
Chapter 38 Totally out of control

Chapter 38 Totally out of control
The light on the roof of the observation room flickered a few times suddenly, and Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng looked over at the same time reflexively.

At that moment, the lights in the entire observation room went out.

Because the observation room is located on the basement floor, it was originally converted from a warehouse, and all lighting needs to rely on lamps. Without preparation, all the spotlights in the room were extinguished, and only the monitor screen still emitted a dim light.

"What happened?" Geng Jianghui was shocked. "The power system is broken?"

When did the language become so clever that something went wrong just after speaking?Zhang Wanqiu's voice sounded out of shock, "Why is the surveillance still on?"

Fortunately, the three of them were not far away from each other, and they could feel each other's breathing and voice when they calmed down, so they didn't panic too much.

Zhao Qisheng also spoke at this time: "...the surveillance company is connected to another circuit system, so it should not be implicated."

Now, for the sake of insurance, they dare not assemble the circuits together. After all, if the whole army is wiped out in an accident, who would dare to take this risk.

Zhang Wanqiu's mood was the most ups and downs. After all, she was young, and she had not been transferred to Songshan Hospital for a long time. She had never seen many truly terrifying scenes with her own eyes.

The communicator on the table suddenly started ringing, and it was Xiao Liu, the assistant physician, "Dean! What happened? Why is the emergency door of the underground warehouse closed?!"

In the darkness, Geng Jianghui and Zhao Qisheng looked shocked.

Little Liu Gang had informed all the doctors and nurses outside to stay away from the hospital area as much as possible. When he returned to his body, at the moment when the circuit went out instantly, he saw a silver metal door closing directly in front of him.Cut off his passage back underground.

Zhao Qisheng and Geng Jianghui looked at each other in the dark. The power failure just now triggered the underground emergency security system?

It really made people turn pale.

This emergency system is also a measure that has been done before, all to prepare for extreme emergencies.

If the emergency security system is triggered, people outside will not be able to get in, and people inside will not be able to get out.

Didn't this lock the dean, Zhao Qisheng, and Zhang Wanqiu underground?

"Dean! Dean!" The assistant physician was still shouting anxiously outside.

But he only heard the dean's voice in the communication for a while: "Go, you go too...the farther you go, the better!"

The assistant doctor's face was pale, and he stood stiffly in front of the closed door.

Now the situation facing Songshan Hospital is that the dragons have no leader, the command is out of control, and each is deeply involved in their own life and death situation——

Therefore, from now on, everything that happened in Songshan Hospital will no longer have a completely objective perspective.In the post-event investigation report, all the replays are only from the dictation of a certain "witness".


Jiang Shan is now like an experienced tuner, her ears are attached to the radio, so that she can hear the subtle changes from the noise more clearly.

In fact, these days in the hospital, Jiang Shan's five senses seem to have become more sensitive. Not only can he smell the painted corridor, he can distinguish small and microscopic vision, but he also has a much sharper sense of hearing.

The voice on the radio gradually became clear and recognizable: "Beijing Port... failure... electricity, electricity... withdraw!"

Ding.All noise is gone.

"Since March 3th, Beijing and Hong Kong have experienced a series of unexplained large-scale power outages, network failures, elevator failures, subway failures, and heating cut-offs... which have seriously endangered the safety of people's property! Evacuate, evacuate quickly!"

This is a standard news broadcast tone, and it seems to be broadcast news in a loop, the same words are repeated over and over again.

These are the intermittent bytes and numbers that Jiang Shan has been hearing on the radio before, and the whole picture that connects them turns out to be such a piece of news.

In Jiang Shan's ears, he carefully heard every word of this piece of news clearly.

The radio kept reminding everyone to evacuate quickly. These words seemed to infect everyone who heard the news with infinite anxiety.

Power outages, elevators out of order, subways out of order.

Jiang Shan listened to these shocking descriptions, this is Beijing and Hong Kong, the most central economy, with a population of more than 900 million people.

Although Jiang Shan had never been to Beijing and Hong Kong before, she knew where it was.

That's why Jiang Shan was so surprised when she woke up in the hospital and heard from Zhang Wanqiu that this was Jinggang.

And the first news she finally heard from the outside world after so many days in the hospital turned out to be "Evacuation of Beijing and Hong Kong"? ? ?
If she hadn't believed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her ears, Jiang Shan couldn't believe every word she heard.

The radio station that I finally connected to, shouldn't it be a radio program such as "Beijing-Hong Kong Strange Talk" and "Beijing-Hong Kong Story Club"?
At this moment, Jiang Shan's mind suddenly went numb, and she noticed the date.

The news broadcast on a loop begins on March 3th.Jiang Shan's face turned slightly pale.

Jiang Shan still remembers the last day in his memory, March 3th.The date she was supposed to return from the end of the trip.

To be precise, it was the night of March 3th—the "4th" of March that she thought had passed for a long time.

In fact, Jiang Shan has always questioned this time period. Since she woke up, she has never looked at calendars, mobile phones and other items that clearly indicate the time.

But since intermittent images began to flash in her mind.

Those indescribable, but obviously happened on the mountain, those "weird" scenes.

Later, Jiang Shan was willing to believe that those pictures were erased by her subconscious mind.

So it's really been over five months now.And the news on the radio said that the "abnormality" began on March 3th.

Jiang Shan pinched the radio, his fingers were a little stiff, why, March 3, March 5, the two are so close to each other?

Simple coincidence?

During the few seconds when Jiang Shan was in a daze, the radio tirelessly repeated the news more than a dozen times, and in the end it was all echoed in his ears, "Evacuate Beijing and Hong Kong! Evacuate Beijing and Hong Kong!"

Why evacuate Beijing and Hong Kong?In such an urgent broadcast, the reason for the evacuation was unclear.

Power outages, elevators out of order, subways out of order.

These are symptoms, not causes.Why did the reason for all these visions be mentioned in one stroke with "unknown reason"?

Jiang Shan didn't need to think about it to know how important the meaning behind this passage was. It is impossible for a casual person to dare to make such an order to evacuate the entire Beijing and Hong Kong.

Small orphanages are still highly hierarchical, and no one dares to do things behind the principal's back.

This short piece of news, with only a few dozen words, can be broadcast in such a high-profile loop, and was even captured by a layman like Jiang Shan with a dilapidated radio. broadcast to the public.

Television, media, and even the paralyzed Internet have all been broadcasted in all possible ways.

(End of this chapter)

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