
Chapter 300 Retribution will eventually come

Chapter 300 Retribution will eventually come
Jiang Shan and the other four followed Bai Jin, but out of caution, none of them followed too close and kept a considerable distance.

Therefore, the four of them naturally couldn't see what kind of madness was flashing in the blood-red left eye of Bai Jin who was walking in front.

Jiang Shan, if the combination of humans and erosion can become so powerful, what a wonderful result it would be. Naturally, he wanted to take this "result" out and let everyone see it.

Due to the disconnection of communications and the disappearance of the Internet, the reputation of "Survivor Jiang Shan" did not spread far.

Even many people in the base were skeptical before.

After all, no one has ever seen a "miracle" with their own eyes.

"I remember this road. We seem to be really walking back the way we came." Zhao Ying suddenly whispered to the three of them.

Would this white hair be so kind?

There won't be any traps waiting ahead, right?
"The water veins here have been cut off," Wei Yuan said. "The water source is polluted, and the entire underground area must be sealed. Completely sealed."

The people at the base may have to abandon this place and look for another water source.

"But what if all the underground water sources have become like this?" Zhang Zheng felt scared, "Isn't that the end of the world?"

Just as he finished speaking, Bai Jin laughed wildly: "So the ground you have to return to is just another hell. It's better to stay here. At least there is endless water here."

Dying under water is also a kind of happiness, isn't it good?

Jiang Shan said coldly: "The water source here will become like this. I think it is entirely the fault of you people. You dug that big pit at the base and threw all the eroded people into it, leaving them to fend for themselves. , and even threw suspected living people in... The fear of those people interacted with the earth here, and this underground monster was born. "

After all, those three hundred innocent workers were indirectly harmed by Bai Jin and his gang. Nothing happened to them before when they dug the water channel, but something happened when they were digging closer and closer to the base.

Jiang Shan once heard the "voices" of those people.

These words obviously surprised everyone, "You little girl, are you telling the truth?" Zhang Zheng asked in disbelief.

Jiang Shan said nothing, and Wei Yuan murmured: "This explanation is very reasonable."

Everything has a cause and effect, and going round and round is another retribution.

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a few seconds and then hardened his fist. If this was the case, then there would be no natural disaster after a long time, it was all a man-made disaster.


The good thing is that humans will have other available groundwater, as long as they don't do evil again.

Jiang Shan turned around and found that Zhao Ying had been quiet, her face was a little pale and she seemed uncomfortable. "Zhao Ying?"

Jiang Shan noticed at that moment that there seemed to be tears in Zhao Ying's eyes.

Could it be that what I just said scared her? She found that Zhao Ying seemed to be deliberately keeping a distance from the three of them.

Jiang Shan's heart sank, and she walked over quickly, "Zhao Ying?"

Zhao Ying seemed to be frightened. After Jiang Shan came closer, she quickly took a few steps away and said in horror: "Don't, don't touch me!"

Jiang Shan was stunned, "Zhao Ying, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Ying's expression was extremely scary. At this time, Zhang Zheng and Wei Yuan also heard the noise and looked over, "What's going on?"

Zhao Ying's eyes were full of tears, "I'm sorry Ashan... I seem to be very cold."

Very cold? It's always been cold underground, but Zhao Ying's reaction obviously meant something else. Jiang Shan's face suddenly lost all color. "Zhao Ying, are you..."

But she clearly checked it! How could it happen again? !
Zhao Ying seemed to be trying to hold back her tears, but the tears still rolled down one after another. "I feel very sticky..." It's very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Bai Jin didn't seem surprised, staring at Zhao Ying with one red eye: "Oh, another one."

"Shut up, you trash!" Zhang Zheng walked towards Zhao Ying excitedly, "Zhao Ying!"

Zhao Ying stepped back repeatedly, shaking her head desperately and crying silently: "Please, don't touch me."

Zhang Zheng was shocked.

Zhao Ying obviously didn't want to involve others, so she deliberately kept a distance.

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "We should check your body at this time to see what's wrong."

Just like a doctor needs to determine the bleeding point before he can treat and bandage you.

But how could Zhao Ying ask someone to check her? She kept shaking her head and stepping back, for fear that people would get close to her.

"Stop struggling." Bai Jin said coldly. "Useless."

Once you get stuck on it, you will never be able to get rid of it until you become the same existence as Zhou Hu and his gang.

Now none of the four people have the intention to argue with him anymore. Everyone's focus is on Zhao Ying. Jiang Shan's expressionless face showed almost out-of-control fear: "Zhao Ying, don't be afraid, there is a way. Yes, there is a way."

Zhao Ying was heartbroken. She looked at the three life-and-death teammates across from her and smiled sadly: "It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid of death. I've been mentally prepared for a long time. I knew this day would come sooner or later."

In fact, God favors a weakling like her who can survive to this day. She felt a little moved in her heart when she thought of Jiang Shan, who had just tried his best to protect her.

"Ashan, I'm very happy, really. I thought you were a monster when we first met, I'm sorry." Zhao Ying's current appearance deeply touched the hearts of the three of them.

Jiang Shan felt that his body was trembling slightly: "Zhao Ying, don't say this, you will definitely be fine. Let me check you. I will not be infected, have you forgotten?"

She can touch Zhao Ying, she is not afraid of the water, and she can help her check her body.

Zhang Zheng shouted loudly: "Yes, Zhao Ying! Let Ashan check you out!"

Zhao Ying was obviously over-stressed and collapsed, so she couldn't think rationally and could only keep saying sorry words.

Jiang Shan swooped down and threw Zhao Ying to the ground with great speed, holding her shoulders tightly.

Zhao Ying looked at Jiang Shan in horror.

"You all turn your backs and extinguish your flashlights." Jiang Shan said in a trembling voice.

Wei Yuan and Zhang Zheng understood immediately and turned around in cooperation. However, when Zhang Zheng saw Bai Jin still looking straight at Jiang Shan, anger suddenly surged in his forehead. Just as he was about to scold, Wei Yuan's voice next to him said coldly: "If you don't cooperate, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Jiang Shan to follow you up as you wish."

After hitting the snake seven inches, Bai Jin suddenly calmed down and gave Wei Yuan a very cold look. However, he actually turned around.

Wei Yuan knew that Bai Jin was now more interested in Jiang Shan than all of them.

The surroundings suddenly fell into darkness, but Jiang Shan could see clearly. Her eyes were shining, and she opened Zhao Ying's clothes with trembling hands, "Don't be afraid of Zhao Ying, I will never give up on you."

No one is not afraid when facing life and death. Anyone who is prepared is just trying to be brave.

Ants are greedy for life, and wanting to survive is engraved in the genes of all living things.

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