
Chapter 50 The Life of the Disliked Jiang Shan

Chapter 50

Zhang Wanqiu found a vacant utility room on the first floor. The whole building had been cleaned up, but many medical staff still didn't dare to come in and lingered in the square outside.

The conversation between her and Jiang Shan decided to go straight to the point, "I know you have a lot of questions all the time, now you can ask me, and I promise to tell you the truth." There are no routines, only sincerity.

Jiang Shan looked at Head Nurse Zhang and saw the feeling of seeing an acquaintance after a life and death, it was really kind. "Where's Dr. Huo?"

All I saw was being carried away on a stretcher just now.I don't know if it's serious or not.

Zhang Wanqiu paused, "He's fine. Don't worry about him."

After all, Huo Qiyong didn't suffer any substantial injuries. As for the psychological and spiritual trauma, let's talk about it later.

Zhang Wanqiu looked at Jiang Shan: "Are you sure you have no questions to ask?"

Jiang Shan has it, and there are many more.But now it seems that the position has changed, and the initiative has also changed.

"Where is this place? I've never heard the name Songshan Hospital." Jiang Shan slowly asked the first question. She had asked it before she woke up, but no one was willing to answer her sincerely at that time.

Zhang Wanqiu immediately said: "The original name of this place is 'Songshan Care Center for Dying Patients'. To be precise, it was only renamed Songshan Hospital four months ago."

So for Jiang Shan, who has lost contact with the real world for five months, it is impossible for him to have heard of this hospital.Those who were sent here were either old people who were dying of life, or those who had been diagnosed with severe illness and were sent here to spend their last days.

Jiang Shan was somewhat surprised, the hospice care center?The name doesn't sound good.However, it unexpectedly matched her.

Born from an orphanage, sent to a hospice.Oh, the life of Jiang Shan who was disliked.

"Why did the hospice center become a hospital?" Can this also be changed at will.No matter how much qualifications are required to establish a hospital, it is impossible to say that it can be established when it is established.

Zhang Wanqiu paused for a moment on this question, which was also a question that everyone was struggling with in the observation room just now—whether or not to tell Jiang Shan the truth.About the world... as it is now.

"Because of the erosion incident." Zhang Wanqiu looked at Jiang Shan and said it straight.

This is the first time that Jiang Shan has officially heard this word from others, and Zhang Wanqiu also thinks it is pointless to conceal this point, because Jiang Shan has already seen it "with his own eyes".

It took a long time for Jiang Shan to speak: "'Erosion' refers to the appearance of that child...and that woman?"

Zhang Wanqiu looked at her: "Yes. It's what you saw with your own eyes."

Although there is no "bystander" to restore what Jiang Shan experienced in the building, Zhang Wanqiu can roughly understand it now by guessing.

"In the beginning, many people found that the food at home rotted extremely quickly. The pork they bought in the morning stinks before noon, and it all rotted and turned black. Afterwards, it spread to the whole society. Supermarkets were looted, and the entire food production chain was almost broken. , followed by cars parked on the road with just a full tank of gas, cell phones, computers, countless electronic gadgets starting to malfunction... and finally people who ate rotten food."

Jiang Shan looked at Zhang Wanqiu, it was the first time the two had such an unreserved conversation, and the mask-like smirk no longer appeared on the head nurse Zhang's face, and the whole person was a little too serious.

It took Jiang Shan a while to ask: "Then why, did you send me here?"

What did all these things have to do with her? Jiang Shan felt that he was a pure victim.

Zhang Wanqiu's eyes gradually became complicated, staring at Jiang Shan and still saying, "Because you are the only survivor of the cave hotel erosion incident. Among all the people in your tour group, you are the only one who survived."

Jiang Shan remained motionless, as if startled.

"The mountain in the cave hotel is the area where we first discovered the erosion, and your tour group was the first batch of victims." Zhang Wanqiu said with a complicated expression, "If I hadn't seen you with my own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it. Some people survived."

A person can live on the mountain for five months without missing a piece of meat. It can be regarded as a strange story.

More importantly, Jiang Shan didn't know how he survived.

Jiang Shan seemed to be frozen for a while, and all her thoughts seemed to be digesting Zhang Wanqiu's words, and it took her a long time to finally grasp the point of the words: "You mean those people in the tour group... who were actually 'eroded'? "

Jiang Shan's face was full of shock and disbelief.

Zhang Wanqiu's answer was once again concise to the point of only one word: "Yes."

What flashed before Jiang Shan's eyes was the "black hole" in the little boy's stomach, and the two holes in the eyes of the was so vivid that it was hard to say it was an illusion.How is the so-called "erosion" formed?
When Jiang Shan was thinking in his heart, he had already asked the question.

Zhang Wanqiu shook her head and said, "I don't know. My authority is limited to this, and I only know so much."

Jiang Shan suddenly: "..."

Didn't you know when it was the critical moment?What about sincerity?
Zhang Wanqiu immediately said: "However, if you are willing to stay here, I can ask the dean to communicate with you. His authority is higher than mine, so he will naturally know more."

Jiang Shan found that he still underestimated the head nurse Zhang, as always, he was a chicken thief and could pretend to be garlic.

"How can you be sure that the rest of the tour group have been 'eroded'?" Why not disappear?Jiang Shan really doesn't have feelings for the people in the tour group, but it doesn't mean that she won't be shocked to learn that those who have been with her for half a month have actually turned into a puddle of ashes.

In other words, this is no longer a shock, but a collapse.The collapse of the entire worldview consciousness.

The patches of black snow floated in front of her eyes, silent ashes.

Zhang Wanqiu frowned and said: "In the earliest days, there were some images left behind... Anyway, no one would make fun of this."

The investigation and location of the incident were very rigorous, and she could not know all the details.

After a long silence in the air, "Do you want me to stay here and continue to be 'studied' by you?" Jiang Shan finally knew what those people who sneaked into her with needles in the middle of the night every day were doing.

Zhang Wanqiu showed a surprised expression, and said for a moment: "We didn't do anything to you, did we?"

What Zhang Wanqiu understood was that he didn't do any inhuman experiments or autopsies on Jiang Shan like in horror movies, but just did some routine physical examinations.

Jiang Shan thought to herself, apart from drugging her during meals and secretly giving her needles in the middle of the night, and painting her ward every day... really didn't do anything.

Maybe the two have different understandings of what they didn't do.

Zhang Wanqiu suddenly said seriously: "If you can know why you can resist this kind of erosion, maybe it can help everyone."

Suddenly a big hat was buckled down, and an ordinary person would indeed be persuaded.

In short, Songshan Hospital is not a terrible Arkham Mental Hospital, and its original intention was to help the current people.

"Then what have you researched?" Jiang Shan didn't know if there was a trace of teasing in his eyes.

Zhang Wanqiu obviously opened her mouth to say something, but when her mouth moved, she looked at Jiang Shan, "If you are willing to cooperate and stay, I guarantee that these principals will explain to you."

(End of this chapter)

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