
Chapter 339 Ticket, Scam

Chapter 339 Ticket, Scam
Jiang Shan listened to the few questions he answered, but none of them solved the questions in her heart. On the contrary, she became even more suspicious.

"How did you get here?"

The bald man was afraid that Jiang Shan wouldn't believe it, so he shook his head and said anxiously: "I don't know! No one knows! I was chased by humans and escaped from the sea, and I was sent here after a shipwreck!" Everyone else had their own reasons, and each one had their own reasons. Everyone is different.

Anyway, as soon as I opened my eyes, I arrived on this weird ship.

Jiang Shan frowned, "Who planned this game?"

The bald man shook his head with another series of rattles: "No...I don't know, I really don't know."

"Then what do you know?" Jiang Shan was a little unhappy. I thought I had caught someone who could answer my doubts, but it turned out to be of no use.

The bald man seemed to realize that his situation was a bit dangerous, and said quickly: "I know the rules of the game. I know many rules that are not mentioned in the broadcast. I can tell you the ones that are useful to me!"

Jiang Shan looked at him: "Let's talk and listen."

The bald man was very discerning and immediately told Jiang Shan that if you see a ghost in the mirror and turn into a ghost for the second time, you will really die. At the same time, he also told Jiang Shan: "And the most important thing is that the broadcast about the boat tickets... is the biggest scam."

After Jiang Shan paused, she finally heard something different: "Is the boat ticket a scam?"

The bald man nodded. He even looked around, as if he was afraid that others would hear him: "It's true that the ticket can offset one ghost transformation. But what the broadcast didn't say is... if the ticket is gone, you won't be able to become a ghost." It's a dead end."

what? !

Jiang Shan glared at the bald man: "Tell me clearly, what do you mean?"

The bald man carefully looked up and said, "Did you hear the announcement on the fourteenth floor? Only those with tickets can go up."

"So what?" Do you have to go up?

"Don't you know why it's called Noah's Ark?" the bald man said, "Only the final winner can go to the fourteenth deck, and the ticket is the ticket to open the real Noah's Ark."

Jiang Shan stared at the bald man and said nothing for a long time. Did she come here to hear the legend of Genesis?

The bald man thought Jiang Shan was dissatisfied, and said anxiously: "I have told you everything I know, and I don't know the rest. I don't know." His big mouth opened and closed like a giant toothed shark.

"Those who waste their tickets without knowing anything have actually lost their qualifications to live."

Such a precious ticket, but the broadcast only induces people, telling them that it can offset one ghost transformation.

What's so scary about becoming a ghost? At least there is one chance to change back, but if the ticket is gone, it is really over.

"Have you been to the fourteenth deck?" Jiang Shan asked.

The bald man shook his head quickly: "No! I haven't been there!"

Jiang Shan stared at him indifferently: "Then why don't you go?"

The bald man flinched. He who always knew everything, actually started to dodge a little.

Jiang Shan immediately took off his clothes and started searching for the ticket. Seeing this, the bald man knew he couldn't hide and said quickly: "I said it, I said it!"

Sure enough, the bald man had a boat ticket.

"I want to wait until the end." The bald man looked at Jiang Shan with great fear. If this last secret was revealed, he was afraid that Jiang Shan would kill him.

"What are you waiting for?" How could Jiang Shan tolerate his ambiguity?

"First of all, I don't know the specific reason..." The bald man's eyes flickered, "It's just that in the past few games, everyone who arrived on the deck early died."

It doesn't mean that reaching the fourteenth floor is really a one-and-done experience. Do not believe all the rules you hear on this ship. Radio can deceive people, and people can also deceive people.

"How many games have you played before?" Jiang Shan's eyes were shocked. "How many games have you participated in? Can the game be played again and again?"

The bald man didn't want to talk anymore. Jiang Shan's strength surprised him, and at the same time, his ignorance also surprised him.

Jiang Shan knew that he needed a little shock, "I once removed a mutant's bones one by one because he mutated into a skeleton. I plucked out his eyes and threw them into the frying pan." The story is slightly different. one time.

The bald man couldn't bear it: "Don't say it, this is my second time participating in the game, but there are indeed many participants on the ship." He learned the information from those people's mouths.

"Why can I participate multiple times? How long has this ship existed?"

"This is a timeless cruise ship. If you look at the decoration on the ship, it has been there for countless years."

That’s why there is information gap, each participant has unequal information, and newcomers are definitely the most vulnerable.

Jiang Shan stared at the bald man. The luster in her eyes shocked the bald man, who did not even dare to look at her.

Such eyes, such eyes, he had seen before.

There is a terrifying man on this boat, and he also has such a pair of glowing eyes.

"How did you survive?" Jiang Shan didn't know what he was thinking, he just wanted to force out more information, "Is there a time limit in the game?"

I remember the broadcast didn't mention how to end the game at all.

The bald man said after a while: "The game has no time limit, but there are conditions for ending. Once the conditions for ending are met, it will be closed and restarted. Don't ask me what the conditions for ending are. I don't know. I was just in the last game." It’s just a matter of luck in surviving the game.”

That's why the bald man knew that as long as he had a ticket, even people who had never been to the fourteenth deck could survive and enter the next round of the game.

This is why the ticket is far more important than becoming a ghost.

The ticket is the real key to restart.

Jiang Shan looked at the bald man and synthesized the information he said. That is, this game is not endless. The most critical information is the ticket.

"What's on deck fourteen?"

"do not know."

As long as the ticket is still there, the bald man will definitely continue to survive. He didn't want to take risks on the fourteenth floor.

"But I recognize the voice on that broadcast." The bald man said with twinkling eyes, "The people who played in the last round of the game were also deceived by this broadcast. I saw someone being thrown from the top floor with my own eyes."

That's why the bald man didn't die. He hid his identity as a mutant and could use the information gap to survive longer on the ship.

"You're saying that someone on the top floor deliberately tricked people into killing them." The question is, why is it necessary to kill people in such a roundabout way?

Because even if these people don't go to the top floor, as long as the game of ghost and capture continues, these people will die sooner or later.

Unless, it's half true and half false again?

There is indeed a way out at the top, but it's not that simple.

"There are many hidden mutants on this ship. They have been tolerated by the human world, and they all want to fight for their way out on this ship." The bald man's eyes flickered, "Last time, some people did leave the game. There was a broadcast. The final winner was announced." And he had never seen those people in this game.

"One more thing, after the game is restarted, everything on the ship, including food and water, will be restored. You can eat the food on the ship. As long as you are not caught by ghosts or killed by others, you can always Live."

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