
Chapter 291 Approaching Science

Chapter 291 Approaching Science
But even if those hundreds of people were trapped within these cave walls, they would be powerless!
And how long have you been trapped in there? Can you still live after so long? People will die if they don't eat or drink for more than ten days. They have been trapped here for at least half a month!

"I don't think these screams are necessarily caused by humans. By the way, there is a kind of monster in mythology that uses its sounds to lure people into being deceived."

Zhao Ying said silently: "But what if someone is really asking for help?"

If this possibility is only one in 10,000, it would cost hundreds of lives.

"You know, the information we were told before is that those hundreds of workers disappeared. It was not confirmed that they were dead." Zhao Ying said seriously.

This was indeed the case, but Zhang Zheng exclaimed: "That Bai Mao said that a worker went crazy and killed hundreds of co-workers."

Zhao Ying said: "Didn't you say that this sounds false? How can one person kill hundreds of people?"

Zhang Zheng had indeed complained before, but now that he was being criticized, it was a bit embarrassing.

"But don't forget, the doctor who just disappeared in front of us cannot be considered 'alive'."

Zhao Ying suddenly felt a chill in her heart.

Moreover, who can survive on these solid cave walls and underground? Can a human body be squeezed in? Just that... thing like water.

Moisturizes things silently. Damn, I thought of this sentence at this moment.

"There are shadow people." Jiang Shan said softly.

They have seen so many life forms. The four fell into silence again.

Life can have many forms, but as long as it is life, it will have itself.

Zhao Ying suddenly remembered: "Remember, when we went down to the cave, they said there was no erosion here."

They have become accustomed to the presence of erosion, and it is indeed surprising to be told that there is no erosion in a place.

"Didn't Lao Wei say it's because the soil here is ancient?"

"Speaking of ancient, with the depth we are at now, it shouldn't be that old, right?" Although they seem to have gone down very deep, from the inner diameter of the earth, this depth is just a drop in the bucket, and the plate movement of the earth's crust is far away At a depth of a thousand meters, how old can their soil layer of only ten meters be?
At this age, I'm afraid I can't keep up with an older man.

Wei Yuan suddenly realized what Zhao Ying meant.

"I'm thinking, what if it's not that there is no erosion, but... but that we didn't see it?" The possibility that Zhao Ying thought of now was so terrifying.

Because the "shadow man" that Jiang Shan accidentally mentioned just now makes people suddenly think of those mutated life forms, which are actually all changes caused by the influence of "erosion".

Be it shadow people or aquarium creatures.

"If we see these abnormal 'waters'...and these mutant's all because erosion has seeped into the soil.

What changes have resulted! ? "


The two mercenaries who escaped ran for a while in the darkness. They breathed a sigh of relief when they were sure that Bai Jin was really not chasing them.

But at this moment, they also discovered that they had no direction at all underground.

"What, what should I do?" one of them said with a horrified face.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been so impulsive, but who would have thought that Bai Jin would turn into such a monster!

No wonder he wasn't afraid of getting lost underground, and even deliberately led them off the route. His electronic brain had already stored everything!

They were kept in the dark and were played around like monkeys!
"Look at the footprints on the ground." Another person spotted it with sharp eyes, and immediately beamed with joy, "If we follow these footprints, we will definitely find the exit!"

The two men immediately began to take action. They took off the searchlight from their hats and walked directly with the light.

The rows of footprints on the ground were extremely clear, which made the two people even more happy. There was really no end to the road. The two followed the rows of footprints without any doubt.

After all, they all knew that the workers disappeared twenty days ago, and even if there were footprints, they would not have been left for so long. Moreover, these footprints were so clear that they must have been left by them when they came down just now.

They followed the footprints and came to a tunnel. Here, there are three forks.

"Why do I feel something is wrong..." One person finally came to his senses, "We seem to be going deeper and deeper?"

This doesn't look like a way out at all, the surroundings are even more eerie and terrifying.

The other person's expression also changed, but he couldn't figure out the joints inside: "But except for us, there can't be anyone else's footprints."

The man suddenly asked: "Are they from those people?" He was referring to Wei Yuan and the other four.

They understood immediately and looked at each other: "Those people who were thrown down by Bai Jin must not be able to get out of the underground." Perhaps like them, they had long been lost in this space.

"Not necessarily..." The other person's face turned pale, "I heard that all four of their missions survived."

Now the two of them are like lost sheep, with almost no way to find a way out. Wei Yuan's team is their only hope.

"You mean to go into this tunnel to find them?" Another mercenary's face darkened. "This tunnel is scary at first sight. I don't know if I can come out alive after entering."

The person opposite seemed to be hesitating: "What if there really is an exit here?"

Another mercenary was very decisive: "You have to go. I will find another way."

The man was stunned, and his eyes swept over the footprints on the ground uncertainly. He was very sure that he saw three pairs of footprints, and there was also a paralyzed man who was sitting in a wheelchair and had no footprints. The person who entered this tunnel was 100% Wei Yuan. Team people.

"I'll go in."

The other person sneered, turned decisively and walked in the other direction. He had already said that there was no morality between these mercenaries. They all flew away when disaster struck, and no one was willing to sacrifice themselves for the other.

The person who stayed at the entrance of the tunnel carefully checked the footprints on the ground again, and then carefully walked into the "left" passage.

He was alone at the moment, and even the boldest person would still be a little intimidated. When he first entered, he looked around cautiously, and all he saw was a very ordinary mud hole, with obvious signs of excavation all around. Then he continued walking deeper.

As long as he finds those four people, he will definitely be able to get out from here. He firmly believes that Wei Yuan and the four can find the right way out.

Just after he entered the cave entrance, the three pairs of footprints at the entrance slowly gushed out with water-like liquid, soaking the footprints and gradually blurring them until they disappeared.

The mercenary walked forward slowly. He felt that he seemed to have overlooked another very important thing, but he was so nervous at the moment that he couldn't remember what he had overlooked. The mercenary lives by being cautious. This thought that he couldn't remember made him have no intention to look around. He also didn't notice some changes on the wall of the cave. There were some black beads like pupils in the darkness, watching him quietly. .

The mercenary felt as if some cold liquid was dripping into his neck.

His whole body stiffened.


He suddenly covered his neck, but found that the skin was dry and there was nothing at all, as if it was just his hallucination.

But he was already a little panicked. He clutched his clothes tightly and wrapped his neck. Then he opened his eyes wide and looked at the tunnel ahead, which seemed to have no end.

He already regretted coming in. He should have found another way with another person.

Especially at this moment, he suddenly remembered something important that he had overlooked at the entrance of the cave just now.

There are three pairs of footprints. Wei Yuan is in a wheelchair and there are no footprints.

But what about the rut marks that belong to wheelchairs?

The mercenary suddenly stood up straight, his back instantly covered with cold sweat and ruts! Rut marks!
You must know that the weight of Wei Yuan's wheelchair is much heavier than the weight of a person. It is absolutely impossible for other people to leave footprints, but the wheels of his wheelchair have no traces at all, so the three pairs of footprints at the entrance of the cave are not Wei Yuan's at all. The four members of the team left behind!

The fear at this moment defeated everything. The mercenary felt like he was in real hell. He knew what a serious and ridiculous mistake he had made!

"Giggle squeak."

This laughter was heard from the mouths of Zhou Hu and others who had turned into monsters before.

All the mercenary's reason collapsed. He turned around and began to run away madly towards the entrance of the cave.

As if mocking him for being so easily fooled.

escape! escape!
There was only one word in his mind, escape from here. As long as you escape from here, you will be saved!

At the last moment of his life, he finally burst out with the strongest desire to survive.

But it was too late.

The mercenary who was walking the other way alone suddenly heard an extremely tragic cry, which he recognized as coming from his companion just now.

After two seconds of silence, he uttered coldly: "Idiot."

He actually took the initiative to walk into a tunnel that looked suspicious at first glance. It was like a donkey kicked his brain.

The mercenary turned on the searchlight in his hand. The water channels that were actually dug out were wide and steep. It was impossible to be such a narrow tunnel. He should try to walk to a wider place. Even if he couldn't find the way he came, he would definitely be able to find it. Other exits.

He walked confidently towards the road ahead.

The cave entrance they entered before was only the one closest to the base. In fact, there was more than one entrance for workers to enter and exit, and there were more than one ways out of this passage.

That idiot actually placed his hopes on others.

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