
Chapter 71 My body is gone

Chapter 71 My body is gone
A piercing electric sound came out from Jiang Shan's neck struggling: "Hiss~ah... I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

The sudden scream froze Jiang Shan, who was hiding behind the bookshelf and concentrating on how to sneak attack. He never expected that the radio, which had been mute since entering the library, rang at this moment. The piercing voice It resounded through the entire quiet library in an instant, and the sound effect was like a corridor of terror.

It's fucking... amazing.

Seeing the human figure opposite, the "body" froze suddenly.Yes, even if it's just the outline of a human figure, Jiang Shan can actually see the movement of freezing.

Jiang Shan groaned inwardly, and in the next second she met a pair of dark "eyes".

To describe it accurately, there are no eyes, only holes.The "person" was looking at her through the gap in the book.

While Jiang Shan was stunned, the books next to his face were suddenly scattered, and at the same time, a black arm pierced through the bookshelf.

The long fingers grabbed Jiang Shan.

Jiang Shan admitted that she was intimidated, and she swayed to avoid the "arm", then immediately covered the radio in her neck, and ran away.

The hand of the humanoid shadow retracted, but soon it chased from the direction running towards Jiang Shan!
The radio in the neck is still shouting hoarsely:
"Hiss, hiss~~ I don't want, I don't want to die...ah!"

"Me? Why am I not dead yet?"

Jiang Shan was extremely speechless. The people on the radio wanted to die for a while and didn't want to die for a while. Do you want to die or don't you want to die?

Concerned about running for his life, Jiang Shan ran for two steps and had to look back, because the human figure had no footsteps, and Jiang Shan couldn't even listen to the sound to judge the position, so he could only escape in such a funny and awkward posture.

This is really outrageous. Open the door to Outrageous. Outrageous is home.

The speed of the human-shaped shadow is unbelievably fast. Now Jiang Shan shuttled between the bookshelves. She seemed to have gotten rid of the human-shaped shadow several times, but it didn't take long for "he" to find herself again.

Jiang Shan used him as the address, and she subconsciously felt that this human figure must be a man, and from that figure and gait, he was a very agile adult man.

"Why? Why on earth is this?" The radio began to ask frantically.

Yes, why, Jiang Shan now wants someone to come out and explain to her.

"How can I die!?" The voice on the radio became a little hideous.

Obviously before, he was still saying that he didn't want to die, so why is he asking how to die now.

Suddenly the radio started to speak nonsensically: "Today, two naughty children broke into the rest area of ​​the library and threw the books all over the floor... I really want to clean up for their parents, they are not educated now There are more and more children."

Jiang Shan used two things at once, he heard his heart beating faster and faster, and felt a kind of urgency to rush out of his chest.

She will be tired. If she keeps running at such a high speed, her body will not be able to bear it.But in the case of humanoid shadows, it seems not.

Jiang Shan fully realized at this moment that no matter how human this thing looks, it is not human anymore.

Jiang Shan understands that she can't just play cat and mouse, she needs to find a way to end this chasing.

"There are fewer and fewer people coming to the library. I clean it spotlessly every day and arrange the books neatly. Why, gradually, they stop coming?"

"Only homeless people come here every day, lying in the rest area to sleep, this is a library, a place to read, how can they sleep?"

"I drove the homeless man away. He scolded me at the door as an old man. Sooner or later, I will be as old and dead as this library. No one cares about it..."

"My wife called me a heartbreaker and decided to divorce me."

"My daughter said that what she hates the most is me and my library. But when she was young, her favorite thing was to let me sit on my lap with her in my arms and listen to me reading novels and interesting books to her. story... At that time, she wanted to spend the whole day in the library."

"Everyone seems to have changed, everyone has left."

"I really want to die, but I don't want to die... I want to see someone come in the library again one day..."

Jiang Shan felt as if she had eaten Coptis chinensis, what a sad and tragic story it was, which made her not firm in her escape.

For the first time she wanted to turn off the radio.

"Why haven't I died yet? Why?" The voice seemed to be filled with endless confusion and panic.

"I've looked through the library books and I can't find the answer..."

Jiang Shan turned her head and found that the human figure was very close to her, and the shadow stretched out its hand, as if it could touch Jiang Shan at any time.

The small universe in Jiang Shan's heart was really on the verge of exploding, she didn't even think about it, her whole body suddenly jumped up, and her two hands directly grabbed the upper bookshelf.

Like a nimble spider, Jiang Shan climbed up the high bookshelf with all four legs, and climbed to the top floor in an instant.

The human figure on the ground seemed to freeze for two seconds. He kept his head up and looked at Jiang Shan on the top of the bookshelf.

After Jiang Shan climbed up, he also took a deep breath. Climbing a bookshelf is similar to climbing a window.At this time, she opened her eyes wide and saw that the bookshelves on the entire floor of the library were lined up under her feet. Be good, this perspective is like a holographic game.

She turned her head and glanced down, but the human figure was still in place, which made Jiang Shan suddenly get a new way to play.

She stood directly on the top of the bookshelf and took a step towards the bookshelf in front of her.

Now Jiang Shan is high above, stepping on all the bookshelves and scurrying around, the human-shaped shadow can only chase on the ground, but the sense of urgency of such a chase is gone in an instant, Jiang Shan seems to be standing in a higher dimension watching the ground move The creatures that go are as novel as they come.

After dancing for a while, she suddenly stopped moving, and slowly squatted down on top of a bookshelf.

Since the shadow couldn't come up for the time being, she needed to take the opportunity to take a good rest.

The radio in the neck rang again at this time: "It seems that no one will find me. It turns out that death is also an extravagant wish. I didn't want to die before, so stupid... Why is all this?!"

"My body, my body is gone, why am I still alive?!"

A roar like a scream made Jiang Shan really goosebumps. She held the radio in her hand, her fingertips and scalp were a little numb.

What does it mean that the body is gone...the person is not dead yet?She thought she was well-informed enough, but the words on the radio became more and more terrifying.

The human figure stopped under the bookshelf, "looking" at Jiang Shan motionlessly with his neck raised in a strange posture.

 Thank you for your monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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