
Chapter 69 Meteorite

Chapter 69 Meteorite
Zhang Zheng grabbed Jiang Shan: "Wait! What are you going to do?"

Jiang Shan said: "I want to go out to find out the situation." In fact, Jiang Shan wanted to catch up with the shadow of the human figure, because this was a rare opportunity to take the initiative, and she didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

Zhang Zheng never expected that Jiang Shan would have the guts to go out on his own initiative, did he want to die?

"You, you can't leave..." What should I do if you leave.Zhang Zheng didn't want to say such embarrassing words, he gritted his teeth, "Okay! Let me tell you."

Jiang Shan didn't expect Zhang Zheng to have such a style of painting, and the irritable driver really only had a hard-spoken mouth all over him.

"Our protective clothing is actually..." Zhang Zheng's last struggle was his voice getting lower and lower, but it was a pity that he was facing Jiang Shan, who had "smart ears and eyesight." "Meteorite."

With a calm face, Jiang Shan was sure that what he heard was the word meteorite.

"Meteorites can be used as protective clothing?" Jiang Shan thought, maybe he was bullying her for being uneducated?Can this thing be made into clothes?

Zhang Zheng looked unreasonable and short of breath. Now that he has said it, he can only explain it to the end: "The Murchison meteorite was discovered half a century ago. When this meteorite entered the earth's atmosphere, it was scattered into many fragments. These fragments It was sent to research institutions around the world, including our research institute."

Jiang Shan seemed to be listening to a popular science digest. Apart from being surprised, he also found it quite novel, "So the protective clothing is made of meteorite fragments? Why do you have to use meteorites?"

It's amazing to make clothes out of stones.

Zhang Zheng glared at the uneducated dead girl, "It is not necessary to use meteorites, but the Murchison meteorite is the oldest material studied at present... The protective clothing is the particles separated from the meteorite. , found that 60% of the grains in the meteorite were formed 3 million years or less before the formation of the solar system; and a small part of them, about 8% of the grains, were formed at least 10 billion years earlier than the formation of the solar system, Individuals are even earlier than 20 billion years..."

The oldest and the safest.This is what Wei Yuan said.Unless that eroding material is older than the existence of the Murchison meteorite.

Jiang Shan seemed to understand, but she nodded anyway, meaning she understood, "So you are really safe."

"That's necessary..." After Zhang Zheng finished speaking, he found that he seemed to be tricked. ,

Jiang Shan looked at him and smiled: "Then I don't need to protect you, you just need to hide so that you won't be found."

Zhang Zhengzhen has been hunting geese all year round, but Xiaoyan pecked at his eyes: "You stay here for me, and Old Wei will definitely come to save us!"

"Are you sure... Wei Yuan can come to rescue you?" Jiang Shan's expression was magical.Let me state first that she does not mean to discriminate against people with disabilities.

Zhang Zheng was so angry that he almost bit his tongue: "Old Wei can shake people. If he finds out that we haven't gone out, he will definitely recruit soldiers. As long as he shakes people, the Beijing-Hong Kong Guards will definitely give him face." Zhang Zheng is very confident.

Jiang Shan seemed to sigh.It's not that she doesn't believe that Wei Yuan will call for help, but how does he call?

It is impossible for the walkie-talkie and headset to reach the rescue center. If Wei Yuan drove back to call someone, they would most likely be cold when they arrived.

Last time at Songshan Hospital, it was because Wei Yuan happened to be having a meeting with a group of people, so he arrived in time.But now their group does not have the conditions at that time.

Jiang Shan said: "Even if the meteorite is really reliable, if you wait a few hours, you will be in danger due to dehydration."

Jiang Shan had seen Huo Qiyong who was dehydrated.

Wearing protective clothing can be said to be safe, or it can also be said to be put on shackles.The longer the shackles are worn, the more a person will be consumed.

This is the limitation of the human body.

Zhang Zheng didn't expect Jiang Shan to say that, he was stunned by his expression.In fact, he already felt a little dry, especially when he was dragged just now, his emotions and body were too exhausted, and he felt that his clothes were drenched with sweat.

"Moreover, the longer the delay, the more dangerous the situation for Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu will be." Jiang Shan said.

Zhang Zheng was silent.Teammates are a real weakness.

"Anyway," Jiang Shan said with a rare sense of sincerity in his tone, "This action was caused by me, and I don't want any of you to get hurt here."

So Jiang Shancai must take the initiative.

Different from the passive counterattack in Songshan Hospital, Jiang Shan has to do everything possible to take the initiative this time, so that he has the opportunity to think of a way to break through in this situation.And...Jiang Shan doesn't like to sit and wait for death. He sits and waits for his hopes to be pinned on others. He has already said that the probability of disappointment is very high.

Jiang Shan only wore a lighter headset, and threw the walkie-talkie to Zhang Zheng, "Hide here, don't move, don't make a sound, wait for me to give you the signal."

Zhang Zhenggang wanted to ask what the signal was, but Jiang Shan had already pulled the book in front of him out of an exit and crawled out.

Then he put a pile of books directly in front of Zhang Zheng's face.

Simply perfectly hidden.

Zhang Zheng: "..."

Jiang Shan tiptoed and started to follow in the direction where the shadow of the human figure disappeared just now. After taking two steps, he thought it was troublesome, so he took off his shoes.

Jiang Shan, who was wearing cotton socks, found a sense of familiarity.Well, it still feels better that way.

Jiang Shan started to be as quiet and quick as a cat. She could even find the right place to stay among the scattered piles of books. The human figure seemed to turn around the corner in front of her. There are two corners, showing a ring shape, Jiang Shan has seen this pattern in many ancient buildings.

The shadow turned at one of the corners and turned to the next one, and Jiang Shanmao chased after him.

There was another row of deep bookshelves, and Jiang Shan realized that the one that had been toppled just now turned out to be the tip of the iceberg. This library is really a huge collection of books, which is comparable to a maze.

Suddenly, Jiang Shan heard the sound of flipping a book.

She immediately hid behind a row of bookshelves, and the voice seemed to be on the opposite side of her.

A book opposite her was suddenly pulled out.

At that moment, Jiang Shan squatted down quickly, and there seemed to be a black "sight" looking over the gap that was removed.

Jiang Shan's breathing paused, and the "sight" didn't last long, and Jiang Shan heard the sound of pages turning again, as if there was really someone reading a book on the opposite side.

It's so weird. It's normal for someone to read a book in a library, but at this moment, it's just such a weird talk show.

Jiang Shan maintained a half-squatting posture, his legs were a little numb, but the "person" opposite was still turning the pages of the book patiently, Jiang Shan looked at the spine of books in front of him, suddenly stretched out his hand, and slowly took out a book come out.

In the exposed gap, Jiang Shan only saw a pitch-black arm, and the book was spread out in that hand.

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(End of this chapter)

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