and was still smiling horribly. "Kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick-kick."

Someone fired a gun, and the bullet hit Zhou Hu's chest. Zhou Hu looked down and saw gurgling water flowing from the muzzle of the gun.

Surprisingly, the blood that flowed out was not even blood. The scalp of the person who fired the gun exploded, and he fired several more shots as if he lost control.

Bang bang bang! Several shots even missed.

A mercenary actually missed the target at such a close distance, which shows how shaky the hand holding the gun is.

At this time, Bai Jin raised the walkie-talkie in his hand. There was an indicator light on the walkie-talkie that was constantly on, indicating the recording function.

Bai Jin stopped the recording, then pressed the play button, and a frightening dialogue began:

"Zhang Hai! Zhang Hai fell!"

It seemed like the sound of something falling into the abyss.

"Ah, help! Mr. Bai Jin, help me!" "Don't hurt everyone, go die quickly."

All the mercenaries who heard the recording seemed to have been cast a restraining spell.

Bai Jin sped up the playback speed, pressing it all the way to five times, "What's going on? Huh? Zhang Hai?"

"He San and Lin Yong also fell behind...where are they?" "Didn't Zhang Hai fall? The one in front...why does it look like him?"

"Zhang Hai, Zhou Hu."

"Look, look, is that He San in front?"

"Zhou Hu, why are you wiping your sweat? Is it hot here?"

"Zhang Hai, are you crazy? You actually attacked Lin Yong...!?"

"Stop!" the gunshot rang out.

"He's a monster! He's a monster that sneaked in!" Continuous shooting.

Almost crazy electronic noise, everyone heard their own voice in the recording, which also made their facial expressions full of horror and astonishment... Zhou Hu, Lin Yong, Zhang Hai He San, these people are all dripping now. Water monster.

But the remaining people obviously didn't remember what they said on the recording. They even went through some processes in the recording that they didn't remember at all. At this moment, listening to the voices coming from the recording, they felt even more... Very scary.

From the beginning to the end, only Bai Jin maintained a sarcastic and mocking smile. He looked from Zhou Hu to the four people all over.


Monsters infiltrate their ranks.

Water spread on the ground, but Bai Jin was standing on a step at this time, so he was perfectly isolated from the water. However, the mercenaries holding guns below had already been touched by the water coming over.

The water was very soft and seemed weightless, but the first mercenary who touched him screamed like he was burned by fire. He stumbled backwards and sat down in the water.

He shivered violently for an instant, and his eyes were blank, as if out of focus.

After about a few seconds, the gun he had been holding loosened and fell into the water.

Only then did the other two mercenaries react and began to rush towards higher ground crazily. The water on the ground was spreading rapidly. The usually least lethal water flow now seemed to be a terrifying ghost water.

"Monster! Monster!"

Bai Jin watched all this from a high position, the walkie-talkie in his hand was still flashing, and he recorded the sound. He already knew that something was wrong with the people around him.

But he still followed the path pointed by "Zhou Hu".

There is also the road pointed by "Zhang Hai".

Then there are "He San" and "Lin Yong". They constantly pointed out the direction and followed the instructions.

The mercenary standing next to Bai Jin turned to look at him with a pale face, as if he was looking at a real monster.

Bai Jin took out three gas bombs from the bag at his feet, lit them with a cold expression, and threw them at Zhou Hu. The extremely strong flames exploded in the air, and the flames burned Zhou Hu's clothes, and his whole body was instantly exposed. In a sea of ​​fire.

Zhou Hu's whole body was on fire. The skin on his face seemed to have melted away in the flames, and the clothes on his body were burned off piece by piece.

There was a large amount of sodium in the gas bomb, and it burned quickly into a piece without fear of water. The entire underground was illuminated brightly, including the grooves on the cave wall. At a certain moment, something seemed to be flashing in the grooves.

There were actually sharp cries coming from all directions, like a hell cave.

Cries, screams.

The few surviving mercenaries had already turned pale. They had no idea what was going on. "Mr. Bai Jin..."

One person turned to look at Bai Jin and saw an obscure scar behind Bai Jin's left ear groove. Like a leftover from surgery.

The mercenary trembled when he saw the scar. It was scarier than everything I had just seen.

This, this is?

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