
Chapter 329: How to defeat ghosts

Chapter 329: How to defeat ghosts

In fact, there is no need to broadcast balance at all. Just discovering that the mirror can reflect the whereabouts of ghosts is already a great disadvantage to ghosts.

The existence of ghosts is terrifying because they can kill people unilaterally even though they cannot be seen by humans.

Now that it can actually be seen, if there is really only one ghost on the entire ship, then the human side is simply at an advantage.

Wei Yuan looked at Gao Wenwu: "Old Gao, I need your help."

Gao Wenwu understood, turned his head and glanced at the glass cabinet, took off his coat, wrapped it around his right hand, and punched through the glass cabinet.

The pieces fell with a clatter.

"Everyone pick up a big piece to use as a mirror." Now this thing is the eyes of several people. There is only one ghost in the whole ship. As long as they know the whereabouts of this ghost, the rest of them will be very safe.

The way to overcome ghosts.

There is no time to elaborate, the resting time is almost over.

Wei Yuan was silent for a long time, "Actually, I was just thinking about this rule. Does it mean that if we drag the ghost for an hour, we will win?"

If a person is caught by a ghost, he or she can change back again within an hour.

That is to find a way to change Zhao Ying back.

If Zhao Ying never changes back, she will always be a ghost.

Wei Yuan said: "I'm in a group with Lao Gao."

Not only do you have to survive the ghost game, but you also have to solve the mystery of it all.

Jiang Shan sneered: "Have you forgotten that the ghost now is Zhao Ying?"

"The mirror can not only protect our actions, but also allow us to keep track of Zhao Ying's movements at any time."

Jiang Shan looked at the envelope in her hand. She was already thinking about whether she could replace Zhao Ying as a ghost, as long as she could rescue Zhao Ying. "I want to know if this envelope can be used by others?"

"There must be a lot of rules that we haven't explored yet, so finding out why we are here is what we have to do now."

Gao Wenwu has a ticket, and he can block it once at a critical moment.

If it takes more than an hour to change back, you will always be a ghost.

I just used one.

"Now that Zhao Ying is a ghost, she may arrest us or others."

Jiang Shan looked at Wei Yuan: "Have you all forgotten the hour mentioned on the radio?"

When Zhang Zheng heard that he was teaming up with Jiang Shan, of course he had no objection, "But Wei, your ticket is gone too."

"We'd better divide into two groups and explore this ship. In addition to avoiding the 'ghost', we need to find a way to get out of here." Wei Yuan continued to start the division of labor, "Zhang Zheng doesn't have a ticket and needs someone to protect him. Ashan , are you on the same team as Zhang Zheng?"

If one hour is up, Zhao Ying has not caught anyone yet.

Forever means ghost, does it mean that the game is over, or does it mean that the game will continue forever.

Wei Yuan knew that Jiang Shan was probably unwilling to join his team, so he took the initiative to send Zhang Zheng over.

"We want to rescue Zhao Ying."

If you can give them to each other, the difficulty of the game will obviously be much lower. Jiang Shan himself didn't need the envelope at all.

"Here you go." Jiang Shan turned around and handed it to Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng was embarrassed: "I'm so embarrassed..." but he stretched out his hand honestly.

The moment his hand touched the envelope, the envelope disappeared from Jiang Shanhe's hand.

Zhang Zheng seemed to have squeezed the air. "Eh?" Jiang Shan and Zhang Zheng were both stunned.

Zhang Zheng immediately let go of his hand, and the envelope reappeared in Jiang Shan's hand.

Such a strange and supernatural scene made all four of them take a breath.

" appears to be non-transferable."

But when you hold this envelope in your hand, it really feels like an ordinary envelope, especially the wet ink. Until now, the ink on the page is still wet.

The ink that never dries is magical in itself.

Zhang Zheng's face collapsed. There’s no need to despise him so much, right? Even if there is no envelope, it still humiliates him.

Gao Wenwu remained silent and expressed his inner doubts: "I want to know, is it really the director who harmed us?"

Wei Yuan was silent for a while.

Zhang Zheng looked at Gao Wenwu in shock: "Old Gao, what are you talking about?"

Gao Wenwu is a person who is almost impossible to fall asleep. But that night, he was as heavy as a dead pig.

There seemed to be a trace of consciousness left in his brain, but his body was already unable to move.

He knew clearly that he heard the director's voice.

Wei Yuan met Gao Wenwu's gaze. He did not say no, and there was no need to argue: "Maybe none of us can believe it now."

My former friends and colleagues cannot be trusted, and my former superiors cannot be trusted. Even for them, who can guarantee that they have not changed at all all the way up to now?
Fickleness is a common characteristic of human beings, not a characteristic of any particular person.

"Ten seconds countdown, the next round of the game is about to begin!"

"Jiang Shan." When they were about to separate, Wei Yuan called out to Jiang Shan. "There's something I want to give you."

Wei Yuan let go of the door panel he was leaning on, reached into the inner pocket of his jacket with difficulty, and took out a half-length pen. The other half of the pen has been transformed into a precision instrument like a clock.

It's the pen pointer I brought out in school.

Wei Yuan discovered this thing just now. It was obvious who put it on him.

Zheng Suo banished him to this ship, but actually stuffed this thing into his pocket.

"Here you go." Wei Yuan handed it to Jiang Shan. Although he didn't know what the purpose of this thing was, Wei Yuan felt that, especially at this time, it should be handed over to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan was stunned for a moment, slightly surprised when he saw this thing, and the scene in the school was naturally vivid in his mind.

She didn't know what use it would be used for after leaving school.

In that notebook, this thing was called an "artifact."

Jiang Shan took it anyway and put it into his pocket. "let's go."

Although this thing doesn't even spin now, anything now might come in handy at some point.

On this terrifying cruise ship, it's as if time has stood still and everything seems so weird.

"How will we keep in touch after we are separated?"

"Let's assume this ship is the Heart of the Sea, which is 290 meters long, has 18 decks, and a total of 1337 cabins. According to the ship's route map, we are now standing in the middle of the ship's side on the fourth floor. There are about cabins on each floor. There is no elevator now. Even if we go the entire way at the fastest speed, it will take about five hours."

The Heart of the Ocean was a giant cruise ship by the standards of the time, weighing 30 tons, and equipped with the most advanced facilities at the time, including a library, Internet cafe, art gallery, duty-free shop, fitness and spa center, sports deck, There's even a golf course. Many people stay on cruises for half a month at a time, and the ship is too small to meet their travel needs.

"In six hours, no matter what happens, we will all come back here to assemble."

Ding ding ding ding, at this moment, the countdown is over.

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