
Chapter 308 3 monsters gather together

Chapter 308 Three monsters gather together

Zhao Ying's face kept changing while holding the gun. What's going on? "Does this monster know Ashan?"

Not only do they know each other, they seem to have sworn hatred.

Zhang Zheng was also confused. How did he know? The culprit is now unconscious, so who can I ask?

Seeing that the skeleton on the ceiling transformed into a huge monster, with countless bones supporting him up, the only thing that looked like a human was his head, at least the distribution of his facial features could be seen.

"I want to kill you..."

Zhao Ying finally fired a shot. The bullet grazed the bone and made a sound like metal banging.

Obviously, the bones of the skeleton monster in front of me are different from those of normal people. I don’t know what kind of material they have transformed into.

"Zhao Ying, when did you become so decisive?" Zhang Zheng was a little impressed.

It feels like Zhao Ying is a bit like Jiang Shan now.

Wait a minute, Jiang Shan?
Before he could think about it, the skeleton man had launched another attack that was too fast to cover his ears. Zhang Zheng, Wei Yuan, and Zhao Ying could only immediately disperse and dodge, but this skeleton was a bit too aggressive. Those bones came down from the ceiling, almost It was instantly distributed to countless places throughout the house, like a net on the ceiling that was spread to the ground. He glared fiercely in Jiang Shan's direction and chased after him: "It really took no effort at all!"

It seemed that he had wanted to kill Jiang Shan for a long time. Those rotten black bones that looked like mold attacked the three people who were running for their lives. Zhang Zheng ran between the shelves and shouted: "Have we seen this monster? Why? No impression at all?”

We all went on the mission together. There is no reason why this monster knows Jiang Shan but they don’t?

When he turned around to see Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan, they both shook their heads. They were not impressed either.

"Is there anything else we don't know?" Jiang Shan has obviously been with them all the time, how could he have a grudge alone.

But during the escape, Wei Yuan's brain was naturally spinning rapidly. It was obvious that he finally remembered something, and he glanced at the terrifying skeleton man again.

Although he has never seen it, Gao Wenwu once mentioned a mutant in the shape of a skull in his report.

It was the time when there was turmoil in the base. It was said that Zheng Suo was held hostage by a skeleton man and a dwarf man. Although Wei Yuan and others were not present during the whole process, Gao Wenwu mentioned the characteristics of the two mutants afterwards, and the skeleton man was kidnapped. Jiang Shan fought and ran away.

Wei Yuan explained the matter concisely, and both Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying took a breath... If this is the case, no wonder they hate Jiang Shan so much.

At that time, the dwarf man was killed directly by Gao Wenwu.

But is this skeleton so scary? Doesn't it mean that he at least looks like a human being? How can he still look like a human being in his current appearance?
The skeleton man chased madly, "Kill, kill, kill."

The bones clicked on the ground, but fortunately, this monster seemed to have poor coordination due to the scattered bones, knocking over countless shelves and making them crackle along the way.

"Help!" Zhang Zheng panicked and started shouting uncontrollably, "Help..."

Zhang Zheng's expression changed when he saw the shelf next to him falling down. It was originally going to hit Jiang Shan behind him, but at the critical moment, he turned around urgently and the shelf hit him hard. Things were pouring out of the shelves. Once again causing secondary damage to Zhang Zheng.

When he raised his head again, Zhang Zheng's face was covered with blood holes and swollen purple patches.

"Zhang Zheng!" Wei Yuan and Zhao Ying shouted immediately when they saw Zhang Zheng being hit.

Wei Yuan turned his wheelchair and wanted to pick up Jiang Shan. At this time, it was a good choice to put Jiang Shan in his car.

However, he found that the wheelchair was suddenly stuck in place and could not move. He tried to crank the handle but it could not move at all. He immediately looked down.

There are obviously no obstacles under the wheelchair, but I can't move. Could it be that the wheelchair broke down at this critical moment?
But it wasn't just that, he found that Zhao Ying beside him was also blushing, trying hard to run away, but couldn't move at all. "It seems like someone is holding my foot..." Zhao Ying said with a green face.

She felt an extra force on her ankles, pressing her feet firmly to the ground, and this feeling was like five human fingers.

Zhao Ying and Wei Yuan looked at each other, and Wei Yuan looked at the wheels of his wheelchair again.

He turned on his ultraviolet flashlight and shined it.

For a moment, I saw a black hand that looked like a human hand on the edge of the wheel, gripping the two wheels tightly!

Seeing a ghost figure in broad daylight, Wei Yuan immediately swept his flashlight towards Zhao Ying's ankles. Sure enough, two black ghost hands were grabbing Zhao Ying's ankles.

When Zhao Ying saw it, her blood ran cold.

They wanted to save Zhang Zheng just now, but now they were caught by invisible ghost hands! "What is this?!" Zhao Ying's strong heart, which she had just developed, was hit hard.

Are there really ghosts in this world? !

"Shadow man..." Wei Yuan read out three words next to him.

Instantly pulling several people back to distant memories, Zhao Ying was stunned for two seconds and then felt like a critical strike: "Shadow, shadow people? Are there shadow people here too?"

Isn’t the shadow man in the library? Has he developed to the point where he can crawl everywhere?
Before Zhao Ying had time to express her question, she felt her ankle being pulled back with great force. In an instant, she lost her balance and fell down!

"Be careful!" Wei Yuan had no time to worry about Zhao Ying. His wheelchair also began to be pulled hard, causing him to start spinning around in circles. He desperately pulled on the handle of the wheelchair to fight for control, but compared to the shadow man's strange strength, their strength was obviously like a small tree shaking a tree, and it was of no use at all.

Soon Zhao Ying was dragged crazily on the ground. Her whole body rubbed violently with the ground. She struggled hard and even tried to grab the shelf next to her, but she only got a harder impact!
Wei Yuan was violently thrown out of the wheelchair. If he hadn't been wearing a seat belt, he would have been forcibly separated from the wheelchair. The wheelchair fell to the ground, and Wei Yuan almost lost half his life.

The horrible memory of the past comes back again. The memory of that time in the library is still vivid in their minds. Will they have to experience it again?

Zhao Ying's scream came again, and she was dragged to the edge of the shelf again. At the same time, her hair was stretched back, as if a pair of invisible hands were grabbing her hair and pulling her away. Being teased cruelly like an upside-down mop.

This mischievous scene seemed familiar.

In this situation, Zhao Ying could only scream subconsciously. She fired several times in succession without knowing who she was hitting. Finally, her arm was bent with great force, and the gun flew out of her hand.

Zhang Zheng rushed towards Zhao Ying, but before he could take two steps, the skeleton man killed him. Jiang Shan on his back was always the target.

Zhang Zheng finally showed fear in his eyes. They had just returned from the ground. After experiencing so many disasters, were they going to die in frustration at this gas station?
I am really unwilling to give in.

There is a kind of person who survived strong winds and waves, but drowned in a small gutter.

Not reconciled.

But at the last moment, Zhang Zheng still chose to protect Jiang Shan tightly, blocking her from attacks and hits again and again...

Smelly girl, I can be considered worthy of your repeated life-saving kindness.

Shadow people, skeleton people, water ghosts.

The world is really crazy.

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