Chapter 15 [015] Who teaches whom

However, not long after Xie Yin resigned, those two boys made a comeback.

Probably because of Chu Yan's request, Shi Jin had to be taught a lesson no matter what.

"You were lucky just now, but now, no one can help you as a waste." The words gritted his teeth in a low voice from one of the mouths.

His vision was blocked by the two of them, Shi Jin looked up at their fierce eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid of being seen by my sister if you come here so blatantly?"

The two laughed grimly: "The training match can't be stopped until the end, so what if she sees it, do you think she will help you out?"

Shi Jin was a little bored.

On the first day of school today, I was picked on three times in a row.

Chu Yan, Ling Shuang, and the two present.

She stood up, took a deep breath and said, "Those two, let's solve it in another place, okay?"

I didn't expect Shi Jin to be so straightforward this time, the two were startled, and then warned in a low voice: "Don't play tricks!"

Shi Jin sneered and said, "I'm a waste of mental power, how can I be capable?"

After the two listened, there was a bit of contempt in their eyes.

At that time, the parents and daughters entered the military academy through the back door because of their family relationship, and they repeated the grade twice in a row. There is really no need to be vigilant for such waste.

"You go in the middle." One person said.

The two boys, one in front and one behind, trapped Shi Jin in the middle to prevent the girl from running away halfway.

But this approach is superfluous, and she doesn't want to run away this time.

Some guys are just cheap, don't give me a little pain, I really don't know how to write respect.

The figures of the three disappeared on the observation platform.

Floor-to-ceiling windows on the fourth floor of the venue provide unobstructed views of the entire training ground.

And beside the window, the black-haired boy holding a document lowered his eyes to the direction where the three disappeared.

Xie Yinci's eyes were indifferent, cold and calm, and there was no wave in the black pupils. He seemed to have no intention of paying attention to the scene where the girl was taken away.

The young man's expression was no longer as gentle as before. When there was no one else around, he was completely different from the personable and warm-hearted appearance just now.

When someone knocked on the door of the office, Xie Yinci changed back to that gentle smile, and said in a spring-like tone: "Please come in."

The boy who opened the door wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looked handsome.

Seeing the person coming, Xie Yin asked with a smile: "It's the time, what's the matter?"

Shi Zhu pushed his glasses, his expression was indifferent, and his voice was calm: "Hello, President, I have a consultant to ask, do those who were unable to participate in this competition due to unexpected circumstances before have a chance to play in an extra match?"

Hearing this question, the black-haired boy understood instantly. He walked to the desk and sat down, with an elegant posture, his white hands lightly resting on the table, propping his head, and pursing his lips, he said, "You are here for Shi Ye's business. of?"

Shi Shi nodded: "He is looking forward to this competition, but he is temporarily injured and needs to rest at home for two days. This preliminary competition will last until Friday, so he asked me to ask you if it is possible to give him an extra match. field."

Xie Yin said: "Generally speaking, this is not in compliance with the regulations."

"Understood, I will tell Xiao Ye." Shi Ju said.

"However—" the black-haired boy suddenly changed the subject: "Your brother can participate in the exhibition game after all the competition procedures are over."

Shi Jing was slightly startled, then smiled lightly and said, "Thank you, Xiao Ye will be very happy."

"Actually, before you came to ask me, another person asked me." Xie Yinci stared at him, "You should know who it is."

"...Chu Lian?" Shi Ju raised his eyebrows.

Xie Yinci nodded: "As the president, I can't be biased. The balance in my hand must be straight, so since Shi Ye can participate, I can only agree to Chu Yan's side. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Shi Chou said, "Xiao Ye has had a long-standing grudge with Chu Yan before, so it's okay to let them have a good fight by taking advantage of this opportunity."

"That's it, let's arrange it like this." Xie Yinci smiled.

Shi Jin followed them all the way to the secluded path behind the teaching building.

There are no people here, and it belongs to the blank area covered by electronic eyes.

Unexpectedly, there was an abandoned mecha parked in the open space next to the path.

The mecha was put here for some unknown purpose. It was covered in rust and stains. Compared with the mechas currently on the market, its shape and function seemed too old, like an antique.

She looked left and right, and after confirming that no one was coming, she immediately stopped.

It just so happened that the two boys also felt that it was almost the same, turned around and sneered at the girl, "Shi Jin, if you want to blame you, you can only blame yourself for provoking someone you shouldn't have."

There's no need to be too serious about dealing with a girl who doesn't have a mecha to motivate her. Chu Yan asked them to teach Shi Jin a lesson, and just let the other party have a bruised nose and a swollen face.

They don't have any notion in their hearts that they are not allowed to hit women. For many things, hands-on is the easiest way.

Just as she was about to reach out and grab Shi Jin's neckline, she suddenly opened her mouth, pointed at the rusty mecha beside her and asked, "Is this placed on purpose?"

The raised hand stopped in the air, and the boy frowned, "Why are you asking this?"

Shi Jin: "I'm just curious, I'm going to get beaten anyway, hurry up, tell me, I'll deal with you more lightly later."


As soon as those somewhat arrogant words came out, they immediately aroused their anger, "What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Shi Jin's neckline was pulled hard, and a fist hit his face immediately!
However, at that moment, a strong electric current suddenly spread from the hand that was holding Shi Jin to his whole body, and he couldn't help screaming in pain, and was forced to let go.


The other person was stunned by the sound, thinking it was Shi Jin's counterattack, so he kicked him.

But he didn't expect the girl's movements to be more sensitive. When the outstretched hand grabbed his wrist, the tingling pain was instantly transmitted to all limbs, and his feet were so weak that he fell to the ground in response!

There was a sizzling electric sound in their ears, and the two were in pain. They looked at the girl in front of them incredulously, but Shi Jin pretended to be surprised, as if he didn't quite understand the origin of this sudden situation, and even asked hypocritically: "What's wrong with you? Didn't you want to hit me? Why did you kneel down suddenly?"

The two struggled to get up, and wanted to attack Shi Jin, but before they raised their fists, another wave of strong electric current made them fall to the ground again!
--What's the matter? !
It stands to reason that their uniforms can protect their bodies from electric current, unless the voltage in this area has exceeded the limit of chip protection!

But if that's the case, why is there nothing wrong with Shi Jin? !
Shi Jin looked at their expressions, blinked, then suddenly squatted down, and asked, "Are you wondering why I'm fine?"


Seeing the hate and unwillingness of the two, she smiled and continued: "In the past, if you did something bad, you would be punished by the gods, and the way the gods punish others is to use lightning strikes."

"It's just that it's the interstellar era, so it's replaced with electric current."

After finishing speaking, she smiled and stretched out her hand to touch the heads of the two, whispering softly: "Next time, if you come to trouble me again, it will not be as simple as slapping and slapping—do you understand?"


(End of this chapter)

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