
Chapter 348 Endless Stairs

Chapter 348 Endless Stairs

Wei Yuan looked up at the dome of the cruise ship, "Does the ladder on this cruise ship go straight to the top?"

No ship has ever had a spiral staircase that goes all the way to the top, and it is impossible to pass through from a fire safety perspective.

But there are such weird stairs across this ship, and it is said that there are more than just this one. It seems like a tempting "ladder" that tempts you to climb up.

But all the seemingly beautiful roads to heaven never exist.

Wei Yuan firmly believes in this truth.

"I've been there." Next to him, Gao Wenwu suddenly said something very surprising.

Wei Yuan was surprised: "Have you been up there?"

Gao Wenwu said: "I didn't go too far when I noticed something was wrong, so I came down immediately."

For Gao Wenwu, his timeline seemed to have arrived at the cruise ship earlier than the other four, and the time it took him to pass the first level was also very short, so he had extra time to discover this weird staircase.

Knowing nothing about the cruise ship at that time, Gao Wenwu subconsciously walked up this weird staircase.

"The higher you go, the narrower the passage becomes. Moreover," Gao Wenwu's eyes were dark, "I'm sure I've gone far beyond the fourteenth floor."

Gao Wenwu had fast legs and good physical strength. He went up the stairs in one go. He originally thought that he could see the full view of the cruise ship more easily when he reached the top floor.

As a result, he walked higher and higher, but there were endless stairs spiraling up ahead.

The dome seemed to be within reach, but no matter how high Gao Wenwu walked, he could not reach the top. What was even more terrifying was that he discovered that something like mist began to appear around him. When he lowered his head and looked down again, he discovered that he couldn't see the hull of the ship at the bottom of the stairs at all. What was there was just the lingering fog.

Gao Wenwu was alert in his heart. At that time, he gave up climbing immediately and went down the stairs as fast as possible.

Gao Wenwu still remembers being frightened when he thinks about it: "At that time, I thought I couldn't come down." Because when he went down, the distance was far longer than before. He remembered that he was covered in cold sweat and the stairs under his feet seemed endless. , he heard that his footsteps were faster than before when he charged to the front line. At that moment, no one knew that he had thought of jumping directly down.

Yes, he wanted to jump straight down, maybe to the end.

Looking back now, Gao Wenwu certainly knows that his mind was extremely irrational at the time, but the panic at that time really overwhelmed everything.

He was afraid of being stuck on this staircase forever.

Wei Yuan was shocked on the spot after hearing his description: "Why didn't you say it before?"

When the five of them got together before, Gao Wenwu said nothing. They all thought he just passed the first level and met everyone.

Gao Wenwu paused for a moment, then slowly said: "I'm still afraid." He was also afraid, and his fear was even deeper than others.

"Is this staircase so weird?" Wei Yuan raised his head again and looked up at the incredible spiral staircase.

Although there is nothing weird on this ship, hearing Gao Wenwu's personal description still makes people feel chilling.

You can't go up to the end, and you can barely get down?

Even the tallest building in the city couldn't have this effect, right?

And when I looked up, I clearly seemed to see the dome.

Is this what Gao Wenwu experienced, the feeling that he can see but never reach?

"Never touch this staircase at the farthest point. Although I don't know if the top floor mentioned on the radio is that good, but I know we will never get it." That's the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, a lie.

Just like in the past, deceiving people to become immortals was just a castle in the air that could never be realized.

"The top floor exists." A voice suddenly came from the side. He said a little displeasedly, "How can you say it's a lie?"

Wei Yuangao Wenwu immediately turned his head and looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw a... woman wearing an oversized straw hat and sunglasses. The red-haired woman coughed twice and said that she was too conspicuous, so she could change it.

Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu both looked at the woman walking over with shocked and speechless expressions. There was no sunlight on the boat. What was wrong with dressing up like this?
The woman came over and twisted her waist, making the two grown men look embarrassed. Gao Wenwu calmed down and said, "How do you know it exists?" You couldn't have come from the top floor.

The red-haired woman wore big sunglasses and stared at Gao Wenwu: "Yes, I came from the top floor."

Gao Wenwu: "?!!"

Wei Yuan stared at the woman. There were only two possibilities on this ship for dressing up so ostentatiously. One was that the woman was a fool, and the other was that the woman was not afraid.

Everyone on this ship is meat on the chopping block, why can she not be afraid?

Unless it's true, she comes from the top.

The red-haired woman leaned directly on the staircase railing and stared at Gao Wenwu: "How about it, do you want to go to the top floor with me?"

Gao Wenwu also stared at this strange woman and noticed a strand of red hair scattered under her hat. "You didn't come down from the ladder." Who knows if the saying that you came from the top is true.

Seeing that the man in front of her dared to lie to her, the red-haired woman couldn't help laughing and bent down, "If you want to know, yes, there is indeed another shortcut to the top floor."

"What shortcut?"

The red-haired woman looked at Gao Wenwu: "Do you think I will tell you?"

Do you think she is stupid for simply wanting to know the shortcut to the roof from her? The red-haired woman was obviously more interested in Wei Yuan than Gao Wenwu, and she recognized him as the wheelchair-bound doctor.

"But I can take someone to the top floor." She smiled pretending to be charming, "Do you want to go?"

Wei Yuan didn't say whether he wanted to, but asked: "What are the conditions?"

There are no free benefits in the world.

The red-haired woman said: "It's very simple. I can only take one person with me, but you...there are two of you. So..."

The red-haired woman looked at Gao Wenwu, her meaning was obvious. As long as one of them killed the other first, the remaining one would be the only one.

The red-haired girl smiled even more at the thought. She pointed at Wei Yuan: "With his appearance, he has no chance to go to the attic anyway. Why don't you take the initiative to give him a good time and still get the chance to go to the attic."

Gao Wenwu's face darkened.

This woman is indeed not a kind person at first glance.

The red-haired woman waited for a long time for the show she was looking forward to but it didn't start.

"There were two seriously injured corpses in the place I just passed by," Gao Wenwu said calmly to the red-haired woman, "It seems that you used such a clumsy method to trick them into killing each other, right?"

No wonder Jiang Shan and the others encountered a dead body before and couldn't figure out why the humans on the ship were fighting with each other.

In addition to the ghosts and ghosts here, there are also people who take the opportunity to stir up trouble.

Seeing Gao Wenwu see through it immediately, the red-haired woman immediately stopped smiling and stared coldly at Gao Wenwu and Wei Yuan for a while.

She did not believe that there could be unselfish human beings in this world, and even the seeds of doubt would take root and germinate very easily, but she only saw indifference in the eyes of Gao Wenwu and Wei Yuan.

"You have lost your only chance," the red-haired woman turned to Wei Yuan, "especially you."

She knew that Wei Yuan had lost his ticket.

"Get lost." Gao Wenwu said expressionlessly.

Lao Gao is handsome and worth a ticket.

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