
Chapter 83

Chapter 83
The radio kept ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking, ticking, like a person dying: " me..."

Zhang Zheng was startled by the sudden sound, and his whole body stiffened subconsciously.

Jiang Shan turned his head to look at the human-shaped shadow, but there was no abnormality for the time being, and no black hand grabbed it.The noise of the radio is not judged as loud noise, as long as it is not artificially made, it is not considered a violation.

"Help me... Zila Zila Zila daughter..."

daughter?Jiang Shan heard something different for the first time, did he mean his daughter just now?

"Help me." After the current sound was interrupted several times, Jiang Shan couldn't hear it anymore, "My daughter...!"

After connecting, save my daughter?
Jiang Shan was stunned, feeling that the person on the radio kept calling for help, and the call for help for a long time was not to save himself, but to save his daughter?

"My daughter, like sand..." A voice like a sigh.

Jiang Shan suddenly heard these familiar words.Her face changed slightly.

Then there was a feeling of unstable signal on the radio, as if there was some interference, "She, she doesn't know me anymore, even if I stand in front of her, she seems to be looking at a stranger."

"It's so painful, why? Is this really my punishment?"

"Who can save my daughter? Save, I want to save... save..."

Jiang Shan simply turned up the radio. This was her bold attempt. Anyway, it was not judged as loud noise, and the volume didn't matter at all.

Zhang Zheng suddenly said, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Shan told him not to make noise, and at the same time tried hard to distinguish normal human voices from the noise. After a long time, he finally heard the voice again: "This is the library. All the books I have collected all my life are here. There must be, there must be help. My daughter's way."

"I searched all the books, I finally found a way to save my daughter..."

Very good, how to save and where to save.

Jiang Shan was a little anxious when he heard it, and he seemed to be panting every time, so couldn't he get to the point quickly?

"The manuscript, that manuscript says, as long as I @%吹吹吹 can ##%%喵喜喵."

The interference from the radio seemed to be stronger, and the people inside seemed to be trying their best to break through some kind of restriction, and finally there seemed to be a final tearing scream at the top of their throats: "Go, the basement!"

to the basement?

Then the radio went silent again as if it had run out of power.It's really like a convulsion, with a burst of convulsions from time to time.

But this time, Jiang Shan felt a little different. She heard a different clue, the basement.

Does this library have a basement?
Jiang Shan frowned and thought, but she and Zhang Zheng's search area came directly upstairs, and did not stay on the first floor. If there is a basement, there should be an entrance somewhere on the first floor.

Then can I ask Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu who searched on the first floor...

At this moment, Jiang Shan suddenly felt a chilling sight coming from the side.

Jiang Shan turned back abruptly, and found a human figure standing quietly not far away at some point, as if quietly "watching" her.The human-shaped shadow was tall and silent, and its oppressive force seemed to attack Jiang Shan overwhelmingly. Just when Jiang Shan was alert and thought that there was going to be another big battle, the human-shaped shadow left.

Just go.

Jiang Shan felt terrified. What was he doing? If he violated the rules, he would violate the rules. If he didn’t violate the rules, he wouldn’t violate the rules.
The walkie-talkie in front of Zhang Zheng's chest suddenly beeped twice, and at the same time there were all kinds of loud booming sounds, and those who didn't know it thought it was an earthquake.

Zhao Ying's voice sounded hurried and flustered: "'They' are chasing after you! They are chasing you!"

It really is a wave of unrest.

Zhang Zheng was startled by the loud voice, why did he suddenly dare to shout like that?

There was a muffled groan from inside, and then Zhao Ying said, "Gao Wenwu! Hold on!"

Zhang Zheng is not calm anymore: "...What's going on? What's wrong with you?!"

On the walkie-talkie, it was obvious that the two were running desperately, and there were constant sounds of something collapsing.But in this library, there are only books and bookshelves.

Jiang Shan grabbed the walkie-talkie, "What rule did you violate?"

It shouldn't be, it's only such a short time, and under the circumstances that Jiang Shan has already informed, Gao Wenwu and Zhao Ying are not reckless and impulsive people, unlike Zhang Zheng.

"Zhao Ying's book was dropped, and she was convicted of destroying and polluting books." Gao Wenwu's voice still sounded rational.

Destroying and polluting books is the last one among the rules, and it is also the most serious one that is subtly different from the others.

The others are expulsions, only this one is permanent expulsion.

Jiang Shan was startled. She had been thinking about this for a long time before, trying to figure out what "permanent expulsion" would mean. Now hearing the news from Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu, she was obviously not optimistic.

Zhao Ying seemed to be running out of breath, and there was still a trace of panic: "Jiang Shan, I found out...these books in the library, some of them have recently wrapped covers, and the glue on the books has not yet dried... ..."

This also means that until Jiang Shan and the others came in, there were still "people" who were packing these books one by one.

This is the reason why Zhao Ying's book suddenly fell from her hand just now. It wasn't because she had a sudden cramp, but because she discovered it. She saw that the film on the page in her hand was newly wrapped.She even got some glue on her fingers.

"I'll wipe..." Zhang Zheng said coldly.Think about what kind of picture this is.

Gao Wenwu was obviously leading Zhao Ying to break through.

"I can only fight hard!" Gao Wenwu's voice was hurried and strangely calm, "There are no rules, there are no so-called real rules here!"

It's not that they don't want to follow the rules, it's that they simply can't.


But how do you beat someone who can't see at all.Not to mention that these humanoid shadows seem to have superhuman strength and speed.

Soon there was the sound of the body being knocked into the air, accompanied by Zhao Ying's scream: "Let him go!"

At the beginning, the voice cleverly caught the timid Zhao Ying and made her foul once, but Gao Wenwu stopped her from repeating the tricks. Obviously the voice was very angry now, and all the blame turned to Gao Wenwu. Carry out precise retaliation.

Gao Wenwu's pained groan kept coming through the walkie-talkie.

"Stop it!" Zhao Ying had already begun to cry.

Boom!There was another sound of bookshelves collapsing and books falling.

Gao Wenwu's voice was still guiding in the severe pain: "The window! I remember it is in this direction, Zhao Ying, don't stop...keep running forward!"

Gao Wenwu obviously hoped that as long as Zhao Ying could escape.

Jiang Shan is holding the walkie-talkie, the window?Are they looking for windows?
There was a heavy panting and faint footsteps.

A flash of light flashed across Jiang Shan's heart like lightning, and she only had time to shout: "Don't go!" Don't go to the window!

But before Zhao Ying and Gao Wenwu could speak, another loud crash was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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