
Chapter 361 Cause and effect, cause and effect

Chapter 361 Cause and effect, cause and effect

"Maybe we should have a chat."

The masked man walked towards Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan is very prestigious among humans, and the masked man has naturally heard more or less rumors about doctors in wheelchairs.

It's just that the masked man has never taken a human being seriously. Human beings are always just human beings.

But now this human being actually danced in front of him.

The masked man's eyes glowed faintly. He had already arrived in front of Wei Yuan and stared directly at him, "Answer the question I just asked first."

Wei Yuan did not answer as the masked man thought, but instead asked: "Is this some kind of mind control?"

He stared at the masked man.

The masked man's eyes suddenly changed again. Wei Yuan is actually not under his control? Forget about Bai Jin, the brain-modified person, why was Wei Yuan able to escape his control?
Wei Yuan saw the masked man's reaction and smiled, "Before I answer you, how about I ask you a few questions?"

Since this man said he wanted to "have a chat," naturally a chat cannot be a one-sided question.

You can feel the masked man's displeasure even through the mask, because no one has ever dared to negotiate terms with him. Even wanted to trade.


"...Okay." From the moment the masked man said these words, he had no intention of letting Wei Yuan and Gao Wenwu live.

Wei Yuan didn't seem to notice and asked the first question: "Did you create this laboratory?"

"Yes." The masked man answered simply.

Wei Yuan's eyes flickered: "Every machine and utensil here is printed with Kefan. What is your relationship with Kefan Pharmaceuticals and Kefan Biotech?"

The masked man stared at Wei Yuan with his eyes: "I founded Kefan." Kefan Pharmaceuticals and Kefan Biotech all belong to him.

Hearing this, Wei Yuan finally looked moved. He squeezed his hands tightly again.

Gao Wenwu struggled to stand up. He staggered several times but failed. Ke Fan? He thought of the medicine bottles that spanned hundreds of years in the drawer of the infirmary.

This man founded Cofan?
How can it be?

Although the masked man did not show his face, he was obviously at most forty years old, maybe even younger. How could he have founded Kefan?

Even his claim that he inherited Kefan was not so absurd.

"Kefan... The first time Cofan was recorded in historical documents was in the Middle Ages. Cholera broke out in many city-states. Some people gathered these sick people together and gave them free medicine and treatment. But in fact, none of those people recovered. Appeared before." Wei Yuan murmured.

When Wei Yuan saw the word Kefan on Jiang Shan's medicine bottle for the first time, you can imagine the shock he felt.

At this moment, Gao Wenwu finally connected the fragments in his memory. He had seen a briefing from twenty years ago in the library, which read: Kefan Pharmaceuticals was seized for selling illegal drugs. Penalty and permanent cancellation of license.

In short, in the past history, anything related to Kefan Pharmaceutical was not a good thing.

Once upon a time, their Institute of Life Sciences had long wanted to investigate everything behind Kefan. However, not only did the registered address of this company disappear overnight, but not even a single relevant person could be found, as if it had disappeared from the world.

How could you have thought at that time that this evaporation from the world could actually be a literal evaporation?

"Why...are you doing this?"

Human free will, ethics, and morality are always above all else, and the boundary of research is that these bottom lines must not be exceeded. But what Kefan always wanted to do was to break through this bottom line. Some people say that what Kefan has wanted to do for hundreds of years is to decipher the human genome and then create, God.

God's equation.

"Human genes are too fragile," the masked man listened to Wei Yuan detailing Kefan's misdeeds, but was not moved at all, "and the lifespan is only a few decades."

Natural selection, survival of the fittest. Only the life that is not suitable for survival will be eliminated.

Gao Wenwu was lying on the ground, staring at the dazzling ceiling. When entering the Institute of Life Sciences, all researchers were required to swear an oath that life is above all else, and reverence for life is what all researchers must remember. This ensures that every researcher does not go astray.

"So you want to say that you are here to help humans?"


"What is the corrosive substance?" Wei Yuan finally asked the most critical question.

The masked man paused. He seemed to have reservations about this issue.

"Imagine that in a future year, a huge nuclear explosion occurs on the earth. The explosion destroys everything, including buildings, people, plants, and animals. The ashes of those explosions are all over the surface. The erosion you see now.”

Wei Yuan looked moved: "...I don't understand what you mean."

What kind of nuclear explosion, what kind of ashes, those are things that have never happened at all.

"Listen to me." The masked man said with a gentle and patient voice, like an elder who followed the teachings. "Ashes...that is, erosion, passed through the ship of time and drifted to your world, your time, This is the apocalypse you see happening, the erosion of the apocalypse."

Wei Yuan didn't speak again for a long time. He stared at the masked man as if he was hearing a joke.

"The erosion is the dust when the earth was destroyed, including everything. And these dust passed through the gap in time and reached your world, your current time. All people and things that came into contact with it were destroyed, Do you understand this?"

This is a time ship, with people from different eras, and everything happens here.

Time is a ball.

End to end, cause and effect, ouroboros.

"So you're saying...human beings died because of an explosion that hasn't happened yet?" Wei Yuan's face didn't know what expression to make.

The masked man seemed to have some pity, "These are all destined. Not only people, but the outcome of your entire world is already destined."

The earth will definitely be destroyed by the big bang, and everything will be annihilated.

"Many people mistakenly believe that the relationship between cause and effect must come first before the result. But have you ever done an equation? Most of the time, you are given an answer and asked to deduce the process. And the process will never change. "When the result is determined, the process will definitely happen, from the effect to the cause.

This is cause and effect, not cause and effect.

In discrete, quantum time and space, all causal relationships are subjective. Humanity itself is a product of the universe, or it is the universe itself, but most people cannot understand it. The masked man looked at Wei Yuan, wondering whether this so-called smartest brain in mankind could understand all of this.

Wei Yuan seemed to have a forced smile: "Then...what role do you play in it?" He understood the theory, but.

"Me?" The masked man paused slightly, "I said, I am God."

Omniscient and omnipotent, he is naturally God.

Those who have read the school copy should understand this chapter.

You can also search for relevant explanations of quantum mechanics and causality. If I say too much in the text, I’m afraid I’m trying to make up the word count.

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