
Chapter 298 The truth is cruel

Chapter 298 The truth is cruel
The security guard had no idea what crazy talk Bai Jin was talking about, he just looked at this man with fear in his eyes.

"Finally found your grandson!" A curse came from behind, the voice was so familiar. "You didn't expect us to be alive, did you? You are the top piece of trash among humans!"

The security guard looked over in disbelief, not expecting anyone to find this.

Relying on Jiang Shan's sense of smell, the foursome successfully found Bai Jin's current location along the scorched smell. However, the sight of the mess along the way just now made the four of them feel cold, especially the burnt human skin hanging on the rock. On the wall, my nerves were almost tortured again.

So Zhang Zheng couldn't help but cursed when he saw the tuft of white hair from a distance. It's really rubbish, so rubbish.

How can there be such evil beasts among humans?

"Mr. Bai..."

Bai Jin slowly turned his face, and the four people immediately saw his appearance clearly. The mechanical cold light on half of his head was still stuck to the broken skin, and the other side looked like a completely normal person.

Zhang Zheng, who had been scolding vigorously just now, suddenly took a breath of air, "How did this grandson become like this? Sai, Cyberman?"

I heard Wei Yuan say before that he had some kind of surgery to implant a brain machine, but he didn't say that he would become such a distinguished person.

Wei Yuan was also surprised after seeing Bai Jin's face. He obviously didn't expect Bai Jin's appearance. The incisions he learned about brain machine implantation surgery were very small, and the implants were also tiny, so it was impossible to turn a person into this state.

When Bai Jin saw the four of Wei Yuan, he actually smiled: "Not bad, everyone is alive."

It seemed that the rumors about Wei Yuan's team in the base were not exaggerated. After being deliberately left behind by him, he actually found a way to catch up. And it seems that the girl named Jiang Shan looks much more normal than before.

"Why did you become like this?" Wei Yuan frowned deeply.

Bai Jin looked at it and laughed softly, "This look? Isn't this look what you have always hoped for most, the perfect combination of man and machine, immortality."

Zhang Zheng felt as if he had seen a ghost. He still wants to live forever? No wonder I thought he was crazy before, but it turns out that he is not a human brain anymore.

Wei Yuan did not laugh, he understood the meaning of Bai Jin's words. The most dreamed wish of mankind has always been to dominate all things and become a "god".

All technology, all research, and experiments are just to get closer to this dream.

It is undeniable that greed engraved in genes also drives mankind forward. Human beings are not satisfied with their life span and have been pursuing it for thousands of years. Until the rapid development of modern technology, this dream seems to be getting closer and closer.

First of all, there are various artificial organs, mechanical prostheses, gene editing, and DNA codes.

That madness never stops.

If not for a great erosion that shattered everything. Humanity will continue to be crazy forever.

"You monster, where are the people who followed you? Weren't they all killed by you?"

Bai Jin didn't react at all to others calling him a monster. In other words, he had become such a monster. He couldn't feel fear, and how could he feel ridicule.

"They died of their own incompetence and waste." None of them succeeded. None of these people survived the combination of ghost water. Why isn't it trash?

So many of his resources and equipment were wasted.

Wei Yuan stared at him: "What do you mean?" He felt that Bai Jin's words clearly contained another meaning.

Bai Jin ignored it coldly.

Jiang Shan said: "You set the fire, and you indirectly burned all of them to death."

Jiang Shan has roughly figured out that the underground water-type creatures need physical support in order to run or chase them. And the human body obviously cannot be a perfect carrier, so those people will soon mutate (water will flow out), and then their skin will be soaked and cracked, which is what the faces of the two mercenaries chasing them just now became. It looked like the whole process wouldn't take long, and Bai Jin directly burned those mutated people with fire. The water loses its form and flows back into the ground. "Sixty percent of the human body is water. Originally, I thought they would be the most suitable carrier." If they can be perfectly integrated, then mankind will usher in a new era.

Except for Jiang Shan and Wei Yuan, Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng were unparalleled in their shock when they heard this with their own ears. Zhao Ying murmured: "What carrier? Are you saying that you know there is a problem with the underground water? Are you using these people for experiments?"

Bai Jin said as if pity: "Congratulations, you finally realized it now."

Deliberately walking separately, sending away the mercenaries, and creating various conflicts are all for the purpose of kicking them out to be used as sheep.

"I fucked the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!" Zhang Zheng's face turned green with anger. What kind of perverted human experiment is this? Were they concentration camp prisoners?

Wei Yuan asked solemnly: "Did you get permission from your superiors to do this?"

Bai Jin faced the group of four with his strange face and said mockingly: "Dr. Wei, I didn't expect you to be so naive."

This sentence is equivalent to an answer.

"Impossible! Don't smear all mankind, you rubbish!" How can such rubbish be the majority? It must be impossible.

Wei Yuan, however, said nothing, testing whether the human body and ghost water can be combined.

Ghost water evolves due to the influence of erosion.

Humans want to test whether they can merge with erosion.

The form of water itself is the most promising for human beings to successfully integrate.

Everything is so clear.

It's just that they, including the mercenaries, were kept in the dark and entered this trial field naively.

Bai Jin was right, they were indeed naive.

"Under erosion, the eggs are never finished." Bai Jin's cold voice dragged the foursome into the abyss of reality, "Unless humans dominate the erosion, just like other things in nature, they find a way to enslave the erosion."

This is a life-and-death struggle for control. Time has never been quiet. Some people should wake up from their sweet dreams.

"I'll tear your trash mouth apart..." Jiang Shan dragged Zhang Zheng's forward body, but as expected, his brain was still hot when he was impulsive, and he couldn't see the form clearly.

It is precisely because what is said is true that it breaks people's hearts.

People never dare to face the cruel truth.

Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan were both deathly silent. It was good that Zhang Zheng was still angry. Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan, who knew the truth, were completely dead.

Zhang Zheng's eyes turned red: "Why do you look like this? Do you really believe what this scumbag says?"

Jiang Shan said coldly: "People have even studied the combination of gorillas and humans. What is impossible?"

Many dark studies that have never been brought to the table have occurred countless times in human history.

Why do we have to start to be disappointed in human nature now? This has not always been the case since ancient times.

This book may be finished earlier than expected, and the subscription is not as expected, but I will try my best to make it right no matter when it is finished.

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