
Chapter 305 The Secret of Everyone’s Survival

Chapter 305 The Secret of Everyone’s Survival

Zhang Zheng quickly descended to the ground. Because the entrance to the cave was too narrow, he went completely vertically downwards. He couldn't see what was going on below except for the one meter square.

"Old Wei!"

Finally Wei Yuan's voice came: "I'm fine."

Zhang Zheng was stunned for a moment, and finally let go of his suspenseful heart. "How are you doing? I was scared to death just now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Zheng could finally see a puddle of water on the ground, and it suddenly became cold.

"Don't touch the ground, be careful." Wei Yuan came over in a wheelchair.

His wheels rolled in half a puddle of water, but no one was seen besides him, and no body was seen.

Zhang Zheng stood on the hanging ladder and was scared: "What's going on? Are those things catching up with me?"

Wei Yuan's face seemed ugly. He raised his head and glanced at Zhang Zheng, "Where is Bai Jin?"

Zhang Zheng said: "Zhao Ying is watching him with a gun, don't worry."

He still looked at Wei Yuan carefully and saw that there was no trace of wetness on his body, and it seemed that he really wasn't hit.

"Old Wei, you tie the rope to you and the wheelchair first, and then I climb up first and then pull you up." Zhang Zheng handed the rope to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan understood, took the rope, clasped his upper body to the back of the wheelchair, tied several ship cable knots, and then handed the extra end of the rope to Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng immediately started to climb up after taking over the rope. He couldn't pull Wei Yuan up by himself, so he had to ask Bai Mao for help.

Fortunately, these marching ropes were long and strong enough. He climbed back to the entrance of the cave and saw Zhao Ying motionless, maintaining the same posture as before, with the gun pointed at Bai Jin.

Zhang Zheng showed the rope to Zhao Ying, then stared at Bai Jin: "Baimao, come here and pull Old Wei up with me."

Bai Jin kept staring at Zhang Zheng when he saw him completely coming out of the cave, as if he didn't believe it.

When Zhang Zheng asked him to pull the rope, his face suddenly became even more terrifying.

"Pull up? You mean he's still down there?" How could those creatures let him go? The dead body didn't infect him?
Zhang Zheng stared at him: "Where are you if you're not down there? A piece of trash like you is still alive and well, why would something happen to Old Wei?"

Zhao Ying felt a little uncomfortable listening to this conversation, "Go over and pull the rope, stop talking nonsense."

Bai Jin didn't seem to want to believe it at all. He was held at gunpoint and walked to the entrance of the cave. Zhang Zheng looped the rope and said, "Grab it, pull it quickly."

Bai Jin held the rope and suddenly shook it hard with disbelief.

There was a scraping sound of heavy metal at the bottom of the rope. "impossible……"

Zhang Zheng grabbed the front end of the rope and was upset by Bai Jin's words, "Pull quickly!"

Zhao Ying also walked up and put her gun to his back.

The two people's strength finally pulled Wei Yuan and the wheelchair up little by little. The moment he saw Wei Yuan's face appearing at the entrance of the cave, Bai Jin's strength relaxed.

Zhang Zheng was almost dragged down, and the veins on his neck stood up. He grabbed the rope with all his strength: "What do you want to do, you scumbag?!"

Bai Jin squeezed the rope hard again and pulled Wei Yuan up with a sullen expression.

The moment the wheelchair landed, Zhang Zheng sat down on the ground and gasped: "Grandma, I thought I was going to be killed!"

Bai Jin stared at Wei Yuan coldly.

Wei Yuan avoided his gaze.

"The miracle team where all members survived..." Bai Jin stared at Wei Yuan for a while, then suddenly pointed at Wei Yuan, and burst into laughter with unknown meaning. "hahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Zhang Zheng looked at him: "Is this person crazy?" What's wrong with them is the Miracle Team? Don't you accept it?

Bai Jin's other human eye actually burst into tears from laughter. This time he was not pretending, but actually laughing until he couldn't stand up straight. "Hahahahahaha!"

Zhang Zheng felt cold for a while: "You're fucking crazy."

Wei Yuan held the wheelchair, his lowered eyes motionless.

This laughter was really infuriating. Zhao Ying raised her gun and said, "Zhang Zheng, tie him up first, quickly."

Although he now has a gun in his hand, this man is so crazy that it's scary.

"Dr. Wei, I finally, finally know why all of your team survived, hahahahaha..." Bai Jin laughed so hard that he almost died, his expression seemed to be uttering great ridicule.

This sentence fell into the ears of Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying, and actually caused a little stir. They could all hear that there seemed to be something in Bai Mao's words.

But neither of them could ask at this time. What could they ask, this lunatic?

Bai Jin laughed so hard that his limbs were shaking, as if he had really penetrated some absolute secret, and this secret was extremely ridiculous.

Zhang Zheng held the rope and gritted his teeth, "Stop fucking laughing!"

While both Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying were shaken by the laughter, Bai Jin counterattacked like lightning and grabbed Zhang Zheng's wrist. At the same time, his other arm came around behind him at a rapid speed, strangling him tightly. It grabbed Zhang Zheng's throat.

Suddenly, Zhang Gupei became a human shield in front of him.

This series happened so fast that I forgot that this guy had the skills of a mercenary.

In fact, if the laughter hadn't disturbed his mind, maybe Zhao Ying would have had time to react and shoot the bullet before he took action.

But it was too late to say anything now. Bai Jin turned against the guest and pinched Zhang Zheng's neck, his red eyes staring in Zhao Ying's direction motionlessly. The scariest thing is that he is still laughing.

"The side of the sun is a shadow, it's so funny, hahahahaha."

I couldn't understand a word he said, and I couldn't understand where his smile was, but for some reason I just had a weird feeling.

"Let Zhang Zheng go!" Zhao Ying finally lost her composure. At the same time, she really regretted her previous indecision.

He should have been killed on the hanging ladder, he should have been killed long ago.

Zhao Ying's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Bai Jin held Zhang Zheng as a human shield and turned around little by little. Zhao Ying said: "You can't escape anyway, so why fight to the death."

Bai Jin showed his sarcasm again: "Who said I want to escape?"

He slowly moved back and was actually getting closer to the entrance of the cave.

"What are you going to do?!" Zhao Ying was highly alert.

Bai Jin slowly retreated to the edge of the cave entrance. He said into Zhang Zheng's ear: "I'll give you a gift."

Zhang Zheng felt something being stuffed into his pocket, something as hard as a bottle.

Then Bai Jin let go of Zhang Zheng, and the next moment his fallen wild goose fell towards the cave. "Farewell, Dr. Wei."

There was a weird smile on his face.

Zhao Ying's hand was frozen on the trigger. What development is this? Did he jump by himself?
Zhang Zheng, who was standing by the entrance of the cave, had an expression as if he was sleepwalking. His whole body was floating outside, and he didn't even realize that Bai Jin jumped in.

"Why did he jump?"

Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying looked at each other, with this question in their eyes.

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