
Chapter 59

Chapter 59
Jiang Shan was lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep at all. She found that the sleep aid liquid that Zhang Wanqiu gave her every night in the hospital was very useful. At least now she doesn't have to suffer from insomnia.

To be honest, Jiang Shan never thought that anything good would happen to her, but now she could clearly hear the conversation next door: "Zhao Ying is really not leaving? I thought you brought that Jiang Shan Just to replace Zhao Ying..." This is the irritable driver.

If there must be a woman in the team, of course Zhao Ying is the best.

"I think it's too risky to let her join the team. Could the sudden accident at Songshan Hospital be related to her?" This is Gao Wenwu.

It was all right before Jiang Shan went, why did she have such a big accident as soon as she moved in?
"When I arrived at the hospital, she was saving lives." Wei Yuan's voice sounded. "I don't think she would do anything that would endanger other people."

"I think her existence is dangerous." Zhang Zheng said.

Gao Wenwu: "Didn't you object before and asked why you sent her to Songshan Hospital?"

Zhang Zheng: "Then she won't look like she is now, right?" That would be quite normal.

Wei Yuan said: "We don't have much time left, we need Jiang Shan."

Jiang Shan really wants them all to shut up, needs, she doesn't need their needs.Even if Jiang Shan covered her ears, it was useless, because these voices got into her ears and were out of her control.

She also heard a quadruped crawling under the bed.

Jiang Shan stretched his hand backwards and touched the backpack on the bedside. He reached in and felt a small hard thing.

It's a radio.

Jiang Shan took it out, turned on the switch, and Zhang Wanqiu installed a new battery for her. At this time, the squeaking electric noise made Jiang Shan regain a little intimacy.

She turned sideways and focused on the radio.

Unknowingly playing around for a long time, the conversation next door seemed to have finally stopped, but soon Jiang Shan heard thunderous snoring from the other side.

Jiang Shan: "..." This poor place is not as good as an orphanage.

The babies in the orphanage sleep peacefully and sweetly.

On the radio, there was a slightly strange frequency band at this time, and Jiang Shan caught it immediately.

In the next second, Jiang Shan sat up cross-legged from the bed, held the radio up to his ear, and twisted the knob carefully.

The first time was raw and the second time was familiar, Jiang Shan seemed to have experience, and she still found some patterns from the chaotic and disorderly noises.

"Help me!!" A sharp, piercing, distorted voice poured into Jiang Shan's ears with a huge electric current.

Jiang Shan shook his hand and almost threw the radio out.

It was too sudden.

Jiang Shan hurriedly took the radio away, and cried intermittently, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... can someone help me...""

The voice was electronically distorted and distorted, and it was even a bit indistinguishable between male and female, crying like a trapped animal.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?" The voice was shrill and long, giving it the feeling of a ghost cave in the middle of the night.

Jiang Shan wanted to make sure that someone was really calling for help, not some radio program, so she could only mobilize her full attention and listen to the voice inside more carefully.

"I'm trapped in the library! Help me!" The person shouting became more and more flustered, his voice seemed to become hoarse, ""

Jiang Shan stared at the old radio in his hand.

"Please, is there anyone?" This desperate cry seemed impossible to perform.

Jiang Shan replied hesitantly: "I am here."

Of course, Jiang Shan's attempt did not get a response. The radio transmitted in one direction. Even if the person calling for help on the other side was real, it was impossible to hear her voice.

The hoarse shouts of despair, every sound is as miserable as a stab in the heart of a person.

Jiang Shan really couldn't listen to it anymore.

Wei Yuan heard a knock on the door, and before he could respond, he heard a voice that surprised him even more: "Are you asleep? I'm Jiang Shan."

Jiang Shan actually knew that Wei Yuan was not asleep.Breathing too steadily, obviously still awake.

After opening the door, Wei Yuan's expression was obviously surprised.

Jiang Shan glanced at a book on Wei Yuan's lap, and said without any conversational skills, "I have something to ask you."

Wei Yuan: "..."

Half an hour later, everyone who had fallen asleep gathered in the hall.

There was a weak flashlight on the table, surrounded by Wei Yuan, Zhang Zheng, Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying.

Jiang Shan put the radio in the middle of the table, and re-tuned the channel for calling for help.Five people stared wide-eyed at the old radio that was making noise.

The silence lasted for a few minutes, and Zhang Zheng broke the silence: "What are you doing, what noise are you making at night?" The irritable driver was already quite upset about being disturbed in his sleep.

Jiang Shan said, "Didn't you hear that?"

Zhao Ying: "..." Although she is no longer afraid of Jiang Shan, it doesn't mean she likes being woken up in the middle of the night to watch people go crazy.

Gao Wenwu: "...?"

Looking at everyone's expressions, Jiang Shan was finally a little surprised: "Didn't you hear that?"

Wei Yuan coughed dryly, and asked as politely as possible: "Ashan, what exactly do you want us to hear?"

In everyone's ears, what Jiang Shan has been playing is still a bunch of electronic noise.

It's more than just noise, it's even very harsh and irritating.Zhang Zheng couldn't help pointing at Jiang Shan: "It's late at night, what are you doing, let us hold a welcome ceremony for you?"

Jiang Shan finally said: "Someone is asking for help."

Everyone paused, and Zhao Ying's eyes seemed to be moved: "Help?"

Gao Wenwu frowned and listened carefully for a while: "No." Except for the noise, it was still noise.

Jiang Shan reached out and turned up the volume of the radio. In her ears, the cry for help was as deafening as a thunderstorm.

Zhao Ying covered her ears first, "Don't let go..." The eardrum seemed to be pierced.

Huge and sharp noise, really, no wonder the Beijing-Hong Kong Sub-district Office called for an end to noise pollution.

Zhang Zheng reached out and snatched the radio and turned it off. He couldn't bear it anymore: "Are you finished? If you are sick, go back to Songshan Hospital..."

"Zhang Zheng!" Wei Yuan lowered his voice.

Jiang Shan was not angry, and she would not get emotional because of such boring words, she just still looked at the few people in front of her and said: "He said he was trapped in the library, does anyone know where the library is? ?”

After Jiang Shan finished asking, everyone fell silent again.Zhao Ying also slowly put down her hands covering her ears.

It seemed that except for Jiang Shan, the other three all looked at Wei Yuan for a moment.

Wei Yuan's expression was also somewhat unclear at this time, and he stared at Jiang Shan again: "Did you hear that person said he was trapped in the library?"

Jiang Shan nodded.

So, where is the library?

Zhao Ying suddenly interjected: "There are too many libraries in the entire Beijing-Hong Kong city." This is like a coffee shop, a standard feature of urban life.

Trapped in the library, even if the call for help is true, there is no way to judge what area the trapped person is in based on this sentence.

"But the receiving range of the radio is limited." Wei Yuan said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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