
Chapter 91 The Shadow of Obsession

Jiang Shan sat cross-legged opposite her father's shadow. She actually had a hunch from the first "chasing game" that every time the radio made a sound, it was almost always when her father's shadow was nearby.

Including those suggestive sentences, he kept mentioning the key word "daughter".

A lot of weird points are connected at once. No matter what this "father" was thinking about in his last life, even now, he is still trying to convey the message to the outside world.

Jiang Shan doesn't have a father, so he can't appreciate the greatness of this kind of fatherly love, but there are many exaggerations in film and television dramas. Perhaps this is the deepest obsession of human beings-family affection.

"My friends and I are stuck here." Jiang Shan couldn't be moved now, "I also have a teammate who just lost her father. It's not just your daughter who needs to be saved. If you want to save people, I think You should give more information."

Knowing it with reason and moving it with emotion, Jiang Shan never thought that he would be able to say that.

"Or, you unblock the library and let us go out?" It's also a way to make them jump out of the window.

The humanoid shadow remained unmoved, like an indifferent statue.Obviously just now he was willing to help Jiang Shan escape from his daughter, but now he is indifferent to Jiang Shan's words.

Jiang Shan gave up, obviously even being a shadow is not so easy to fool, (father) the help of the human shadow is conditional.

Everything should be based on cooperation.

And now how long the daughter will sleep deeply, I don't know.

The radio on his chest suddenly beeped twice again.

Jiang Shan: "?? Can you express it more clearly, I really don't understand."

"Zi zi~ zi."

"Can we change the communication method, be more direct? Tell me the answer?"

As a result, Dad Ying stopped talking directly, his silence was like gold.

Jiang Shan: "..."

No matter how hard she tries to understand, there is still a communication barrier, and whether it is through the radio or the headset, it seems to a certain extent that the communication between them and the shadow is not arbitrary, but must follow certain rules. some restrictions.

And these restrictions cannot be broken.

Jiang Shan once again conjectured, maybe this shadow can't talk directly, but can only—repeat?
Repeat something you said before you were alive?

This seems to explain it, Dad Shadow didn't intend to play charades, those words sounded confusing and illogical, just because he could only convey those complicated meanings through repetition and repetition.

Even the library rules...should have existed before he was alive, so Father Shadow could keep playing it, playing it constantly.

It's probably like, a top-level language master with a vocabulary of [-] meets a poor Xiaobai with a vocabulary of only a few hundred. No matter how good the boss is and how hard Xiaobai works, the two cannot communicate together. .

Jiang Shan put the radio between her and the shadow, "You can only repeat, yes or no."


Jiang Shan understands that the speed and strength of the shadow are so incredible, but the thinking and language have degenerated to a certain extent, it is hard to say whether this is evolution or degeneration.

"You are all corrupted people, yes or no."

The second question was so sharp, the radio was silent for a long time this time, but Jiang Shan was patient.

Actually stuck here, all that's left is patience.


Jiang Shan waited for the answer she wanted, and this time she was silent for a long time, "The basement... is there really a way to save your daughter? Yes, or no."


Jiang Shan was about to speak, when suddenly the radio rang again, "Zi Zi."

? ?What does this mean?
Jiang Shan could only ask again: "Yes, or not?"

How can there be ambiguous answers?
As a result, the radio was silent again, and after a long time, there was another sound, "Zi."

Then after two seconds, it was "Zi Zi."

Jiang Shan: "..." I just communicated a few words, brother, isn't it very good for you to be like this.Why yes and no can exist at the same time.

Jiang Shan can only substitute himself again, under what circumstances will he give a vague and double-standard answer, unless he is not sure about the result.

But the human-shaped shadow has already found the so-called "manuscript", and the "Zi" in the first answer was very fast, at least it should be regarded as a sign of certainty, otherwise he could have "Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi ~" or a random string Turbulent sounds can express this uncertainty and not knowing.

Hundreds of Jiang Shan's brain cells died, she suddenly flickered her eyes, and looked at the opposite shadow: "Is this method not considered salvation, but... indeed, it has protected your daughter to a certain extent." ?--Yes or no."

Soon, "Zi." After this time, there was no ambiguity.

This answer can be said to be the most surprising. Jiang Shan seemed to overthrow the five-flavored bottle in his heart, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Jiang Shan's chest suddenly began to rise and fall, "Could it be that your current state...or state, is a kind of 'protection'?"

Jiang Shan suddenly thought of the bookshelf with crooked pinyin engraved on it. In that pile of pinyin, there was actually only one English word sandwiched.


This word seems so, alternative, abrupt.

It is true that Jiang Shan has never learned English, but she knows this word. She has seen and heard it countless times in various film and television dramas.

save, save, protect.Thought it was literally, but actually?
Jiang Shan was a little afraid to ask: "Yes, or not?"


This sound broke all Jiang Shan's fantasies, she felt the sweat on her arms ooze out, what?The current state of inhumanity is actually a kind of preservation and protection?

This father kept talking about saving his daughter and saving his daughter, but the so-called saving turned out to be to lock his daughter and himself in a dark library like this?

Jiang Shan felt chills all over her body, and she asked Zhao Ying and the others before whether all the corrupted people continued to exist in this form. It turned out not at all, it was not as simple as she thought!
"Whose manuscript did you find? Since you found it, why did you let me and my teammates go to the basement?"

Jiang Shan found out that she might have been fooled. She trusted this "father" too much preconceivedly, and asked Zhao Ying and the others to find the way to the basement. Now she found that the other party might have led them to a road of no return!

Jiang Shan stood up suddenly, grabbed the radio and wanted to run away.She has to hurry to meet Zhao Ying and the others. Whether it's a daughter or a father, they are not good things!

Believe you big head ghost!She is so bewitched!
The radio in Jiang Shan's hand began to scream crazily within a few steps, and the shadow of his father who seemed to be "dying" suddenly sprang up, and his arms swelled and grabbed Jiang Shan's calf.


The tone on the radio suddenly became eerie.

I will fill in the details of words in the previous chapters

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