
Chapter 364 The last round

Chapter 364 The Last Round

Thirty years ago, someone deliberately founded an orphanage in a remote suburb to take in orphans who had died of illness and were abandoned.

Some people provide free treatment drugs, but even so, many orphans do not live to be one year old. About ten years after the orphanage was established, there were no healthy children, and the sponsors behind it stopped investing. It seems that the orphanage has been completely abandoned.

After that, the dean went around looking for help, but instead, more children survived.

Someone sent another medicine, which seemed to have the same name as the previous package, but apparently this medicine made many children really start to recover and get better. Jiang Shan was found at the door of the orphanage one day after the sponsor stopped investing.

From beginning to end, Jiang Shan and the masked man had nothing to do with each other.


Seeing the destroyed pointer, the masked man went completely crazy. "Do you know what you destroyed?"

Wei Yuan said coldly: "What you have been looking for is the power core of this ship."

This time ship is like a perpetual motion machine, but the core of the power is this pointer. Now that it has been destroyed, the ship will be completely abandoned soon.

This is simply unacceptable to the masked man.

He had been racking his brains to find a way to keep the time ship alive, and now it was all ruined by these two people.

Why, why would he let the situation develop to this point?

He could clearly detect the anomalies in Jiang Shan, Wei Yuan and others from the beginning. He had many opportunities to nip all this in its bud.



Everything seemed just right funny and perfect.

He has always been used to playing with the fate of others, but now it seems that his own fate is being played with.

At this moment, the masked man understood in a daze that the reason why he had been ignoring Wei Yuan by chance before, and that he had even been attracted by other things several times, was because the time boat was intentional.

The effect caused the cause, and he had used the trick of stealing time to extend his life for too long.

He destroyed the conservation of the time ship.

He becomes the "alien" (computer virus) that needs to be expelled.


Zhang Zheng and Bai Jin escaped from the computer room and looked at the chaotic maze-like passage. Zhang Zheng glared at Bai Jin: "Where are we going?"

Bai Jin said: "How do I know?"

He was also kidnapped. If he could have escaped from this hellish place, he would have escaped long ago.

"who are you?!"

The fat man and the red-haired woman appeared on the opposite side. They were shocked when they saw someone coming out from the direction of the computer room.

The red-haired woman recognized Zhang Zheng's face, while Bai Jin looked like a strange combination of machine and human brain.

The two of them stood together, their expressions and movements looked sneaky at first glance.

Zhang Zheng stood behind Bai Jin, "I opened the door and saved you just now... You should go in first now, right?"

Bai Jin: "..."

The red-haired woman glared at them fiercely.

Bai Jin said: "Exactly, I need you to tell me where the exit is."

Zhang Zheng quickly took a few steps back. It was good. Devil versus devil, dog bites dog.

The fat man roared, and his body began to expand, becoming like a huge balloon. The skin was tight and the muscles were as hard as rock. Then this behemoth rolled over.

Bai Jin's mechanical eye stared at him coldly, not even trying to hide. Zhang Zheng was so nervous. A robot fighting a mutant was a scene that most people couldn't watch.

Fatty is now three times the size of Bai Jin, and crushing Bai Jin is like crushing an insect.

Bai Jin just stood there and was pressed up by him. Zhang Zheng rubbed his eyes, hey, why is it different from what he thought?
After a few quiet seconds, a powerful electric current burst out from under the fat man. The fat man's spherical body was violently shaken away, and his entire skin was burned to black.

The fat man vomited a mouthful of blood, and it quickly deflated like a deflated rubber ball.

The red-haired woman's expression changed when she saw this. She bit her lip. She was still an ordinary person and had no alien power.

Bai Jin got up from the ground and patted the non-existent dust on his body with some disgust. "So weak. I didn't think he was very capable."

The masked man's men are nothing to fear.

"Tell me, how to get out?" He looked at the red-haired woman.

The red-haired woman took a step back and stared at the fat man with some resentment. It was because he was so useless that he was like this.

"There is no exit here, don't be delusional."

Bai Jin didn't accept this trick, he said coldly: "You can come in if you come, but can't you get out?"

Since there is an entrance, there will be an exit. What a liar.

The red-haired woman said harshly: "Did I tell you?" Only the masked man knew the exit. Besides, she didn't want to go out in the first place. Why would she leave such a beautiful Garden of Eden?

"Zhang Zheng!" Zhao Ying's surprised voice came over.

Zhang Zheng looked over quickly.

What kind of surprise is this? Zhang Zheng almost burst into tears when he saw Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu.

But when they saw Bai Jin, their expressions visibly stiffened.

How is this going? Why is this person here?

Bai Jin walked towards the red-haired woman, who kept backing away: "Don't come over, I'm warning you, the boss will definitely kill you!"

Bai Jin reached out directly towards the red-haired woman and grabbed her face. "Don't touch me with your dirty hands! Get out! Ahhhh!"

The red-haired woman scratched frantically, but she couldn't even hurt Bai Jin's hair.

Bai Jin's electronic eye was bright red, and his five fingers gradually dug into the flesh of the red-haired woman's temple.

The red-haired woman's eyes widened as she felt an electric current pass through her cerebral cortex.

Bai Jin is digging into her memory.

As long as you have been here, how can you not know the path? It's just that many people don't remember it, but the path is still stored in their minds.

The red-haired woman's mind was filled with those disgusting experiments. She was bullied for the first half of her life, was expelled from the laboratory, was blacklisted from the experimental class, and could no longer engage in related work for life. Not even the humblest research institute would hire her.

But here comes the masked one, holding out his hand to her, come, follow me.

The red-haired woman was already crazy, but now she was even more crazy.


Life rolled by like a revolving lantern. Fast forward, she was taken to the boat of time.

"Found it." Bai Jin's hand suddenly relaxed, and a dark smile flashed in his eyes.

The red-haired woman was not dead, but fell to the ground as if she had lost her mind. Anyone who has an electric current passing through the cerebral cortex will temporarily become like this.

"The boss is a god and will never let you go...The boss is a god and will not let you go...The boss is a god..."

This time it was Bai Jin who wiped his hands. The masked man is a lunatic, and some people really regard him as a god.

Therefore, those who regard him as a god are also madmen, even crazier madmen.

Zhang Zheng noticed with keen eyes that Bai Mao was about to leave, "Wait! What are you going to do, want to burn down the bridge?"

This guy shouldn't be released. Sure enough, a dog can't change its eating of shit, and a country can't change its nature.

For Bai Jin, Zhang Zheng is useless now that he knows the way out.

But at this moment, a broadcast came that no one expected. The voice that pretended to be naughty but was actually sinister said: "The system has been corrected and the final round of the game will begin!"

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