
Chapter 346 Little Shadow’s Revenge

Chapter 346 Little Shadow’s Revenge

However, no matter how frightened the three of them were at this moment, they could no longer move.

The man looked at the strange shadow beside him, but he was not frightened or surprised at all. He just asked gently: "So she is the one who hurt you last time?" Killed the little shadow's father, the skeleton man, and the A pot of ghost water.

Although the shadow did not answer, a terrifying coercion was already diffused in the air.

Jiang Shan now fully understood who the shadow was, and the strange thing was that Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng could actually see the shadow person in front of them directly without using any tools. This sense of terror is obviously spreading.

Zhao Ying said in a trembling voice: "Ashan, what's going on?"

Jiang Shan said expressionlessly: "It was the shadow man from the gas station." The only little shadow who escaped without being killed.

Jiang Shan's eyes fell on the man's face. Jiang Shan had faced many mutated strong men, even one on three, but this man, this man could actually make the shadow obey his orders.

During the barbecue just now, the little shadow had been hiding in his shadow.

Coming out now is obviously the man's instruction.

Jiang Shan can defeat the Shadow Man, but tame it?

"You seem to have a lot of problems." The man said to Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan also felt that this voice sounded familiar just now. After all, the broadcast effect was added and it would be different from her own voice. Only then did she finally confirm it.

"You're the man on the top floor."

The man said, "Yes, I am."

Jiang Shan secretly wanted to break free from the power around his ankle, and he was still talking: "What do you want to do?"

Unexpectedly, the man paused and said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Jiang Shan saw that what was entangling the three people was the three tentacles that the shadow had quietly stretched out. Since they were entangled now, they must have done it long ago when they were eating meat.

"Are you the variable mentioned on the radio?" the man asked.

Jiang Shandao: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

The man also showed a thinking expression at this time, but it disappeared for just a moment. He looked at Zhao Ying and Zhang Zheng again. They are all ordinary people, and they don’t even have ferry tickets. Not enough to constitute a variable that affects the game system.

The man said: "That's really interesting."

Zhao Ying shouted: "Who are you?"

The man looked at Zhao Ying. He was a very courageous person, but he was just an ordinary person with courage. After a while, he seemed to notice something different in the depths of Zhao Ying's eyes.

Then he looked at Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying again.

The man's eyes showed surprise.

How could there be such a wonderful combination? It's incredible.

Next to him, Zhang Zheng was already regretting that he had eaten a lot of meat. It was indeed the Hongmen Banquet, "We are all compatriots, why are we in such a hurry?"

Why is it that at the end of the world, humans are the only ones fighting each other? Can't everyone unite as one?

Jiang Shan's hands gradually clenched into fists, an amazing power was erupting from her body, and her eyes began to change color.

The man looked at Jiang Shan's actions as if he were an adult watching a child play.

Next to him, the little shadow could no longer hold on. It could hardly restrain Jiang Shan's outburst.

At this time, the man also moved his eyes, and the luster of his eyes also brightened, but other than that, his whole body did not move. Just the luster in his pupils flowed, and Jiang Shan felt that he was pressed in place by a strong force. land.

She looked at the man in horror. The man smiled and didn't even change his posture while sitting on the ground.

"Who are you?" Jiang Shan had never seen such a powerful mutant. Too strong to be unreasonable.

The man was still sitting on the ground and didn't speak.

At this time, Zhang Zheng and Zhao Ying also saw the clues. The two people who had no doubts about Jiang Shan's power almost saw Jiang Shan's decline from just now. "Ashan!"

Jiang Shan was unable to respond to her companion at this time. She was actually defeated and had no power to resist. A string of black pus even flowed from the corner of her eyes.

This is Jiang Shan's reaction every time he uses too much force.

She had almost exhausted herself trying to get free, but it didn't work at all.

At this time, the corners of the little shadow's mouth seemed to be open at a ferocious angle. Its facial features were all covered in black ink, but the touch at the corner of its mouth was so terrifying.

Zhao Ying saw the man's eyes for the first time at this time. Kindness, rather than indifference, was a kind of indifference that would not cause any trouble. It was peaceful. Even their lives were peaceful in his eyes. Ants are no different.

The shadow man raised his tentacles like lightning and attacked Zhao Ying's heart!
It saw the difference between Jiang Shan and Zhao Ying. She killed its father, and it wanted to kill the person she cared about in front of her.

The ferocity at the corner of the little shadow's mouth has spread to the entire black face.

"No!!!!" Jiang Shan shouted heartbreakingly.

Zhao Ying also looked at the black spikes extending to her chest in horror. She had no time to do anything and couldn't do anything.

The spikes had pierced Zhao Ying's clothes and even the first layer of skin. It was so cold that Zhao Ying didn't feel any pain.

Jiang Shan's heart-rending shouts and lingering sounds were still lingering in the air.

Shadow felt himself being pulled again by a strong force. Jiang Shan stared hard, his pupils already red.

Around her body, she could even feel the air shaking.

The man's eyes also changed. He fixedly looked at Jiang Shan. He had already felt the incredible strong power erupting around Jiang Shan again, and this power shocked him.

Jiang Shan evil stared at the shadow, her red eyes made her like the queen of hell. At that moment, the shadow trembled, and then it realized that it was not an illusion at all, it seemed to be being torn apart.

Jiang Shan really wanted to tear the little shadow apart. Her reverse scales were touched, and the shadow was almost going to kill her friend in front of her. "you dare……"

There was a sound like a crack in the air.

The little shadow was torn apart directly from the shoulder. The arm it attacked Zhao Ying was hanging in the air, with only a trace of shadow still connected to its waist.

The little shadow opened its mouth wide, and humans couldn't hear its scream, but the air seemed to emit some kind of sharp sound.

The little shadow turned his head towards the man. If it were a human being, its eyes must be full of pleading at this moment.

"That's enough." The man suddenly said. For the first time, his expression became a little serious, and his eyes stared at Jiang Shan motionlessly.

At the same time, Jiang Shan felt a force wrapping her up. She wanted to continue attacking the little shadow, but it had no effect.

Her red eyes turned to the man: "Who do you think you are? Why do you dare to attack my friends?"

I'm afraid a man has never been questioned like this, and no one in the world dared to question him. However, although Jiang Shan was tightly controlled, she looked at him with anger and resentment, as if even if the Creator was in front of her, she Also seek justice for your friends.

"I'm sorry..." The man actually raised the corner of his mouth, and he smiled slightly, as if he was really like a kind elder, "I was rude this time and didn't do a good job in the investigation. There is still some meat here, so I will leave it to you. I hope you can do it next time." See you later."

As he spoke, the man actually stood up. Only then did he realize that he was unusually tall, much burlier than Gao Wenwu. Then he gestured to the little shadow, and the split monster turned out to be just as it had appeared. Little by little, it shrank back to his feet, blending with the man's own shadow.

The man finally smiled at Jiang Shan, bowed like a gentleman, turned around and walked away.

Well, three updates today

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